Verbal Tactics_Pithy responses to Anti remarks

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Oct 10, 2006
Deep in the valley
I put this in Tactics and Training because sometimes (often) the assaults that come at us are of a verbal nature and learning how to counter that can be every bit as important in the long run as knowing how to respond to an actual physical attack.

Thus I present the verbal self defense primer #1
(Feel free to add but please keep it fairly high road).

Anti Gun statements and pithy comebacks…

"I hate guns."
• "I despise ignorance. Your point is?"
• Why? (and be ready for the most insane reasons).
• Who said you had to have one?

Blood will flow in the streets
• Until the criminals learn we’re also armed and then they’ll stop trying.

This isn’t the wild west
• It sure isn’t, the bad guys then only had six-shooters

“Guns are dangerous”
• “Good God I hope so, wouldn’t be much point in lugging it around otherwise now would there?”
• So are cars, swimming pools, chainsaws, chlorine bleach, smoking, alcohol, etc. (Now this one is usually followed by some comeback along the lines of “but guns only have one purpose” which leads to the next set of...
• Nah, criminals with guns are dangerous.

"Guns are only made to Kill." / “Guns have no purpose but killing”
• Actually guns are made to shoot a projectile in an accurate and repeatable fashion, now what the PERSON holding the gun decides to do with that capability is up to them.”
• “Or to defend a person from a killer.”
• “well mine must be defective because I use them in competitions all the time and nobody has died”.

"All guns should be outlawed."
• I’d rather outlaw crime.
• "Then only outlaws will have guns and they'll probably use them against unarmed citizens, like you."
• Why, because people can’t control themselves? Are you saying I can’t control myself? That’s pretty judgmental of you.

"Only the military and police should have guns."
• Why (and be ready for your head to explode as they try to justify that statement)
• "See any policemen or soldiers nearby?"
• "That worked so well in Europe back in the 30's didn't it?" - be ready to explain a bit of history if you use this one.

"I'll never own/touch a gun."
• "Why don't you post a sign that says just that outside your front door?"
• I’m willing to let you make that choice why are you so dead set on letting me make mine?

Only the (police, government, military, etc) have enough training to handle guns.
• Are you sure about that?

"I depend on the Police to keep me safe."
• "You probably don't remember the Rodney King riots in LA then, right?"
• "You've been lucky so far, eh?"
• "If you expect the police to always be able to protect you, why are the ones who show up at crimes called 'detectives' instead of 'defenders'? Detectives try to find a criminal after they've committed a crime."
• “Because when seconds count the police are only minutes away”
• “Did you know that an average of 100,000 calls to 911 go unanswered every year?”

"I don't believe in guns"
• “Let me assure you, they do exist”
• “Well, they exist. So does rape, murder, beatings and burglary.”
• “Do you also not believe in violent criminals?”
• But if you call the police for help I bet you expect them to be armed.

“ Civilians don't need firearms”
• “ I have 5 words for you "Katrina, Los Angeles and Auschwitz."
"that's an extreme and silly argument"
• "two of the 3 happened in the last decade and the unarmed were victims of criminals who didn't care if their weapons were illegal. In 2 of the 3 cases the courts said the police don't have to give a damn about your safety, and in the 3rd the police helped commit the crime."

“Civilians don’t need firearms” (part II)
• "Of course not, because when seconds count the police are only minutes away.”
• “You do know it’s called the “Bill of Rights” not the “Bill of Needs”
• “Nobody “needs” a sports car either. They only seat two, have terrible fuel efficiency, and cars kill far more people than guns ever do. At least my gun has the redeeming quality of being a useful tool to protect my life.”

"why do you carry a gun?"
• "Because I can't carry a cop!"
• "Because it's more convenient than a broadsword."
• "One violent crime every 6 seconds seems like a good reason."
• (for women) "One rape every two minutes seems like a good reason."
• "Because I can't train it to follow me."
• "Because it gets all scratched up if I drag it behind me."
• Do you believe people should be allowed to defend themselves? (usually answered yes), Do you believe people should be allowed to learn martial arts to do it? (usually answered yes), Well, shooting is a martial art. We just don't wear the funny outfits.
• "Madame, I believe in being prepared." -Gen. George Patton
• I carry a gun because, in this dangerous world, I may have to kill a criminal to save an innocent's life (probably my own, maybe yours).

"why do you carry a gun are you planning on shooting someone?"
• “Why do you wear a seatbelt, are you planning on a crash?”
• “Why do you have fire insurance, planning on burning down your house?”
• “Only if I really, really, have to”.
• “Only if they threaten my life”

“I don't know why you need a gun”
• “I bet there are a lot of things you don't know”

“Guns cause crime”
• “Spoons cause fat”
• “Cars cause drunk driving accidents”.

“You must be compensating for something”
• “My inability to throw a rock accurately at 1200 fps”
• “If I were I doubt I’d choose a 4” barrel.”

“ They should ban all guns to stop all this violence”
• “Look how well banning things worked for prohibition and the war on drugs”
• That worked well at Virginia Tech (Luby’s, Columbine, etc) didn’t it.
• Sure because Genghis Kahn was so peaceable before guns were invented.

"No one should own a gun."
• Why because sometimes people misuse them? In that case nobody should own cars, alcohol, spray paints, etc. etc.
• “Interestingly, the cities with the strictest gun control have the greatest gun crime problems. Why? Because regular citizens are unarmed and the criminals know it.”

"Why are you into guns?"
• Why are you afraid of guns?
• Why do you hate guns?
• "Because it's fun, actually. Like golf, you compete against yourself, hone your skills, improve your concentration. Unlike golf, those skills can be used to protect myself and family in times of crisis."
• “I like history. Guns are historic. But more than that, I can think of no other hobby that opens such a wide variety of scientific, historical and social topics. Do golfers discuss the metallurgy in their clubs? No. Do bowlers discuss the historical significance of the pins? No. Guns, reloading and shooting have introduced me to metallurgy, history, physics, chemistry, research, mathematics, social studies, law, politics, military history, wildlife biology, mechanics and a host of other sciences.”

"Even if one child is saved, banning guns would be worth it."
• "Uh-huh. But wouldn't it also be true that if a gun saved just one child's life, having guns would be worth it?"
• Okay, let's take that further. Far more children die on our nation's highways than from guns. So, let's reduce the nationwide highway and freeway speed limit to 35 mph. Boy, wouldn't that save lives?
• And as for what constitutes a "child," consider this: Until a few years ago, Handgun Control Inc. skewed its figures by defining a child up to the age of 20! I'm sure that the 19-year-old Marine returning from combat was astounded to learn he was still a child.
• Many of those "child" shootings include shootings by and toward gang members. A 15-year-old gang member, shot by police in defense, finds his way into the HCI statistics. Or a 15-year-old gang member killed by rival members is listed by HCI. Kinda changes the whole outlook of those "statistics" doesn't it?

“We have to protect the children”
• I’ve taught (or I’d teach) my children to protect themselves

"Why do you have guns?"
• "Protection."
"What about the police? Why not call them?"
• "Poor response times."
"You know this from personal experience?"
• "Yes.”

“I don’t think just anybody should have a gun”
• “I agree completely but the criminals won’t listen no matter how many laws get passed”

"They can take it away and use it to kill you"
• "If I draw a gun it is because they ALREADY have the means to kill me and I am in fear of my life”.
• “Ah so you are saying they already plan to kill me so I should be unarmed?”
• "If it’s that easy then I’ll just take it right back"
• “They’ll have a tough time because the gun will already be empty” (imply you’d shoot it out).

"You’re carrying a gun? Why? How often do you think people get killed around here, anyway?"
• "Once."

XXX commit suicide with guns every year
• And a lot more commit suicide without guns every year.

Guns need to be strictly controlled
• Guns ARE strictly controlled unfortunately criminals are NOT.

Person #1: "You gun-lovers and your weapons are a danger to society. I wish you would get the hell out and start a country of your own!"
• Person #2: "We did, it’s called the United States of America, where did YOU come from?"
Some great comebacks, some smartass comebacks, and some great smartass comebacks. :evil:

I'm still pondering the best way to answer some of these remarks, in hopes of maximizing the potential to bring others around, and minimizing the potential for, oh, getting kicked out of my church or fired or something. :D

Mannlicher: that's true--not to say I don't go ahead and debate them anyway. But there are folks on the borderline that can still be persuaded. And sometimes I have no choice but to try and convince them at least to tolerate my carrying; relatives and in-laws, for example. Of course that only comes up if I get made. :evil:
While I suspect it's a waste of time where the anti is concerned, I've found that a well placed barb often has the dual benefit of causing them to go off on a full bore rant which almost always kills the anti's creditability where bystanders are concerned.

It's especially nice when this works and THEY started the attack in the first place.
"Why do you carry a gun?"
"Because I cant carry a cop"

Thats one of the best replies I've seen and it doesnt insult anyone.
ZeSpectre said:
Only the (police, government, military, etc) have enough training to handle guns.
• Are you sure about that?

An additional response to this statement should be to point out that LEOs are more likely to accidentally shoot innocent people than civilian CCW-holders, simply because there are much less reprocussions for LEOs. A civilian on the other hand has a lot more to lose by wrongly shooting an innocent individual and is less likely to shoot first and ask questions later.

Someone had some numbers on this subject a while ago, I want to say it was, but I'm not sure. I think it would be worth mentioning if there is a good source to back it up.
The pithy points are useful if you are debating to impress a third party. IF trying to convert an anti, phrase these as questions and try for non-confrontational attitude.
I have never found it productive to 'debate' gun control or any of it's aspects with a comitted anti gunner.

Nor have I. They always degrade to the Wild West scenario while simultaneously ignoring the facts of Katrina, Los Angeles riots and the Holocaust. Obviously, they did not experience it directly, so it need not apply to them.

I agree to disagree and really like the "you gun owners should go start your own country comeback."
Great comments honeslty I have seen cops shoot and I dont feel very safe. At a range of 30 feet with a pistol using a laser he could not get a decent grouping. Most of the rounds hit non lethal portions of his siloheute. I was rather worried he would put a round or two through my own target. With a .45 semi-auto pistol and at 50ft I had about the same accuracy as him except I had groupings. This was my first time using a pistol caliber larger than a .38. With that kind of accuracy I am more concerned a police officer will kill an innocent bystander than any felon.
Everytime I post a picture of an ak47 or galil, people ask why I would need that they are like

"I can see if you want a handgun for defense or gun range but why on earth do you need a assault weapon?"

I go to explain it's not fully automatic and they still complain about it.
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