The VPC has stolen a picture of Oleg

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I don't think the libel suit would fly. It's more of a false light issue.

Whatever works.

Oh, word of advice about law professors: always check their political bent and take that into account when considering their statement of what the law is. In my law school, even black letter law was "spun" to fit the agenda of the professor. A few were straight forward, but not all.
Gun fucious said:
Henry Bowmans going pro bono so theres no need for a fund yet

unless we have an ammo fund for shooting Oleg's new Barrett that the VPC is going to buy

To wich Boyd replies:
It's -great- that Henry is willing to step up to the plate. B u t the time to set up an escrow account is -now- not later when this has blown over. It not only covers Henrys costs, so that he doesnt have to wonder about taking food off his table the next time he runs across something like this, but it lets people feel (and well actually BE) involved in righting this wrong. It is a "good thing(TM)". If Mr. Bowmans really willing to do this, I hope he'll take my suggestion and make the first part of his pro bono work the establishment of an escrow account to be used for this (or for as broad a pro gun legal use as he can do...). Just IMO
Boyd Kneeland
Oh, word of advice about law professors: always check their political bent

I'm not too worried about that with this guy. I'm the third person in the family to have him and we all agree, so far, at least that he's a straight shooter. Very professional.

After you're done suing the pants off of VPC, and they cut you a nice, fat check, can I get invited out to shoot whatever new toy you buy with the money? I'm thinking you should do the right thing and invest $200 of it in a Class III tax stamp and the best full-auto toy you can afford with the remainder. That'll show 'em.

Good luck fighting the good fight. Henry, you're the man. Let us know if you need any money to help with this. This would be a better way to contribute to the RKBA fight than just sending money to Wayne LaPierre.


Re the question you were going to put to your boss, what sort of answer, if any, did you get?
Just watched that little flash movie.
I noticed that some of the content was taken directly from the websites for various manufacturers, most notably Armalite and Olympic Arms.

Seems to me there are two ways to look at the VPC's violations:

A) Intellectual property violations, ie taking what is not yours and using it to make a profit (or in this case, solicit donations.)

B)Libel issues, Oleg and others who showed up in the video being portrayed as criminals.

Personally, I think the IP route is the way to go. For those in the know, would it be worth it to contact the manufacturers to let them know that their stuff is being used without their permission?
Anyone know if Olympic, Dillon, et. al. have been informed?

Hopefully VPC hasn't responded b/c of a flood of cease and desist letters.
Personally, I think the IP route is the way to go. For those in the know, would it be worth it to contact the manufacturers to let them know that their stuff is being used without their permission?

If there are valid claims under both IP and defamation law, then the proper route to go would be to include both as separate counts in the complaint. That way, the claims are preserved and you increase you chances on prevailing upon one, the other, or both.
know what, im gonna make a pic of me holding like 10 replica rifles so my face will be all over the net... then I can sue (p.s. Im a minor, so much the better)
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