THR not a good idea-not PC

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HI express

Feb 4, 2005
southern CA
Aloha you all,
Got told the other day by my supervisor that " several people" (co-workers) reported that I was visiting gun related subjects on the internet. He had the IT guys check my "hits" on the THR site...according to them I had over 4000 on this site.
I gave him my old user name..LASur5r...108 posts? They were looking up RMLee or RHLee as my user name? Right on bro, this member has over 6000 posts.
I was informed that the environment in our office is such that it wouldn't be good for me if I kept visiting gun sites even though our department practice is that we can use the internet on our break time (maybe not porn sites though).
Guess THR is not PC. So all you folks on THR...bad! Baaaaddd! :cuss:
Anybody else has this issue in their office?
We've already had almost half our staff forced out so I'll be seeing you all on line from home. Big brother is here. :banghead:
I've been non PC almost all my life...damn, I have a few more years before retirement. :barf: :barf:
You all be good and be careful for the thought police may be in your offices too. :barf: :barf:
The same thing has happened to me... at two different jobs. Fortunately, I'm still young.

Unfortunately, I have no retirement/401k/Roth IRA.

Many others here will give you different advice, but I'm of the "Smile and nod and say, 'Yes, sir!'" school. You can always :cuss: in your spare time.

Best of luck to you.
I am not a lawyer but do have some human resources knowledge, and I am a non-PC troublemaker.

Do they have a written policy allowing internet use during breaks?

Do they have a written policy of what can and cannot be accessed on company computers?

This sounds like it may be a workplace harrassment issue. Any time an individual is singled out for negative treatment without cause, harrassment is a possibility. Your employment was threatened if you did not comply with a non-work related request to modify your behavior. That's harrassment! I would have asked them who the "complainents" were. I would have asked them how this activity is offensive to anyone who isn't looking over your shoulder. I would ask to see the standards by which they judge what is offensive. I would ask to see their policy on reporting workplace harassment.

The first step is to report the incident to your superviser, or to the superviser of the person accused. If no satisfaction is received, you can make a complaint I believe to the EEOC.

Again, I am not a lawyer and I have nothing at risk. I am only providing an opinion.
There is the law and then there is the real world.

The reasonably prudent person does not surf the Web at work even if it is on their own time and it is permitted. If something can turn around and bite you eventually it probably will.
I'm one of the two "IT guys" here, and I know I don't mind myself visiting THR. Actually, we don't monitor our net traffic at all unless there's a big spike and we need to find a virus. The management here has better things to do than worry about what web sites people are going to.
IT people suck, and it's not only in regard to guns.

A few years ago I worked in a company whose personnel policy specifically stated that it was allowable to use the company's computers on free time to check personal e-mail. Had a project on which I was putting in significant overtime (at no additional compensation, since it was a salaried position). One night I wrapped up at about 11:00 p.m. Last man in the office, so it was my task to shut down the network. I had printed out an e-mail, but in following all the steps to shut down in sequence, I left it in the printer tray.

Next morning I found an ote on my desk from the senior partner, gigging me for having used the company computers for personal e-mail.

Needless to say, I didn't last long at that job.
Hell, I'm the de facto IT guy here at work ... obviously I don't restrict myself from posting here ... as a matter of fact one of the moderators here works for me and I don't give him any crap about posting form work (as long as he gets his work done I don't care).

I also don't stop a couple of otherr employees from using Bearshare to collect MP3s (which I should probably do). But then again I don't monitor traffic so how would I know? ;)

one of the benefits of working for a small company :evil:
As long as I get my work done and don't infect the machines, the SysAdmin does not really care where I go on the 'Net. Of course, since I'm the SysAdmin, I'd better not have an issue. :D

My previous employer did have a semi-decent filter put in after some of the employees were surfing porn and downloading games onto the company network.
Well, considering that the company I work for owns a game preserve, there are exotic rifle cartridges displayed on the boardroom wall, and several of my cow-orkers have copies of Guns&Ammo etc. laying on their desks... I'm not too worried about it. :D
My job doesn't involve being given a nice cushy desk and a computer.

However, come payday, I come in open-carrying, and the woman who runs the place doesn't care a bit. It balances out...
My job does not require me to use a computer with I-Net access but if it did I wouldn't even THINK of going to web sites that some unscrupulous manager could use against me. There are too many cheap and petty people in this world to leave yourself vulnerable. Discretion is the better part of valor, or sumpt'n like that!
Do they have a written policy allowing internet use during breaks?

Do they have a written policy of what can and cannot be accessed on company computers?

This sounds like it may be a workplace harrassment issue. Any time an individual is singled out for negative treatment without cause, harrassment is a possibility. Your employment was threatened if you did not comply with a non-work related request to modify your behavior. That's harrassment! I would have asked them who the "complainents" were. I would have asked them how this activity is offensive to anyone who isn't looking over your shoulder. I would ask to see the standards by which they judge what is offensive. I would ask to see their policy on reporting workplace harassment.

The first step is to report the incident to your superviser, or to the superviser of the person accused. If no satisfaction is received, you can make a complaint I believe to the EEOC.

I was going to make this very suggestion. It's good advice.
I'm not a lawyer, either, but did work for a certain state's Labor Dept. for a number of years. If he's working in a "right to work" state, then he has no case of any kind. Regardless of where he works, being reprimanded for accessing a gun site doesn't qualify one as a member of a "protected class", and EEOC would just laugh you out of their offices.

Either check with your union rep (hahahaha) or just do what the guys who own the machines want you to do, or leave.
oooohhhhh man... I'm lucky in so many ways... Last week when our IT guy came from the CA office, my boss suggested that I and another guy (former LAPD) take him shooting. Being the computer geek nerd that all those guys are :D he cleared out the bullseye on the targets wit' a SIG 9...

I looooooooove working here. Only snag was when I asked my boss if we could put the ammo on the company expense account SHE just shot me a dirty smile and told us we were on our own. But the company did pay for dinner at Outback...

did I mention I love working here??? ;)
No issues here, but if my company told me not to visit THR anymore while at work, I would comply without fighting back. The computers are property of the company and they pay their internet bill, not me. It's no different if I let someone borrow my home PC. I would set some rules for users.
"There are too many cheap and petty people in this world to leave yourself vulnerable."

They could prove to be a blessing. After 30 years it's starting to look like I'm going to need a push to get me to leave.

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