This is what they're teaching in college nowadays.

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Wouldn't you find that a little unnerving if you were on the other end?

I certainly hope so.

It would give him pause to perhaps re-think his position. And I wonder about your characterization of THR members as "a bunch of gun fanatics [who will -ed:TAT) send hate mail and give him a piece of their minds."

Maybe he needs a piece of our minds.

His statements are way out of line --unless he's trying to attract the kind of students who pre-believe that nonsense.

There's a very, very slim chance that he might actually be a pro-2A prof who's trying to attract that kind of student in order to counter-propagandize them. But from the tone and tenor of the rest of the outline, I highly doubt it. (Just a thought that popped up in my mind when I tried to examine all the possibilities.)

Oh. Here's something else that might give him pause, if it gets publicized to the students of that school:

Browse that site and you'll see many examples of propagandization of our students.

ETA: It was amusing to see how many California institutions appear here:

Terry, 230RN
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Justices of the Supreme Court--unelected for life

Liberals had better think twice before complaining about this. Much of their agenda has been implemented against the will of the American people by activist judges who need never worry about facing the wrath of the voters.

Whoever wrote this screed sounds like he isn't too smart.
C under 2 sounds like an excerpt from Bellisiles book, "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture." As I recall, the book was eventually recalled and Bellisiles lost his job at Emory over it. Apparently, there are a goodly number of the books still in the general population and the instructor in the OP's abstract probably read it, likely without knowledge of the recall. FYI, the book had won awards before the discrepancies were discovered.
As I recall, the book was eventually recalled and Bellisiles lost his job at Emory over it.

That's true. He resigned in disgrace after much of his research was shown to be fraudulent.
Reading it it looks like the entire class is suppossed to be about the 2nd with the others glossed over, Besides the fact that as already been pointed out the outline is written poorly.

Nobody in this thread could probably come close to completing a PhD. I bet none of you even completed graduate school.

That's a pretty elitist remark, also I think you over-value a PhD, they are not that difficult, more time consuming then anything. (FYI I have a DVM)
The beauty of the BOR is that anyone with 9th grade reading comprehension should be able to understand it.
Let's not rag on this guy for having a PhD.
That's not what's happening here. His elitism, and his injection of "opinions" as fact are the problem.

Nobody in this thread could probably come close to completing a PhD. I bet none of you even completed graduate school.
Sorry I've only got two bachelor's degrees, but I don't think that counts me out of this debate. Having a PhD doesn't guarantee wisdom, which is one of the reasons I'm not in the academic field.

And I'm sure he really wants his personal information broadcasted all over the internet. Especially to a bunch of heated up gun fanatics.
We're not fanatics. If you want that, there ARE sites where you'll encounter them.

Whether or not he realizes it, he's already made his choice in this matter, and he's certainly left his actions open to criticism. If he doesn't want that, he shouldn't have chosen to turn his career as an educator into his own personal pulpit.
Nobody in this thread could probably come close to completing a PhD. I bet none of you even completed graduate school.

I wouldn't be so sure about that and as was pointed out the main requirement to simply earn a post graduate degree is staying in school into your late twenties and early thirties and living off of loans and or someone else’s support. Simply having a degree means little. There are schools and programs that anyone can get into and Cs and Ds earn degrees as they say.

You'll forgive me I am not wowed by a community college professor. A good number of my friends and family have advanced degrees, often MBA JD or MD, not something as rigorous and useful as history or the like.

I don't yet have a post grad degree but am with all likely hood entering law school at Vanderbuilt this fall, so again you will forgive me if I am not in awe of some community college profs credentials nor his efforts to pull the wool over the eyes of a bunch of community college kids. This guy clearly isn’t a leader in his field.

Lol at "a bunch of gun fanatics" and hate mail.
Nobody in this thread could probably come close to completing a PhD. I bet none of you even completed graduate school.

Well, ME and Cletus were down by the Cement Pond lookin fer some geese to munch on like cavemen. Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Yeah, us gun owners are complete morons. Why, none of us could complete high school, let alone anything advanced...

Oh wait.....

some of us DO have Master's Degrees.... Although, by your line of reasoning, Regis gave me mine because I was cute or something...

I could have went for a PH.d.... but I chose not to.

If some prof wants to indoctrinate his students, he needs to be brought out of his hole and ridiculed. We need to know who he is and what college he teaches at. We need to write letters, make phone calls and raise a stink about each and every one of these losers.

So, publish his address for us neanderthal gun owners..... cuz we ain't smart enough to read it no how.
Again, for those that missed it on the first page

Here is his contact info from TCC website in case anyone wants to utilize it in any constructive manner. Notice he claims to have a Phd. LOL Also, notice how he put quotation marks around the 2a? I think this is incorrect use, as there appears to be at least one extra comma in there.:fire::cuss::banghead:

Dr. Donald Barry
FT Teaching Faculty
History & Social Sciences Faculty
[email protected]
(850) 201-8150
I have a degree in emergency medicine, one in fire science, and I am working on a third in emergency management. So what? None of them are Masters, but I make more than most MAs that I have met, anyway. What would a Master's do for me except make me indebted to the government?

I would be embarrassed to teach at a community college with a PhD. Several people that I am friends with teach at community colleges with AS and BS degrees.

I guess what you are trying to say is that gun owners are ignorant hicks, which I have noticed is what most people from the large northern cities think of southern and country people, anyway.
I'd take that to the dean of the college and insist, as a taxpayer, this be corrected to reflect the intent of the Bill of Rights.

I'd also insist that professor be removed from the college. He has no business dealing with education.
General Geoff,

Do you have access to the text itself regarding the 2A and not just his outline. I'd be curious to see what kind of actual facts he uses as supporting evidence of his claims. Then we could REALLY take him apart.
Well, "c." had the flavor of a direct quote from Bellesiles, if that's a start.


According to Bellesiles, in early America there were very few guns. Privately owned guns were mostly in poor working condition. By law, guns were not kept in the home but rather stored in central armories, and guns were too expensive for widespread private ownership. He even claims that men generally were unfamiliar with guns and that they did not want guns - preferring axes and knives instead, in part because guns were so inaccurate that they were of little use. He argues that axes made very good weapons in hunting, and in battle, people considered "the ax the equal of a gun." Bellesiles claims that states enacted laws that restricted gun ownership to white Protestants who owned property.

I can't speak with absolute authority here, since I never actually read Bellesiles' book, but the above (among other sources) certainly indicates a "lifting" from Bellesiles' ideas.

By the way, I think that indeed powder supplies were often kept in a central location, but I believe that was for general fire safety, not for "regulatory" purposes.

Terry, 230RN
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Interpretation of this controversial amendment by the vast majority of constitutional scholars as granting gun possession to state militias (today, national guards) & law-enforcement agencies and not to private individuals.
I guess the US Supreme Court doesn't count? :D
I don't have text, but I do have recordings of his lectures. They're definitely all hokum, but only a few bits and pieces of them are condemnations of the 2nd in particular.
This is what they're teaching in college nowadays.

"They"? Shouldn't Donald Barry be referred to as "he" instead of "they"? I really would not care to be tarred with the same brush even if inadvertently.

My students who request it are provided with RKBA and CCW information.

Those who choose to write on gun control are informed of my position on the subject and would be encouraged to choose another topic if they were planning to advocate gun grabbing. However this is Detroit, I meet almost no anti-gunners among the community college students. (Let's not talk bout the faculty.)
I agree, A well constructed letter to the dean could be very, very effective.

As a college student myself, it really doesn't surprise me, but it still sickens me.
in part because guns were so inaccurate that they were of little use. He argues that axes made very good weapons in hunting, and in battle, people considered "the ax the equal of a gun."

oh... guns were innacurate in 1791 ??? I'd love to take a rifle from that era, and put that guy in front of me, SAFE, at 50 yards...

beside that.. what kind of CRAP can you hunt with an ax ??? mickey mouse ?

other than that, that explanation of the 2nd amendment is just huge bull**** that goes AGAINST what was thought by the time, and what is still thought nowadays (heller..)
the point of education is to educate from a neutral perspective. Putting insulting and bigoted tidbits of personal thoughts as part of an outline is ridiculous. Notice how he only did it for the Second Amendment, too.
the point of education is to educate from a neutral perspective. Putting insulting and bigoted tidbits of personal thoughts as part of an outline is ridiculous. Notice how he only did it for the Second Amendment, too.
When the neutral perspective is abandoned, it changes from education to proselytism. What arises from that is the excrement of things like this outline and conservapedia
Always liked this one: "The only purpose of an education is that it helps you tell when a man is talking nonsense."

Currently teaching a class of 12 year olds, and dropped that one on them. They caught on to it INSTANTLY.
I would follow up with a polite response at least to the prof, the university, and maybe even a local paper...
any info about where, who, when?
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