Thanks for the civility

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Mar 9, 2011
Central Pennsylvania
This isn't really B-P specific, but I wanted to express my appreciation for the civility and maturity shown by members of this forum.

When I posted picture here of my 1851 Navy revolvers and the pictures were too large to be easily viewed, members told me so, but in a nice constructive way. Believe me, every place on the internet isn't that nice.

Here are a few examples of posts I've gotten on Reddit and on my YouTube channel. I'll edit the language for you all, but believe me, I got it full bore:

"Hey. Hey. You. Yeah, you. D-bag.
Post the make and model of the guns you're posting."

"you are truly retarded if you compare this to a 9mm a 51 navy colt would make a 9mm look like a spitball shooter"

"When you're "out in bear country"? Isn't that kind of far away from your snacks and recliner chair?"

"besides being a camera hog , the only thing duelist1954 needs to improve on is stashing himself a few more MRE's in that bandaid box...."

"I love when fat white men dress up in western clothing."

"Jesus, you need to lay off the french fries dude!"

"man you are one fat dude !"

"You are a f___ing fat f__k"

...well, you get the picture...

I really appreciate that there is none of that trash here.
Don't freed the trolls over there Mike, I follow your youtube channel and enjoy it very much. I have seen the kind of abuse all gun channels get over there, but spotlighting it in any way seems to be a badge of honour for those type of people.

I use to think it was just kids back when the net was young, but now I am not so sure. Just know that most of your audience appreciate you very very much. Thank you Sir!!
The anonymity of the internet really lets the bad part of some people shine through doesn't it.

I don't think you get that kind of stuff from real enthusiast.

I enjoy all of your videos, thanks.
I find your work professionally and your play on You tube outstanding. I know what you mean about the folks that have nothing better to do than attack a persons body fat index, they can be annoying.

Check your PMs.

Wow! There are some real, bottom of the barrel illiterate morons on YouTube. I'm always amazed by the stupidity displayed in the comments. That's what happens when children have unsupervised internet access.

I got the same treatment on GM truck site. It's something really special when an 18yr old goes on a rant about how dumb you are.
Pay them no mind....your subscribers are happy (this I know) tell em, have a coke and a smile! :evil:
Nothing like keyboard muscles.

It's called the high road for a reason, D-bag free.
You know, when I've read comments like the above, I've always wondered, "would the individual typing them have the intestinal fortitude to say them in person".

I know that civility, respect and polite speech have been decreasing in our society, but it makes me wonder if the root cause isn't the lack of parental control when people are kids. Had I acted incorrectly, either by deed or speech, I would have been "corrected" by my parents. And it didn't matter if it was at home or in public (hey public probably worked better as it had the embarassment factor involved).

I recently watched a child, at a major theme park, throw a tantrum. He screamed at, kicked, hit and ran away from his mother. She ended up trying to "calm him down" by talking to him and eventually managed to lead him out of the park. So sad. This little guy will likely grow up without any sense of right or wrong.
Everyone's a badass online.
Manners are, unfortunately, lost on most people under 30.
Levi is a great exception to the rule.
Mike, I've always enjoyed reading your articles and threads, and watching your videos.
Your videos are some of the VERY few I will watch on Goobtube.

I appreciate your knowledge and your willingness to share it.

"You're an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea."
Ignore the keyboard commandos. Anonymity promotes a toughness not practiced in public.
Rest assured that the majority of your viewers have nothing but respect for your passion and enthusiasm. Also appreciation for the time and effort you put into your video's.

I'm certain you've put many more smiles on viewers faces than frown's.

Stay as you are and keep those video's coming.
It's alot easier to criticize from the bleachers than it is to play on the field.
Your videos are one of the FEW redeeming qualities of Goobtube. Most of that site seems to be idiots putting their idiocy on display, and their fanboys fawning over them.

If not for Goobtube, those idiots would be playing Dungeons and Dragons in their Grandmas' basements, out of sight/out of mind, where they belong.
Mike, your videos are a great service to us here on THR. Not only do we get to hear about the history of whatever gun you are shooting you make it interesting too, that isn't seen a lot in most youtube channels I've seen. I haven't seen Hickok45 take apart a Lemat and load cap and ball revolvers close up.

By the way, I use your method of nail and dowel shotshell loading all the time, great stuff! In fact I've got a box of BP .410's that I made for a buddy of mine, we are going to shoot them today.

There's always going to be D-bags on Youtube, I'm on the opposite side of the weight spectrum because I don't eat enough, people call me things all the time. I say ignore it and keep up the good work! :)

And thanks for taking the time to send me a reply to my question last week, I appreciate that!

Honestly, this is why I disable comments and ratings on my YouTube videos. People behind a keyboard can be quite immature. I got tired of the 12 and 13 year olds commenting on every video I posted using broken English, cursing, etc.
I tend to leave the option of comments open on my videos, they can be entertaining simply because of the idiocy of some of them.

You take a LOT of time producing and editing your videos and it shows. As someone who has put a few up I know it's not that easy to make one that actually flows well, which yours do. Don't disable your comments simply because of a few idiots, if I'm not mistaken you can delete just about any comment you wish.

I wish I could remember who said it so I'll para-phrase the quote and attempt not to crucify it too bad. "'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak (type in this case) and remove all doubt". Was it Mark Twain??
Don't sweat it!!

Hey, man.

Your reviews are informative, professional, and just really good in general. Keep 'em coming. I hadn't seen any of them until I read this post. I will watch more.

I used to play music in a band in my late 30's, and I can tell you this: Rock and Roll is in the eye of the beholder. My band played and wrote the music we liked. We actually had quite a few fans for a bunch of middle aged, ahem...portly, thin-haired guys. Some would make fun of us, I guess for rockin' at that age. But, you know what, rock and roll is all about breaking down barriers about what you SHOULD be doing. So many people criticize when they themselves are doing NOTHING. They are afraid of criticism, so they never venture anything along the lines of putting something out there, be it music, gun reviews, get my point. BUT, jealousy and feelings of inferiority drive them to make sport of those who do. It's cowardly, and it is armchair quarterbacking.

I told you that to tell you this, keep doin' your thang, brother. You enjoy doing it and most people who view you like what you're doing. To Hades with the my mind, you are rock and rollin'. So, go on with your bad self.
You know, when I've read comments like the above, I've always wondered, "would the individual typing them have the intestinal fortitude to say them in person".

I know that civility, respect and polite speech have been decreasing in our society, but it makes me wonder if the root cause isn't the lack of parental control when people are kids. Had I acted incorrectly, either by deed or speech, I would have been "corrected" by my parents. And it didn't matter if it was at home or in public (hey public probably worked better as it had the embarassment factor involved).

I recently watched a child, at a major theme park, throw a tantrum. He screamed at, kicked, hit and ran away from his mother. She ended up trying to "calm him down" by talking to him and eventually managed to lead him out of the park. So sad. This little guy will likely grow up without any sense of right or wrong.
Aspergers syndrome would explain this behaivor. Wasn't there so cant say for sure but it is a possible explanation. No stern talking to, medication or manners lesson can rewire autistic brains.
Just a friendly heads up, next time you see a young child screaming with a suspiciously calm parent it might be due to Autism spectrum disorders.
Or its just piss poor parenting.... :)
Sorry for the minor forum violation but Ive been in that woman's place and have seen the looks and heard the muttered comments, its a sore spot.
Cheers all!
Don't thank us Mike. Ours is jist THR way.
Your dedication to the hobby is clearly evident and greatly appreciated.Those that can't see and understand/appreciate that's thier loss.
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Just a friendly heads up, next time you see a young child screaming with a suspiciously calm parent it might be due to Autism spectrum disorders.
Or its just piss poor parenting....
Most likely the latter. My brother in law is a high functioning autistic and he's never acted like that. What that child needs is a good ass-beating. The behavior we see on YouTube is the product of this liberal, hands-off parenting that's plagued our country over the last few decades. Children are like terrorists, they're not to be negotiated with. (tongue in cheek.....sort of) ;)
@Craig C i agree,if i acted how kids do today (and i am only 21 btw) i would have gotten my Ass spanked!Duelist i am a fan of your videos,pay no attention to the people posting the hateful comments,as they are either very young,immature,or just saying those things to sound ''cool'' or make themselves feel better as they don't have all the awesome guns you do.Keep up the good work!

Edit: I like the video you added showing the Fowler made by Tennessee Valley Muzzleloader,as i am from Eastern Tennessee lol.
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Thanks for all the kind words guys. I honestly appreciate that you enjoy the videos and the magazine articles, but now I feel like I was fishing for compliments.

I was just venting. The "D-bag" comment really got under my skin. I mean, really, how hard would it have been to post, "Would you list the make and model of the guns in the picture.", instead of being a vulgar jerk?

Most people on the internet are nice folks, and my subscribers are a good group, but you're right, the anonymity of the internet allows people who are jerks to unleash with impunity.

There are some very good boards, of which THR is a great example, and CAS City is another, where I rarely if ever see that sort of boorish behavior. Maybe it is because folks here are pretty serious about the sport, and maybe there are a few more gray hairs here.

The places where I see the most rudeness, like Reddit, are dominated by younger folks. But that doesn't explain away everything. One of the nastiest comments I got on YouTube was from a 62 year old guy. So immaturity is more than just a number.

At any rate, thanks for being a great bunch of people, and making this an informative, family-friendly place to visit.
duelist1954, it's a fact that God loves a--holes cause he gave each and everyone of us one...he loved them so much he even made some that can walk around by themselves...ignore them, you know what comes out of them!!
One of the nastiest comments I got on YouTube was from a 62 year old guy. So immaturity is more than just a number.
That's definitely true. I've had at least a handful of nasty PM's from folks old enough to know better right here on THR. I decided a long time ago that I would never say anything online that I would not say in person. Lots of people don't practice that.
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