Tired of Holsters. What else is there?

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Parachute Cord !! IWB Holster !

I found this parachute cord " holster " setup in a gun magazine along time ago. Get some 35 inch long, fold in half, from the bottom of the fold tie a knot 2 inches up. Go up another 2 inches tie a knot, go up 3 inches tie a knot. Go up 2 inches tie a knot, last 2 inches tie a knot. DONE !! Cut it there & use a lighter or matches to burn the ends. I use this ALL the time ! BUT I WOULD NOT USE THIS FOR A LOADED GLOCK WEAPON !!!!!! :what: Use the top 2 loops for your belt & your weapon goes in the center slot ! :D O.K. That will be $ 99.99 to my account please ! :rolleyes:
There's always "Mexican" carry.

I don't know if this will bring on a ton of discontent, but my only carry style is the "mexican" carry. It works very well for me. I am a pretty big guy, and any belt stiff enough to accomodate a holster without it flopping about is very, very uncomfortable for me to wear. I used a clipdraw for a time, but it basically got to the point where I could not see any difference between the clipdraw and just tucking it inside my pants. Additionally, I am constantly taking my gun off and on because I go to a university and work for the federal government, and the mexican carry is fast. When I re-arm getting out of my truck, I basically have perfected a move that makes it look like I am simply pulling up my drawers, a move that I am not sure would be as effective with a holster.

you know, thats a great idea and one I would support, but that thick belt would cut into my lovehandles way, way to much. Look, I am a big, fat guy, and thats unhealthy on a whole bunch of different levels and I am not trying to make excuses, but when I say those belts are uncomfortable I don't mean that its moderatly uncomfortable or a minor annoyance. I mean those belts flat out dig in and HURT, man.


As opposed to tucking it into your waistband? (Which is what this thread started with.) I can't see it.

If IWB doesn't cut it (or does cut it-- your circulation, that is!), then sounds like a shoulder holster or some kind of off-the-body carry. I've been known to use one of those rectangular pistol rugs.
it is just a string holster...been around for a very long time...Not the best way to conceal a weapon, but when ya cant be caught with a gun ya also dont wanna be caught with a holster

Timbo...I know your pain...however for the smaller weapons, how about a "smartcarry"...they seem to work better for us "types" than IWB's...Or maybe a fannypack or something...

I stick with a leather pocket holster...LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER LEATHER!... :neener:
I go with the clipdraw. I use it with a Model 36 in a front or back pocket...comfortable and invisible with a shirt pulled out or a jacket.


um, maybe I am answering the wrong question, but what I am saying is that Yes, carrying my gun in my waistband works for me, and very well. I carry a small pistol, so it doesn't cut off any circulation. Matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that the only real discomfort that I get from carrying that way is that by the end of the day, I have a pretty good dent from the cylinder in my hip The wide belts don't cut off circulation so much as they quite literally cut into me. Any bigger guy will tell you that this is true, and if you go into a big/tall store they don't even bother selling wide belts. Anyway, aside from that, let me say that shoulder rigs would not work for me for a variety of reasons. First, I have to take my gun off frequently, and thats just a fact that I have to deal with. Obviously, taking it out or putting it on would be easy with a shoulder rig, but then I am obligated to walk everywhere with something covering up the shoulder rig, and that would be a giant P in the A. Second, given that I am large, a shoulder rig, even for a pistol as small as I carry, would be real, real obvious as it would stick out fairly far from the rest of my body. In other words, it wouldn't hang straight, it would follow the curves of my man-boobs and stick out. Third, and finally, I would have to modify my entire wardrobe in order to make a shoulder rig work, and that would suck. Smartcarry would be allright, but again, it would be a pain to use in terms of the frequency that I have to remove my gun. Anyway, my main point is that for me, just tucking it in my waistband works very, very well. Additionally, the extra inch or so keeps my pants from falling off, so its actually superior to inside the pocket in that regard.

matter of fact guys, just for the sake of the argument, here is a pretty recent picture of me, and you can see what I mean.... I can't figure out hwo to hyperlink this, so just copy it into your browser and hit enter. Additionally, you will need adobe to view this...


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