The lobster that knew too much

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Dec 31, 2002

An FBI agent who fired two rounds into a walk-in cooler at a Strip hotel in May has paid the Barbary Coast $12,517 for the damage and paid a $105 fine after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge, authorities said.

John Hanson III still faces investigation by his agency, said Special Agent Todd Palmer, spokesman for the FBI Las Vegas office.

Police reports indicate that Hanson, who was in Las Vegas to attend an accounting seminar, was caught on surveillance cameras firing his .45-caliber handgun into the walk-in cooler. No one was inside at the time, although there was a lobster.

Hanson was charged only with a misdemeanor because of the late-night time of the incident, and the fact that the freezer was in a back area with no one inside, District Attorney David Roger said.

"The only victim in that case was a lobster, and Nevada statutes don't provide for attempted murder of a lobster," Roger said.

Roger said Hanson did not receive preferential treatment in court.

"I can tell you anybody else with the same record and same circumstances would have received the same deal," Roger said. "He pleaded straight up to the charge, made restitution and paid the fine."

After the shots, security officers at the hotel detained Hanson, recovered the shell casings and called police, who confiscated the gun. They then called supervisors to tell them an FBI agent was involved in the incident.

The weapon and a copy of the tape were given to another agent, who was in town for the same seminar as Hanson, the police report indicates.

According to the police report, Hanson said he did not remember firing his Glock handgun. Officers cited Hanson with a misdemeanor, discharging a firearm, and released him.

Hanson pleaded guilty to that count June 26 and paid his fine.

Hanson has been an instructor at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Va., but Palmer said he could not say whether Hanson still was on duty. Disciplinary action against Hanson could range from leave without pay to firing.
An FBI agent who fired two rounds into a walk-in cooler at a Strip hotel in May has paid the Barbary Coast $12,517 for the damage and paid a $105 fine after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge, authorities said.
So how does one do that much damage to a cooler with two rounds. ?

Looks like they got the fine and the damages switched.

Or.....that the biggest lobster ever.

It was late, as I dropped into the kitchen for a snack and a cuppa joe. I was tired since the seminar had gone long. There's no accounting for the toll that a day of accounting lectures'll take on you.

Suddenly, as I passed the walk-in, I got that old feeling; the crustacean sensation. I opened the door, and there he was-- Louie The Claw, the scourge of the Maine seaboard. He menaced, and twitched a whisker. Noting his twin pincers, I drew my rod.

"A crusty old salt like you should know better," I said.

"You're just trying to butter me up," said Louie.

"Nope. You're gonna spend the rest of your life in the cooler, Claw," I said. "You're in hot water, this time."

Suddenly, he reached for his... um, well he was reaching for something, you understand.

My .45 barked twice as I put a stop to his evil ways. He dropped back into his tank. I sighed, and reholstered my gat. Seems like it's true-- a G-man always gets his man-- er, arthropod.
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Now let's see ...

He was in Las Vegas.

And he'd sat all day, in Las Vegas, mind you, in an Accounting Seminar.

Studying the latest and greatest techniques and the finer points of accounting, while completely surrounded by the many and varied "attractions" of Las Vegas.

All day.

And now it was late at night.

You don't suppose that, oh, alcohol might have been involved, do you?

Naaaaaahhh. :evil:

(I imagine that the $12,517 included the price of a new walk-in restaurant cooler, installed)

{Edited to add: Good one, Matt! :D }
Perhaps that lobster was one of Cthulhu's agents? That was probably it.

On a slightly serious note, I'm concerned that he doesn't remember firing the gun! Twice! He's an FBI agent, and an instructor at that (But apparently an Accounting Instructor tho). I think shooting your gun in a resturant, possibly in a walk in should at least have a fuzzy recollection of that event. What was he doing 'back of the house' in the first place?

Lobsterphobia must be a horrible thing...
Maybe he was feeling crabby and the lobster was giving him shell. Thank Cod no one was hurt at least. Just one question though. Did he get his gun at a prawn shop? Maybe he thought the lobster was reaching for the swordfish.

Yes, I know they're really, really bad, but oh well.

Did the silly fed think that the cooler was in own private shooting range?

I wish the Fibbies weren't so . . . [wait for it] . . . shellfish.:D

Sam I Am, no, paper got amounts in correct order. Victim scaming the mope again. Victims often claim far more than is lost for restitution, especially is a case with a sweet plea like this! That's some good tilecrawling let me tell ya.:eek:
Roger said Hanson did not receive preferential treatment in court.

"I can tell you anybody else with the same record and same circumstances would have received the same deal," Roger said. "He pleaded straight up to the charge, made restitution and paid the fine."
Oh yeah. I believe this. For sure. :rolleyes:

Hanson got off cheap. Twelve grand to get liquored up and blow away a lobster in the back of a Vegas casino? Who wouldn't pay that much?

- Chris
$12,517 could rack up pretty quick depending on if the rounds hit the pump/compressor, or just the expense of having insulated panels replaced, and labor for HVAC techs to do a check on the system.
Still looks a lot like padded expenses, though.
Perhaps he had a roundevous with a waitress in the cooler..wait..that's not a hand!!:eek:

Good Shooting
I wonder if they'll take his gun away and put him on a desk job until he finishes alcohol rehab?

I'm sure he violated some agency policy about being blind stinking drunk.

Also keep in mind that something is stored in the cooler that must stay cool. If there was 600 lbs of viel in there that spoiled because of the incident how much does that set them back?
PLUS the cost of getting refrigeration repair guys out in the middle of the night on an emergency call.
Now being an oceanic type myself I've been rip roaring drunk a time or two in my past, and I remember everything, to include falling off a porch and not thinking to put my hands out to tossing the bar wench across the bar. I have no idea how somebody can be so mentally hazed as to not remember shooting a gun. I do know he shouldn't be allowed to carry one anymore.
I've known people here to spend more, for less; but in every case,

"What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas.":what: :neener:

(Did I tell ya the one about the blind couple looking for a music club?
and where they ended up?......)
I'm concerned that he doesn't remember firing the gun! Twice! He's an FBI agent, and an instructor at that
If he admitted to remembering the incident then the next question would be: "Why did you do it?"

Much easier to just "not remember" the whole incident than to have to start answering questions about it.

I'm trying to think of all the things that would happen to me if I did something like that and then imagine how he could possibly get off with a fine and damages and still not have gotten any "special treatment."
Hanson has been an instructor at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Va...
...Hanson, who was in Las Vegas to attend an accounting seminar...

I guess he doesn't teach his students to account their shots so they know when a tactical reload is needed?

"... and you're wondering, how many shots did he fire? Well this IS a powerful, evil black handgun and can blow your pinchers clean off. So you just have to ask yourself one question.... Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, Red? Er, um, I mean, Well do ya, Punk?...."
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