U.N.: No Such Thing as Illegal Immigration

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Talk about stupid thinking.

U.N.: No Such Thing as Illegal Immigration

The United Nations doesn't recognize the concept of illegal immigration - and refuses to use that term when referring to foreigners who flout U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border without documentation.

So says Eric Shawn, whose new book "The U.N. Exposed," blows the lid off the corrpution, double-dealing and anti-U.S. resentment that permeates the world body.

"In U.N. world there's no such thing as an illegal alien or illegal immigrant," Shawn told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly Wednesday night. "They call it an irregular migrant."

Legal immigrants, on the other hand, are referred to as "regular migrants," Shawn said.

"Basically they want them to have the same rights as the documented immigrants," the one-time Fox street reporter explained. "They say that in [their] convention."

"[It] protects the human rights, they say, of the migrants. It's been signed by Mexico, not by us."

Shawn went on to note that the head of the U.N.'s immigration agency is a Mexican official. "It's ironic," he told O'Reilly, "because Mexico has some of the toughest laws against illegal immigration."

Asked if official U.N. policy was to encourage open borders, Shawn told O'Reilly: "Basically, as long as it's legal. They're not for illegal immigration, but they try to encourage migration as much as possible."

Get Eric Shawn's "The U.N. Exposed" for an unbeatable price.
"Irregular migrant"... Sounds like a job for Ex-Lax to me. "Regular migrants" must be fiber aware.
I want to see the UN disbanded today and all the third-world kleptocrats who run it sent home on the next flight, at their own expense.

HOWEVER, it's not the UN's problem to enforce our rules about residency or citizenship, nor those of any other country. National sovereignty does matter, and expecting the UN to do our job for us IN ANY WAY makes our national sovereignty weaker, not stronger.
Well if you have a global govenment then the lines between nations are analogous to the lines between our 50 states. This is the ultimate goal of the UN. Additionally, the UN has a strong agenda towards "economic equality" (AKA socialism) and evenly distributing the poor throught the world is a means to that end. The rational being that it is a lot easier to make rich people poor than it is to make poor people rich.
Nothing surprising here when you consider that the U.N. is made up of third world countries run by despots and dictators who will do everything they can to bring the United States down to a level where we can no longer interfere with all the garbage that they pull in the world .

Remember that the U.N.'s predecessor the League of Nations sat back and watched Hitler build up an army and invade Poland despite the fact that after WWI Germany wasn't suppose to build an army at all .

Why we "the USA" pays any attention to what these fools say and do is beyond me . Other than the fact that American companies and politicians have found a new source to line their pockets with cash that is .
The current American Rifleman notes that the UN is meeting on or around July 4th to figure out how to take away everybody's guns. NRA encloses a post card to Kofe Anan telling him that we do not cotton to one-world totalitarian bullcrap and such. the ask the membership to stamp it and mail it in.

I couldn't resist adding "P.S. Move to Singapore."
The U.N.'s goal is mostly one world government (in terms of many of the higher level bureacratic idiots), but many of the member nations don't take too kindly to that idea. i.e. Both Russia and China make lots of money from weapons exports and will not listen to U.N. resolutions.

Those one-world bureacrats who want yet more bureacracy want world wide taxation, and open movement across borders. These folks want one world government. In a one world government, crossing a border from country to country would be like crossing state borders.

Easy to see why they don't think illegal immigration exists.
Very funny that the UN does not oppose the most stringent immigration policies of the Communist, Terrorist and Totalitarian governments. They support the worst and work actively against the best. Actually it is not funny at all. It is just accomplice with mass murderers.
We do need to keep the UN around, but it needs a MAJOR overhaul.

Phase One, Kick the UN out of USA and New York City, Move it to the country of South Africa. The UN should always be in a somewhat Unstable part of the world to remind it and its members to try to fix the mess they seem to ignore because they like to go to parties and live the fancy life and get driven around in a Limo. ALL beaurocrats and Policiticans in every country, get lazy and sloppy when they have too much fancy apartments, furniture, booze, cars, jewelry, etc.....

Phase Two. Clean House and get rid of the corruption. Good lord the UN is freaking crooked. Cuba and the Peoples Republic of China on Human Rights Commissions?!?? Freaking insane! Then there's the Oil for Food crap. Yeeeesh! The new US ambassador to the UN is helping though.

Phase Three. Have a International Bill of rights where every UN Member country must give its citizens these rights. Of course model this Bill of Rights off the one in the US Constitution. Free Speech, Right to keep and bear arms (Semi Automatic at least, Machine guns eh... add them later, theirs too many of those already in some countries cough...Liberia... cough cough...), and all the rest...

Fix yourself UN, or you will fall apart like the League Of Nations!

Ahhh Rant over. What do you think about this?
Bill Clinton is going around to speech at college graduation ceremonies. He is be sly with his meaning but I recognize it for what it is. He tell them they are now and will be in the future more interconnected with the world and all will be dependent on other countries. Sounds like the internationalist socialism plan. Cprase they will call it by other names. Taking care of the poor around the world they probably won' even go so far to call it a International welfare State for awhile. I watched Hillary give a speech to some California University within the last year. She had one mother stand up and ask how she and others could raise their children to be citizens of the World. Hillary did not blink an eye and gave her answer. I forget what she said. I expect our side to loose. The other side gets the money from us to give to others and buy votes.
The UN

The UN is completely worthless. For a supposed "world peace-keeping task force" they lack the ability to break up a pillow fight at a sorority house slumber party. Their one-world government socialist agenda goes against EVERYTHING that I as a freedom-loving American stand for. I will have NO qualms against fighting blue-helms in my homeland if I they try to take away my freedom. I just pray that I will never have to.
The funny thing about the UN is 3 of the most powerful countries in the world(USA,China, & Russia(or whatever their callled these days) at one time) are basiclly over the UN. Nothing the UN says means sh*t to these countries unless they happen to totally agree.
"The United Nations doesn't recognize the concept of illegal immigration - and refuses to use that term when referring to foreigners who flout U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border without documentation"
I wonder if they would feel the same way if the positions were reversed.
We just might want to consider moving our Texas border a bit more to the south. Plenty of cheap land and labor, oil, agriculture. It would end the illegal (?) "residents" question as well. Just wonder how Fox would take it if millions of gringos start entering his country without permission.:neener:
The UN is there to provide the little recipient nations with an artificial sense of self-worth and importance and to give them access to the donar nations so that they can demand their "fair share."
Their time and donated money is best spent dreaming up world commemorative days until they crowd themselves off the calendar. Things like Karl Marx Appreciation Day or Death to the Running Dogs of Capitolist Imperialism Day. things like that. A few years ago their was an estimate that each special day cost about $150,000 by the time the UN finished cutting out all the paper dolls and making all the posters.
The UN should be sent to the Sudan.

Facilities in NY and elsewhere should be either pushed into the river (NY) or used for artillery practice. The ground should be scrapped clean (like Waco and OKC) and heavily salted to ensure nothing like the UN should ever grow from the ground.
Mec, mecmemcmecmec....MEC! Glockamoura?
I thought that *I* was the King of Bad Puns....

Facilities in NY and elsewhere should be either pushed into the river (NY) or used for artillery practice. The ground should be scrapped clean (like Waco and OKC) and heavily salted to ensure nothing like the UN should ever grow from the ground.

Yeah, we could use the parking space. It really is time to send this boy's club of tinpot dictators and third world despots packing. If we stopped paying their bills, they'd probably fold up inside of three months.
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