Urgent help needed to find gun attorney

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is it just me

or does this guy seem... slightly.. off?

large vocabulary, obviously fluent, committed to typing long posts..

but something seems very wrong here.

i propose something: let the guy who is in trouble get in here and type his own post. then- THEN - we'll see how we who have some contacts can help.
yeah, a story this messy needs a paid consultation with a lawyer, who can then say who in the community might be interested in such a case, or can reccomend a good Psychiatrist

IF the story is true. the thing reads like the panicked wailing of a 14-year old with a better than average vocabulary. In the situation described, I would EXPECT a calm description of the basic facts, presented in chronological order, a statement that there are allegations of police corruption, and a request for any local organizations or attorneys who can offer advice.

What I'm reading is the wailing of someone who wants to save another person from a situation that's not fully understood, and expects a neboulous third party to come to their rescue when they get in over their head. Apparrently, we've been nominated as the third party.

That attitude is generally anethema to the posters on this board. Put your house and perceptions in order, then come back when you can ask us for the basic ideas and knowledge that are our stock in trade, instead of searching for mythic white knights with the power to change the world with a sweep of our hands.
A few things that I noted about your post:

1. "Cocaine metabolizes rapidly out of your system"

Yes it does--for UA. Why was a hair test not done?

2. What did the police use as probable cause to arrest this guy?
3. What was found in discovery?
4. If the wife pleaded rape, what was the body of evidence that convicted him of that crime? Was a rape kit done? Sworn statements?

5. Have you seen a copy of the search warrant used to search his house?
6. You said this happened a few years ago. How did this guy lose his guns?

You said that his collection was non-serialized. If they were non serialized, then they are antiques. Thus, not registered; no record of production. How did he lose his guns?

7. What federal penitentiary did he do his time in?

8. Why were his guns "test fired"? And if they were, what was the reason, the case and the evidentiary procedure used? Guns in police custody are test fired ONLY to gain an exemplar of evidence, and that's used only if there has been a crime of violence committed.

9. How did they get into his safe? WHY did someone go into his safe?

Was there a search warrant issued for his home? If so, what were the police searching for? :confused:
You're accusing me of being a drug user just because I have a medical condition that makes it so I cannot sleep easily, combined with my business life? I would let him do it, but he won't even touch a computer now, and can't legally. He has to report everything he does to the P.O.

And maybe you people are having reading troubles, but once again, I have not slept for 2 days and am going off the story as told to me last night and went over in too many numerous to detail parts. I will get a digital copy of it and type it word for word as an update.

I'm neither 14 nor am I any younger than you, I imagine. I'm not wailing about anything, I'm angered that this has happened to him also by the same police department that has tried to destroy me by both slander and physical injury. We both have had the same thing happen to us come to find out.

Hair tests aren't done because they are only for longer hair. He has short hair all over, and they are not as accurate as a urinalyasis or blood test.

They used his wife's testimony as the probably cause for a weapons search likely, or she invited them in due to filing the report.

I'm not sure about discovery, I'm waiting on a copy of case records.

She didn't plead rape, it was charged and he only went down on the gun charge once again, they dropped the rape charge and only took him up on the gun one. They only went after the gun one, cause of the original attempted rape charge. ATTEMPTED. He didn't do it, she admits it. She admits it was entirely made up and never occured.

There was no warrant used, they simply told her they were taking the guns whether she wanted it or not. It was a rookie with a 'tude

He lost his guns the night of the arrest, in this city if a woman screams POLICE! at 4am, a guy goes to jail no matter what.

He had all of his guns in the same place as he did not expect anything like this, ever. Not sure if safe was locked or not.

I'm not sure about the place of serving, I'll find out.

I don't know why they were tested, but I suspect a ballstic fingerprint was taken. That's the only reason they would have, as they were not used in the commision of a crime. But they gave him records of test fires on guns that were both too old to be fired, and did not work and yet they said they fired even "without" ammo that was included and stolen in custom antique holsters.
I'm not sure how the cops got into his safe, he probably had a few on the wall like usual in this area.

She said he had a KNIFE. The cop wanted to KILL HIM for this false accusation. Think about that.

I doubt there was a search warrant at all obtained, either way. They just barge in here without a warrant, and there's nothing you can do. I've seen it happen at least 6-12 instances with people who are churchgoers and do nothing wrong, but the officer "detects the scent of marijuana" for people who have never smoked a CIGARETTE in their life!
had another conversation, he hears of how many people are doubting him and he just shakes his head in shame for his government doing this to people, and then having people think he's lying. They will do this, people. It is not uncommon. It happens, and it probably happens frequently, at least anyone with that prosecutor who doesn't plea out. If me and him are paranoid people which by nature we're really not, we just watch ourselves now and are forced to, and still aren't doing anything illegal either way; but if we are paranoid, what do you have to be to protect yourself? I personally think it's time to form a militia, but I am a non-violent person unless absolutely necessary and someone is at my door, like that have done with him. They broke into his phone line and told him to open his front door or they were breaking it down in 10 seconds to arrest him. That's how ruthless they are. This is a non-violent 65 year old flower child at worst! Seriously, the worst offense he's done in his life is a parking ticket that they can't even find.

I'm not asking for anything monetary. I'm not asking for legal advice. We need:

A. A paid attorney. I want the best, of the best, of the best, gun attorneys for him. I will pay for him just to get him out of this and to sue the government for doing such an injustice and being brutal towards him.

B. A pro-bono attorney that will at least take the case and study it, this at the very least can help him somewhat if the attorney cannot take it to trial.
Another reason he is not doing this himself is he has already given up hope. He thinks there is NO chance even though it is based on false testimony before a grand jury. I know there is always a chance and have faith. I have faith in him also, and that things will be provided for him even in times of need. I am his provider now, and will provide him with the resources needed to get what he needs for appropriate Federal level or higher legal representation. If it requires a foreign attorney at 100 thousand dollars, I will sell a business just to fund it if I have to, this is how strongly this person is trusted and how must I believe in them and their ability to win the case. And I don't have any non-high market sale businesses, either, so I'd be taking a major hit in the pants. I am doing this all out of the goodness of my heart to show him the path back onto life after we were unable to talk due to his sentence and another death in the family. It felt so good to see such an old friend and brother after only a few years, and then ruined my night to hear of the atrocities committed against him and how they near exactly matched my single experience. I don't let things like this ruin my night; instead I promised to myself that I would help him win a case no matter what. He refused to let me do any more because of how powerful they really are and what their reach goes into. We're talking about the US GOVERNMENT here people, they can do whatever they want, and not have to answer to anybody. And I've seen more than this in those very same circumstances over the years. They are the police and htey answer to no one. if I'm thought of a conspiricy theory nut from now on it's ok, because someone who really is would know more than even I do, and I'm bloody scared of what they've been doing to people in these times.

It's very sad, and needs to change, but until then I must help a man that God has informed to that I have a calling to help. So be it if we lose, I will keep trying until we win, have everything he owns back, and appropriate compensation. I will not settle or stop working for him until he is off probation and can take a vacation and not worry wherever I can fly him to.
Gerry Spence in Wyoming is one of the best around. He has done many high profile cases and also many for free. He won the Randy Weaver case against the FBI and won him 3 million dollars. He ain't afraid of NOBODY.

There are some big gun attorneys in the NYC-New Jersey-Pennsylvania area. I would suggest you contact you state bar association for a recommendation or referral. Pro Bono... that's between you and the attorney. Remember we only know what you say here and have no idea whether it is true or not. If you can pay for the service, I suspect the bar association can refer you.
I assure you all on my honor as a man and a Reverend that everything I've said is true. I have no reason to lie. If we lie now, we will not win. Everyting he's been accused of were based on false testimony and a jealous rookie cop who is a murderer. I have met Mr. Weaver before and he is very humble. I would not have made it out of that alive personally. That would be my ultimate nightmare lived, but he made it out. I thank you very much for his lawyers suggestions, my friend will be so greatful and glad to hear of someone like him who is not afraid. If we win the case, it will be posted publically all over. This needs to be exposed what is going on in as many ways as possible. And I know for a fact this will be read by some type of fed, be it BATFE, FBI, or DEA, and I'm scared myself just helping the guy. But once again like I said, we are so legal it's not even funny, we don't even speed in our cars, and still are watched if our names pop up. It's such a joke that makes no sense how they can do it other than to say the apocolypse is coming once the econmy fails due to being a war mongering unconstitutional thug-state.
Rev my friend, I'm sorry but I can't (and won't) buy into this story, as
the details are just too sketchy for me. One thing is for sure, you will not
get much support from law abiding citizens; and our very own LEO family.
Again, I apologize but I'm just being honest; cuz sex offenders and drug
users/dealers don't get much sympathy from The High Road.


What does your honor mean to any of us if we do no know you DIRECTLY?

There are way to many inconsistencies here. How can YOU be prosecuted for talking about this?:scrutiny: :rolleyes: If this is the case, then why are you talking to him (your friend)? And of all places to claim that you can be prosecuted for telling us what your friend did or didn't do, why in the world would you choose a place as public as the Internet? And of all places on the Internet, a public gun forum, where anyone here could be the 'corrupt' LEOs you are talking about? Yet again, to many inconsistencies and not enough facts. If this is all true (I know wierder things have happened, they just tended to be a bit more believable than this), couldn't you have chosen a better course of action?

I am only taking this at face value, but even I think that is to much.

Great story though, and I love the fact that you are trying your hand at comedy, but you suck at comedy. Drama seems to be your strong point......

Give us facts to base our answers off of and we'll give you the answers that may or may not help. But until then, we are not going to give you reasonable doubt that this may be true.

Yet again, sorry for the rant guys, but this sort of crap gets under my skin.:banghead:
Trust me on this, ESS, no one here is going to give credence to this case unless you provide factual, independent documentation. At the very least we need a name and location, as this will give us the opportunity to review the case documentation.
Good Point, Molon Labe, good point.....he has shown that he can't even do that much /sarcasm on/ because he might get arrested and prosecuted for telling us these things /sarcasm off/ If the cops show up knocking on my door, I'm referring them to you E.S.S.

Oh and I'm pretty sure that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit aren't exactly favoring this paranoia either......
HE IS NOT A SEX OFFENDER! THE CHARGE WAS DROPPED! HOW many times do I have to say this? INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. He also IS NOT AND HAS NOT BEEN a drug user/dealer. He smoked marijuana in the 60's, and did cocaine during the same time. I wonder, do you have The Beatles on your shelf? Do you have ANY music on your shelf that has not had some drug influence probably at one time? For the last time, he did not commit a rape, was not present during the supposed attempted rape, and is neither a drug user, dealer, or involved in the drug trade, AT ALL. He wouldn't even know where to get drugs these days, as he's so straight you could ice skate on his chest. The charge was dropped immediately, and they then tried to nail him on the firearm charge BECAUSE the rape charge was worthless and immediately dropped as it was a lie, and she now admits it fully. That is the only reason he was pressed with the secondary charge.

If someone is going to accuse me of being a liar, something against my very nature, please stay out of my thread. You have a personal problem with me, take it up in private messages. If anyone wants the case info, pm me and I will provide it. Only real people trying to help, please. I will not idly sit and be accused of being a liar though; or let my friend be accused of being a liar, drug user, or rapist. He is an outstanding guy, just very afraid and hopeless now due to this happening and spending the last portion of his late adult life in a hole of Satan. I would be just like him if I had worse happen to me, too. Why would you trust the government anymore, at all? He has NO choice though if he stays in America. He is so afraid and talks about how bad it was in there, that by proxy it automatically makes me afraid, and I'm only in this to help him either way. If he couldn't win I would still try, but I know he can win and thus I am risking things in order to assist a good human.
I never said anything about me or him getting arrested for it, but it's just more attention to release his name and let them know we're ready to sue. This is why I ask that people ask for his name in PM if they are really interesting in helping us, as we might both do a class action.

People need to stop attacking the messenger and try for a whole second to believe that this is entirely real, and could and did happen. Just play pretend. If you think it's a crock, stay out. I'm sure there's a few rule violations in this thread already. Just please keep it civil and real good information like SOME have posted in this thread. I have now contacted Mr. Weaver's attorney and am waiting a response, which will turn the guy absolutly giddy after he gets off work tonight and hears it. That guy seems perfect and like he could try it, and win it. Either way, please keep suggestions coming.

And paranoia isn't a sin. Paranoia is being wise and watching your back. Is watching your back taught in the military these days anymore, or did you not serve your country? A little bit of paranoia and thinking of what the worst that will happen can be, and hoping for the best, is normal.
That's libel, pal. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder combined with severe insomnia. Yeah. Real funny, huh? Let's all get a GOOD laugh out of a poor reverend and his friend who were both beat by police, and then accuse them of being drug kignpins on top of it! I'm laughing it up at me using CRANK! Do you think I'm running a church while getting tweaked out in a confessional? Seriously, grow up, and learn how to not break the law. I'm tweaked out on LIFE, nothing else, at all, ever.
Meter was close before, it is pegged now.

No one here called your friend a liar. No one here has read a word your friend has said. No one here even knows if there is a friend.

If the police department in your little town are so corrupt, how did they get the feds involved? How did they bribe a federal judge to

Oh, what's the use?

We'll only get more of the same, "it happened because I say it happened". "I am honest because I say I am honest." "You have to believe me because I am telling you that I am telling you the truth."

Sorry, I have lived too long to fall for this kind of hocum.

Unless you can produce something, anything, that will show us that anything you have said is the truth, then I am done with this thread and you.

He smoked marijuana in the 60's, and did cocaine during the same time.
He is neither a drug user, dealer, or involved in the drug trade, AT ALL

A little contradiction here isn't there? In my opinion, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic; once a felon, always a felon; once a druggie...

As far as being in solitary, you go there there for being a good prisoner, you go there as a problem prisoner. Inhumane? Not if the creep there deserves it as some really do deserve it or worse. You do the crime, you better be able to handle the time. Also, wondering how this "man of God" ot involved close enough to these indivuals that"framed" him in the first place. Gotta be some unfavorable connection there somewhere.

I've read this whole thing and also don't think a clear objective point of view is being shown here. There's definately something missing. Of course in any case, the side telling the story will only divulge parts showing a positive side of thier interest. Like others have said, federal prosecutors don't get involved with petty cases. If it was enough to get them involved, there's something we're not being privy to. Being a man of God isn't neccessarily an automatic innocence either as a whole bunch of touchy feely priests are proof of this. :evil:
A couple of quick thoughts.

I thought the feds didn't do plea bargains. And if it was a federal rap, what was a local yokel da doing trying the case?

Doesn't this guy sound a lot like our old pal Swamp Fox?

If you have an actual interest in the case and will help us, I will provide a case number and name. Only if. if you want to accuse me and say I'm a liar or think I'm making up a story which would be ludacris and a waste of my prescious time that I could be spending at my businesses, then I have no time to waste for you. I have spent every waking minute I had looking into this for him since finding out and will not stop until he is free.

I don't know hows and whys or why us, but it happens. And I've lived just as long as you and know many more important life lessons.

An alcoholic dies if they stop. A marijuana user or a cocaine user do not, neither are physically addictive as has been proven recently. Only mentally, which you can be addicted to ANYTHING mentally. You can be sexually attracted to fire and it be an addiction these days.

It was inhumane and he did not deserve it. if he were selling 20 pounds of heroin a week (which he is not, has not, nor would he ever sell drugs, he was only a small time smoker of medical marijuana, but I am using it as an example) i would sitll argue for him for no sentancing. Drug users do not belong in the fed pen for small posession charges. He had NO posession charges. There was nothing found, because there WAS nothing to begin with, just like I said that he's been sober for decades. There is no unfavorable connection. I worked for the police department, simple as that. I saw how corrupt they were, and was subsequently fired for not complying with procedures that were corrupt and wrong and were bald faced lies to the public. Why am I being persecuted here for protecting all of your rights and refusing to enforce unjust laws and policies? I still will not talk about some of them to the public for fear of repercussions from current officers. I know cops. I know how these cops operate. I know them better than anyone else, as I was their friend for years. If you want to tell me my face to face experiences are lies, then so be it, I hope you enjoy living in fantasy land. I know the real truth, and I am fully satisfied with my knowledge that you cannot trust a majority of police officers anymore to do a single thing for you unless it's required. No point in calling 911 unless you want to get interviewd after protecting yourself so they can try and charge you with a crime right after.

I am not leaving anything out for one last time. This is the case as I have heard it. I may discover more within the case docket but I doubt I will be anything but what he has told me. He is absolutly desperate to be free in the country he so used to love. I am using my status as a reverend to pull some leeway for him, but no, I'm sorry but it was nothing more to add. it was originally city. City called state as they couldn't win the case. State, IS federal.

Please stop attacking the case everyone. If you have nothing to add, LEAVE IT BE. I only want lawyers info, if it's such a phony case like some of you think, they will determine this and tell him such. But his best attorney he could get at the time was for over 10 grand, just for the retainer. And he thought he could win, and didn't. So figure that in to your "gosh, this sounds like alice in wonderland fantasies of delusion"
Double Maduro said:
A couple of quick thoughts.

I thought the feds didn't do plea bargains. And if it was a federal rap, what was a local yokel da doing trying the case?

Doesn't this guy sound a lot like our old pal Swamp Fox?


Oh yes, they sure do. You are only offered a plea. You either take 6 years, or 1.5 in his case. he chose 1.5 because they refused anything else. And on top of it, he cried during agreeing to it, not able to keep a straight face to the judge or look them in the eye, because he knew his life was over for something he didn't do, and couldn't do a thing to prevent. They had him in custody right after the court. This friend has never been on a gun forum, let alone a computer, in years. I have no idea who was trying it, but it was a Fed prosecutor, so it wasn't anyone local, although the federal courthouse is in town. And yokel locals in iowa could be high price attorneys seeing as how our educational system is what it is.
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