This is what they're teaching in college nowadays.

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General Geoff

Nov 28, 2006
Allentown, Pennsylvania
From a friend of mine who goes to Tallahassee Community College, this is an excerpt from an outline/synthesis of his American History class taught by Donald H. Barry.


Notice the tripe under the 2nd.
Not all colleges. I took several military history courses with profs. who were very pro gun.

It depends more on the Prof. than the actual institution.
Sounds like this guy is a Bit anti 2A from the outline I see here. I would really like to know his qualifications and where he did his Grad work.
"Just from that one page, I personally think he should be fired for such blatant opinionation. He's teaching history, not political theory."

If every prof got fired for spewing their opinion, there would be no professors left.
This guy should be drawn and quartered. At least that's what they would have done loooong ago. This is the way they lend future support to their cause. By teaching their opinion as if it were FACT. Sort of the way they justify the civil war(our last chance at actual liberty) by claiming it was fought to end slavery. When it was actually fought for the purpose of imposing the federal gov. upon the individual states. Thus not allowing them to really govern themselves.
The outline is not even well constructed.
He only directly quotes one amendment, then he paraphrases all of the others.
When he goes into detail about the second amendment he starts using emotional and judgmental words and phrases like "vital, utter folly and ignorance, reckless, irresponsible, and critical."
He also describes the founding fathers as elitist to their core and then calls society in general "reckless, irresponsible, and thoughtless."
I am having serious difficulties that this was written by a professor. If this is the class outline then would I guess by the emphasis on one amendment over the others he must think himself an expert on the Second Amendment. Maybe he would welcome a good spirited debate. I doubt logic and faith in humans will come easy to him. He already showed his hand and it is weak.
"Sounds like this guy is a Bit anti 2A from the outline I see here. I would really like to know his qualifications and where he did his Grad work."

He teaches at a community college. It is not a requirement to have attended graduate school.

It is shocking that at this academic level, he is teaching his own agenda vs what the college should have prepared for him.

I never had to worry about opinion overtaking fact with any of my professors. I studied engineering.
I can smell the bull from way over here. Some of those words dont belong in that document. I cannot put finger on it precisely but think previous poster did best with examples of words.

I dont know anything about the Law, but supposing a document written in the time, this Nation was born, would be written in a matter of fact way that we all can understand.

Now I would like to see if there is a Bill of Rights as it existed when written in original form to compare that and this... this..... questionable material.

Im also thinking a true lesson will encourage the student to go over each and every single line of that page presented here, not just the cupcake icing pulling buttons.
Here is his contact info from TCC website in case anyone wants to utilize it in any constructive manner. Notice he claims to have a Phd. LOL Also, notice how he put quotation marks around the 2a? I think this is incorrect use, as there appears to be at least one extra comma in there.

Dr. Donald Barry
FT Teaching Faculty
History & Social Sciences Faculty
[email protected]
(850) 201-8150
"He teaches at a community college. It is not a requirement to have attended graduate school."

Serious? Every one of my instructors when I was in junior college had at least a masters.

Let's not rag on this guy for having a PhD.

Nobody in this thread could probably come close to completing a PhD. I bet none of you even completed graduate school.

And I'm sure he really wants his personal information broadcasted all over the internet. Especially to a bunch of heated up gun fanatics.
Ive just enough college schooling to stop when enough is enough versus the debt piling up at the student loan. PHD's for fine and dandy, but.... you gotta have something up there to teach skool otherwise, what good is it?
"Not particularly personal information if it's already available online, now is it?"

Look at my context again. It's being given out so a bunch of gun fanatics can send hate mail and give him a piece of their mind.

Wouldn't you find that a little unnerving if you were on the other end? Yeah it pisses me off too, but I'd feel a little violated if my information turned up on some gun site and people started giving me a piece of their mind. It'll probably(in his mind)just reinforce the idea that we're all ignorant and reckless.
"No, not really. If I were teaching a course on HISTORY with my overt and obvious opinions slanting the material, I would probably expect hate mail."

Look, it makes me mad too,I just hope it's constructive criticism sent his way.
I looked up and posted the info for the purpose of CONSTRUCTIVE contact, not hate mail. I cannot make myself write anything CONSTRUCTIVE to this idiot. I leave this up to the cooler prevailing minds at THR. Maybe he is actually pro-gun and uses this as a test to decide who is just a follower looking for a grade, and who will actually challenge him or call him out on it.
I just emailed him asking for confirmation that he is the source of those historical lies. If I get a response (ha ha) I'll post it.
I have always said, "Education is no substitute for common sense."

Regardless of how much EDUCATION a person has, that does not preclude them from being an idiot on other matters. As as far as education goes, I served in the military for 22 years (Marines and Army) in different special operations units, and currently work as a deputy sheriff. I am a certified firearms instructor as well as an expert in WMD's. I don' have a PHD in any field, but I know a hell of a lot more on how to use a gun than the cardiac specialist at the local hospital or the math professor at the university! I wonder how many people with PHD's can tactically enter a building or find a point on a map with a 8-digit grid? Probably not very many at all.
If every prof got fired for spewing their opinion, there would be no professors left.

Opinion is one thing. Being factually wrong is another.

a. has been decided by SCOTUS to be the exact opposite

b. clear and unambigous statements to the contrary

c. one study, which was shown to have been fraudulent
Going to UF (university of florida), They always have been very liberal; however, for the most part they have been open to my objections and in some circumstances taken another view of firearm ownership.

BTW, National champs 2008 :)
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Guys, the VAST majority of college/university faculty are ultra left wing, and a great many of them use their lecterns as bully pulpits to preach their views and opinions. Why do you thing college age kids voted so overwhelmingly for Obama?

There is a great deal of revisionist history being taught these days. For example, we were the bad guys in WWII for using the A bomb. We were the bad guys in Korea and Viet Nam which were "imperialist" wars. And when the history books are updated, we will be the bad guys in the middle east.

Classical literature has been chucked and students are now reading second rate socialist drivel and psycho-babble.

Hopefully the sciences are still relatively secure. But, all in all, college has become a damned poor place to get an education.
^^ It has not become a poor place to get an education if you voice your opinion and realize not everything they say is truth. You need to understand that a good portion of my class are PRO gun etc. Although I do understand where you are coming from because I have had teachers that are EXTREMELY liberal and I have had to fight my way through school defending my opinions, which in turn has made me a great defender of our rights. In retrospect I do think that most colleges are very inclined to liberal ideals but if you are strongheaded about your believes and voice your opinion to the class, you are more inclined to influence more people to your cause, which I have.
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