To Forage After the Big Earthquake

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I merely intend to get what society has unfairly denied me. I am a victim of discrimination. I will simply reclaim what is mine

Are you kidding? Is that really the way you think?

Make sure you let everyone know how your armed robbery plans work out during the next disaster.
Hey you, MauserGuy! . . . . .. .

I REALLY need some expansion on this : "I am not a looter(1). I merely intend(2) to get(3) what society(4) has unfairly(5) denied(6) me(7). I am a victim(8) of discrimination(9). I will(10) simply(11) reclaim(12) what is mine(13) (numbering is my addition)."
(1) While you are alive and rummaging for survival "stuff", you may be a forager. When you lay dead at my feet with MY stuff in your bag, you are a looter. A dead looter. (2) "intend" on your mind is perpetration in my mind. Again, you are dead and a looter. (3) "get" means "take" in this scenario, and again, the dead looter. (4) "society" exists in this scenario, only and exactly what the boy with the biggest toys says "society" is. In your case, I am God: omnipotent, invisible, invincible, instant-in-retribution. I am John Galt and Jesus Christ in one. (5) This turnabout-is-fair-play gambit does not work out too well for you when your brains are the third eye in your forehead. (6) Just because you missed the gold-ring on your first turn around does not mean denial. Your biggest mistake was when you decided NOT to get up the last time that Mean Old Bully Of (Anglo?) Society knocked you down. I will have your coup de grace waiting for you when you show up. (7) "me" will find that dead men have no ego. (8) This shows your sick, liberal view of ME-vs-society, wherein you are ALWAYS the victim. (8,9) In order for me to opine on this I'd need to see just how ugly your face is, for that is my means of discriminating. I only kill ugly things. That's just me, tho'. (10) My will is not thy will = dead looter. (11) "simply" will require a lot of stealth and effort on your part, where I simply will wait calmly and blow out your brain when you appear.(12) "Reclaim"? "Re-?" Did someone take from you what you are merely taking back? You are tending to identify your real problem, and I think it involves the words "wet-back" and "Anglo". (13) "mine" is what I will take from your cold, dead hands. P.S. Have I made our mindset clear? We don't shoot at bullseyes. We shoot at man-shaped targets for a reason.
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I do think, however, that the plasma big screen currently possessed by that rich dude will go well with my home decor after the big disaster.

Thankfully our constitution allows us to protect ourselves against nutjobs like you.
expvideo. +One !

A good scotch. At least 12 years, 18 is better.

12 years on the scotch, 18 years or more on the waitresses ! ! (experience ****s!) ooops!!! "COUNTS.
I am not a looter. I merely intend to get what society has unfairly denied me.
OK. Whatever. For future reference, people who do that are called "looters". So, congrats. You will be one if you engage in some ad hoc redistribution of wealth. I don't hope that you get shot, but I confess that I won't be upset if you do. I hope you are arrested, tried, and convicted if you try to go out and take what "society has denied you".

Me? Society has denied me a Jaguar, too. You won't find me at the Jag dealership at o-dark-thirty with coathanger.

Since the OP seems to be advocating crime, can we close this thread?

How is this giving gun owners a positive image?

He mentioned once that he was joking but yeah, even in jest it doesn't help. I'd like to see it closed too.
Another thing:

How are you gonna know whether the guy or gal you are stealing from is or is not ALSO a member of the same oppressed/minority group, of which you are a member, which resulted in discrimination (even assuming for a moment that this were right/justified, which it's not)?

Ridiculous. And I don't think he was joking. :(
I am not a looter. I merely intend to get what society has unfairly denied me. I am a victim of discrimination. I will simply reclaim what is mine.

this is the most disgusting statement i've ever seen anyone make on this forum.

pathetic is what you are.
I have to say- I am not a looter. I merely intend to get what society has unfairly denied me. I am a victim of discrimination. I will simply reclaim what is mine.
Have fun,

I think the mods should just ban him for that. :fire:
He came on a honest gun owner's forum to get advice how to engage in CRIMINAL ILEGAL activities. The longer he is present here, the more he learns, and the more dangerous he will become to the people devasteded by any sort of desaster.
Since the OP seems to be advocating crime, can we close this thread?
I actually thought that I had, but apparently it didn't take.

Closed now.

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