The Empty Holster Gathering, Brighton, Colorado

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
The Empty Holster Gathering
by Rick Stanley

"With the Passion of Christ and God as my witness," Rick Stanley says, "fill 'em up." "I paid 102 days in the Adams County Jail for the right of every law abiding American Citizen in Colorado, to openly carry a weapon, anywhere, in any city of Colorado per SB-25, the Colorado State Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment of our national Constitution's Bill of Rights. That's right. I paid for that right with those 102 days in jail in Brighton, Colorado."

June 19th through June 26th, 2004, in Brighton, Colorado, the "EMPTY HOLSTER GATHERING" of gun activists from across America, will convene to observe the First Amendment violation trial of Rick Stanley, in Brighton at the Adams County Justice Center June 21st to the 25th. Rick Stanley was arrested, thrown in jail for 102 days in Brighton, Adams County, for exercising his constitutional right to openly carry a weapon in Thornton and Denver. After serving notice to two Adams County judges that his rights were being violated by the jail time, Stanley was arrested for "Influencing a Public Official," because he had filed a pleading to the Courts citing the unconstitutional actions of the judges, advising them that they could be arrested for this illegal action. Stanley has hired a legal team from two law firms in the Denver area, to defend his First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievance. Scott Reisch of the Denver Reisch Law Firm will head the team of lawyers from the law offices of David Calvert in Greenwood Village. Brett Davies and John Fuller from Calvert's firm will complete the legal team.

The group from have decided to converge on Adams County for the Empty Holster Gathering, to support Rick Stanley in his upcoming trial. Outraged that Stanley is charged with a potential 12 to 32 year prison sentence, for the two felony charges of "Influencing a Public Official," Fred Cummins of the USA.N.V.I.L. group organized the event to bring attention to the injustice of Stanley's arrest, jail time and new charges.

When told of the "Empty Holster Gathering," Stanley said, "Fill 'em up." Fill those holsters with lawful weapons of choice. I paid 102 days in jail for that right, and I urge every American to lawfully exercise the right to openly carry a weapon in Brighton, Colorado during the Empty Holster Gathering. While Stanley is out of jail on a $25,000 bond and unable to possess a weapon because of the special conditions imposed by the court, Stanley will wear an empty holster throughout the trial, but urges the Empty Holster Gathering to "Fill 'em up" per the state constitution, SB-25 and our 2nd Amendment rights.

Mr. Stanley went on to say, "I hope every law abiding gun owning citizen will come to this event in Brighton, Adams County, to show judges of this country that our right to keep and bear arms and our First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances are 'fundamental' rights not to be granted to Americans as 'privileges,' by judges operating outside the boundaries established in the Constitution under the fraud of 'color of law.' This event will establish once and for all, that Americans will not tolerate 'judicial activism' or the 'Police State of America.'"
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