I like to buy American. But I did, in the past, buy some Wolf and Tula when it was cheap and my wallet was thin. I would like to buy ammo from some of the new, small start-ups here in the U.S.
The media has turned Russia into the bad guy. I’m not buying what they’re selling. All the wrong people are backing the other guy. Therefore I try to buy all the Russian stuff already here.
The Obama’s, Clinton’s and Biden’s are up to their necks in Ukrainian corruption. Trump tried to expose it and look where he is at now.
Wolf is a import name that covers Russian made ammo but covers other imports too.
Workarounds have been in place for a bit now. Allowing Russian employees and contractors to be paid. Don't know how well it scales, but it has worked so far as I've seen. The exchange rate was a roller-coaster, but now those with contract priced in Rubles are coming out slightly ahead vs before.Now that payment cannot be made, purchases cannot proceed regardless of prior authorization.