Tonight's Debate?

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DUDE its a YES OR NO question not give us a diatribe!!! idiots personally I believe that the canidates that answered yes or no are the only ones who should be on the stand not the others who decided to pontificate. Arggg not to mention they are not really allowing 2nd tier canidates to really answer some questions.
DUDE its a YES OR NO question not give us a diatribe!!! idiots personally I believe that the canidates that answered yes or no are the only ones who should be on the stand not the others who decided to pontificate. Arggg not to mention they are not really allowing 2nd tier canidates to really answer some questions.

Mccain: "... and Blah Blah, .....and Just to clarify, Blah Blah, and blah blah...." :barf:
The usual commercial for the big three.

Have they asked a question about the 2nd? No.

At least we know the Democrats think we are a bunch of worthless idiots. Seems like the Republicans view us the same. Well maybe not Ron Paul, but the Republican party, yes.

Does anyone honestly think that the networks do not think they can control our thinking?
Wow, Ron actually doesn't sound like a nut-case tonight, at least not as much as before, good work

and yes, lightning is trying to get Rudy, he made someone mad.....
Guiliani's microphone cut out 3 times while he was answering

Exactly its a warning from the universe saying go home and stop trying screw things up.

Other than RP, has any other candidate answered a question without starting it with "Thank you" or "I'd like to thank" ?

I do not think it is necessary for each one of them to say thank you. RP did his time in service also.

All of these canidates except for RP have changed their stance when they realized that RP has the right message they have all changed their platform from the first two debates.(partially due to last nights debates of the Democrats) (democratic one was a circus and shows the infighting in the Democrats)

anyone can support Paul in this debate. He just told a lady her brother's death meant nothing. Paul is a disgrace, he should not be in the party. I am amazed :what: that many here think he is the only person that will defend our 2a rights. I think Pau is kind of femmine

What debate. While the "others" talk about health care, taxes, crime, fake global warming etc. Ron Paul will be addressing the real issues. Our foreign policy is pissing off the whole world, and something has to be done by us or the Russians and Chinese will do it for us.
I'm tired of doing this :banghead:

Go Ron Paul!
Paul, Huckabee, and Tancredo are the only ones that haven't hijacked the question for an opportunity to sell themselves.

It's funny how Giuliani is practically quoting Paul in most of his answers, and if you'll notice the body language, he's even pointing to him.
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