Thinking of Selling my Revolver...

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Just keep it stashed somewhere. May come in handy.

If you have to leave one of your semis with the gunsmith, you'll be down to one gun unless you keep the Ruger.
You're selling a gun and moving to California? That's not a good idea unless you sell the gun in California. Because of the Nazi-like government in California, guns go for a premium. Either don't sell it or wait until you're there and sell it for a higher price.

Because the value of guns keep going up, they're pretty good inevestments. And if you do have to shoot a BG, better the cops confiscate the Ruger.
I'm with SnWnMe. I bought a Mossberg Persuader because I couldn't handle the thought of my revo beauties languishing in an evidence locker here in California.
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