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Tired of state stereotypes?

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Aug 31, 2006
Manchaca, TX
I overheard a conversation from an out-of-towner while at work yesterday and, while mostly just amusing at the time, it kind of bugs me now. She was telling her friends about how funny she thought it was that she went to a bar in TX and saw a sign for no firearms. "Only in TX" she repeated over and over. I was a little tempted to go set them straight about the number of free states in this country and that TX is not even one of the front runners as far as free firearms carry is concerned. Don't most states have some kind of 50/50 signage for bars? I am not a native Texan, but I know I was never naive enough to think that way before moving here over 10 years ago.

Who else gets ticked at these idiots? (any state/any stereotype) I guess I'm a little more miffed at the fact so many people think this way about firearms and not so much what TX has to do with it. Oh well, she was probably from MA.
Hell, she might've been from MA. I'm from MA and I've never seen one of those signs in my life. I too would find it very strange to see a sign like that anywhere.

It all depends on what you're used to.

Come to think of it, you bring up a good question. Why does such a free state like Texas have all these anti-gun signs everywhere, while MA has none?

I'm not being a smartass, I'm actually curious. It defies logic.

Why does such a free state like Texas have all these anti-gun signs everywhere, while MA has none?
MA denies the very existence of guns. Texas accepts their existence, but denies their validity in certain environs.
Hate to break it to you guys, but alot of southern states have some down right crappy CCW laws. Texas, Georgia, NC come to mind.

In MA you can carry your handgun in a bar.

Not at all. I think there should be more state stereotypes posted here. I haven't gotten my fill yet of "all CA residents get what they deserve" and "CA should just break off into the ocean because of their laws/ stereotype"

One state I keep hearing about by people IN coleeforneeah moving OUT is "Oregon is so great. Housing is xxxx and downtown is so xxxx" Of course they usually haven't been out of the few MAJOR cities to find out what REAL OR is like. (I hear it's even better!) I've got one co-worker moving there after a three day vacation with in-laws in Eugene. :D

As a gunner, I'd at least shop around a little more. :p

Just had to respond

Roccobro - I live in Oregon, and if your co-worker is moving here after just a three day visit to Eugene all I can say is "ouch!". Eugene is far from typical for Oregon. Of course, if they never leave the immediate area, they may never realize that. And housing is not cheap. The Eugene area has had one of the fastest growing cost of housing rates in the country for the last several years. An acquaintance of mine who bought his house in 1997 for $99k had it appraised at $185k in late 2006.

To keep this firearms related though, in Oregon you can carry in bars, schools and universities. That is, you can if you aren't a teacher or a student. And even as a student or teacher you can legally carry concealed, but you may be risking your employee or student status if caught in violation of employer or student conduct guidelines. But you won't be breaking any laws.

Federal facilities and courthouses are among the few off-limits places.
Simple fact is:
-everyone Stereotypes and Profiles themselves and others.
-nobody really knows every regulation or statue their locale has not even those charged with enforcement.

I have to ask/inquire when out of town if a "sign" is Legal Signage or not, just as some that come to my area have to ask /inquire.

Used to be, still are, some places with humorous signs:
"We shoot every third salesman, second one just left".
I'm in the South, I've had Yankees take this serious.

Another sign : No holstered firearm- not allowed in.

Private places and private joke. This place ONLY allowed folks that carried guns to enter.
I've (for fun) removed my CCW and slipped in waistband to "Protest" this sign.

We have places now, dead serious NON-smokers must be accompanied by a Smoker.
These joints telling .gov to shove it in regard to NO Smoking agendas.
If you choose to come in, you don't have to smoke, still don't bitch about those that do.
They will "loan" you a smoke while inside, still the joint is neat, and non-smokers bring in pack of smokes and matches, so they can enter in, and eat, and shoot pool, pinball , whatever.

"Nice Rack" contest - Guys and Gals competitions as to who has what in a gun rack, in the truck.

Ah yes, nothing like telling a couple from Ohio, visiting down South, were we are going to eat has a "Nice Rack" Contest.

Racks of BBQ Ribs and then the Gun Rack in the truck festivities.
Everyone thinks NY sucks, but we're surprisingly free. I *rarely* see signs forbidding CCW. I can carry almost anywhere.
Wait, you mean all this running around stating "Don't mess with Texas!" might leave people with an impression about the state? That's unpossible.
Now ya'll, just because I wear ropers, a belt buckle the size of a baked potato, a 1911 on my hip and a stetson don't necessarily mean I'm from Texas... I could be from Dallas.

Wait, you mean all this running around stating "Don't mess with Texas!" might leave people with an impression about the state? That's unpossible.
Hey now, that's just an anti-littering campaign.
I never saw no weapons signs growing up in Upstate NY and CCW is perfectly legal there. When I visited my brother when he first moved to Texas in 1995, I was a little shocked at the "No Gun" signs at Cinemark theatres. I too thought, "only in Texas". That's because in upstate NY, you can pretty much carry anywhere but schools and courthouses. It's more of the "don't see it, it doesn't exist" philosophy. Texas on the other hand, has like 1000 restrictions that I can never keep straight and they keep amending bad laws (keeping the original wording) or adding things like "See 923(sec. A pt. 1)" in the handgun manuals for clarification.
Every bar I've seen has big green signs a full 8.5x11" and sometimes framed or laminated saying that I have to leave my gun outside the bar.

This is Washington state, not Texas.
I have to laugh at the people that talk of new england being just a nesting ground of liberal ant-gun socialists . My state happens to be part of new england but most of our "Democrats " are more conservative than most states republicans . Btw , no we don't have igloos and Eskimos ( wrong state) , no we don't have snow year round , yes we do have indoor plumbing, no not everyone talks like a lobsterman. I've been asked about all those , and each time I have to keep myself from laughing out loud .
Well being from Arkansas does not mean we love Clinton nor does it have anything to do with funny dueling banjo music. Yes we do sure have Southen hick accents and I love mine. Now Maine and lobsters brings back good memories. Had a friend who came back after visiting there and brought back 22 live lobsters in an ice chest to the little recreation area we were camping and fishing in AR. They were still pinching. The lobster beat the catfish and bass that night.
Buffalo here too.Everyone thinks we're all from NYC and that the state is completely flat and frozen.I saw a SUV in Niagara Falls last July from Texas with skis in a rack.The guy was asking where the closest ski resort was.:rolleyes:
Prince Yamato - I was a little shocked at the "No Gun" signs at Cinemark theatres. I too thought, "only in Texas".

Nah! That's a Cinemark thing. I'd heard that one of the local theaters here in Oregon used to have a small sign at the back of one of the two ticket booths out front. Personally, I always go inside and use the quick purchase visa machine, so I don't "know" if they actually have that sign. ;) But rumer has it that they do.

Partly depend on where y'are. This isn't original, but it's good:

If you're outside the United States, any American is a Yankee.

If you're inside the United States, a Yankee is someone only from north of the Mason-Dixon line.

If you're in the North, a Yankee is someone only from New England.

If you're in New England, a Yankee is someone only from Connecticutt.

And if you're in Connecticutt, a Yankee is someone only who eats pie for breakfast.

Don't know where to attribute it.

Oh, and Ptmmassc--Some of my foahbeahs wehh Maniacs, and they all talked like lobstamen, and I have salt watah in my blood. I'm related to moah tombstones just in the Hancock Point cemetery, than I have living relatives. You have to be able to say that without movin' y'jaw. Theyah aah coast Maniacs, and forest Maniacs, and nevah the twain shall meet, linguistically.

I was 40 years away from the East Coast before I knew there was a difference. (That'd be "fotty yeahs.") Met a Maniac from the interior and was stunned. He talked like he coulda been from Illinois, or some such!
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CA is a "may issue" state, but puts few restrictions on carry. We don't have state prescribed signs on business, bars, etc. There are darn few places you can't carry here.
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