Update on Import Ban of Russian Ammunition

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I like to buy American. But I did, in the past, buy some Wolf and Tula when it was cheap and my wallet was thin. I would like to buy ammo from some of the new, small start-ups here in the U.S.
I used to be a big consumer of the steel cased 7.62x39mm.

No more.

I will not support Russia and it’s treacherous evilities.

I’ve shifted focus to less on firepower to more on accuracy, potency, and low profile. I’ve since put down my AK in favor of a Steyr Scout’s rifle.
The media has turned Russia into the bad guy. I’m not buying what they’re selling. All the wrong people are backing the other guy. Therefore I try to buy all the Russian stuff already here.
The Obama’s, Clinton’s and Biden’s are up to their necks in Ukrainian corruption. Trump tried to expose it and look where he is at now.

Take your political trash somewhere else.
Wolf is a import name that covers Russian made ammo but covers other imports too.
When my local gun shop had Wolf primers at very resonable prices I bought a thousand large pistol primers and loaded 50 in .45 Colt rounds. They everything just as they should. I put them away for "hard times". Cant find hide nor hair of them.
Wolf is a import name that covers Russian made ammo but covers other imports too.

Grasso Holdings has the Tula tulammo line and Maxxtech. Wolf is well Wolf and imports Russian ammo from Tula and Barnaul under the wolf poly, performance, and military classic lines. Wolf Gold is everything else. They also import those T-91 uppers.
Looks like the media succeeded in creating one more divide in our country. Dem vs Rep, Black vs White, Vax vs NoVax, Mask vs No Mask, Police vs Civilian, and now,

Pro Russian vs Anti Russian.

Russian ammo won’t be coming back anytime soon and probably never. As said previously, it was just a drop in the bucket compared to the Russian oil we buy. I won’t judge any THR member for picking a side because I have strong feelings on another rival country I believe is a bigger problem. What any of us believe about Russia and the war won’t make any difference anyway. The wheels that are turning seem to be heading in one bad direction.
A lot of things being said here is going to age very poorly. A lot of people are going to be in for a rude surprise when the narrative collapses.

I'd recommend people apply the same skepticism to the media coverage of this current event that you apply to media coverage about guns.
Now that payment cannot be made, purchases cannot proceed regardless of prior authorization.
Workarounds have been in place for a bit now. Allowing Russian employees and contractors to be paid. Don't know how well it scales, but it has worked so far as I've seen. The exchange rate was a roller-coaster, but now those with contract priced in Rubles are coming out slightly ahead vs before.
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