The Governemnt is pricing us out of ammo.

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Oct 2, 2007
Elgin, IL
The DoD has been ordered to turn once used ammo into scrap instead of selling it to ammunition manufactures.
This is an assault on ALL ammuntion and will greatly increase the price of all ammo- even if your just a skeet/trap shooter.
Please see this message on the Georgia Arms website.

NOW IS THE time you make your senators and representatives aware of your position.
Please don't sit on this one.
Here is a copy of the letter I've sent to my elected officials:

I was recently made aware that the Department of Defense has been ordered to destroy all once used brass, (ammunition cartridges) and sell the brass as scrap. Prior to this order the U.S. Government sold this as surplus ammunition cartridges to ammunition manufactures at a profit and now is receiving 80% less in revenue due to this order. The need for tax revenue in our current economic situation makes this order completely senseless. My tax dollars were used to pay for this brass to begin with and I consider this an outrage. This will even raise the cost of ammunition that our military will have to buy. If that’s not insulting enough I have also found out that China is the largest importer of our scrap brass.

It’s obvious that this is nothing less than an assault on the 2nd Amendment by pricing the individual out of shooting and this assault on the 2nd Amendment is being done in a circuitous fashion of going around our elected officials to effectively remove our constitutional rights.

As my elected official I expect that this will be vigorously addressed and I will be watching your actions on this matter closely.

Please call your Representative and Senator and send a letter by snail mail- it does make a difference.
We've already had several threads going about this. If you've got more to add, please do so to one of those threads.
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