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Violent Neighbor - No Police Protection - What do I do?

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Our opinion doesn't matter.

Based on your written description of the events, no prosecutor will believe that your neighbor placed your lives in eminent jeopardy. No jury will believe it either. The guys on this Forum believe in you, but we won't be on the jury. Our opinion doesn't matter.

Soon you will buy your gun, the cheapest one you can afford that isn't 'tiny'. It will be the dumbest decision of your life.

Within a few weeks you will use it to shoot your neighbor. He won't die (he won't even be charged with anything) but you will be charged with attempted murder. Then the jury will send you to jail.

With you in jail, no one will be able to protect your wife. You will leave her all alone in a dangerous world. Boy, that was pretty dumb, wasn't it?
If you go out and aggrivate a person, get them mad enough to come to your apartment and kick the door in, at which point you shoot them, you will likely be charged and convicted of murder because you 'baited' them into attacking you so you could shoot them.

It doesn't matter if that was your actual intent, by going out and starting somethign, and later finishing it with a firearm, that is how it will be treated.

Here is how you should handle the situation.


if option #1 is not financially feasable then #2 is

-Get a video camera, voice recorder, whatever. Whenever the guy is loud, start recording, and call the police. Write down the time of noise, time of call, time of arrival, time of departure. Contact the building owner and complain.

IF the guy quiets down when the cops are there, and then gets noisey again (say, in an attempt to intimidate you) begin recording and call 911 again. Contact property owner again.

NEVER bang on your floor in response. NEVER go down and confront him, and NEVER do dumb things to 'get even' like egging his car, letting air of of his tires, or hanging up posters.

This is part of the reason to be recording as well.

If you EVER have to use deadly force, you want it to be clear that YOU are the CHOIRBOY and HE is the HELLION.

Now, the ONLY time you should ever let him see the gun is if he successfully busts down your door, and which time you point the gun, scream STOP FREEZE DON'T MOVE GET DOWN or whatever. The police should already be on the way, as any banging on your door should have caused you to call them BEFORE grabbing your gun.

Now, of course, if in a roid rage he may not care, or think you are bluffing or whatever. If in the face of a firearm, he continues to advance into your home, aim for the center of his torso and shoot. Your goal is to shoot to stop the treat.

Remember that phrase

SHOOT TO STOP HIM. You aren't judge, jury, and executioner, you are simply saving your life and your wife's life. As soon as the threat is stopped, you stop.


if they try and say 'talk to us first' continue to say "I AM IN SHOCK I NEED A LAWYER"

As far as what gun, a shotgun.

A shotgun is MUCH more powerful than any handgun. A shotgun is usually less expensive too.

There are two basic choices, 12 guage or 20 guage. 20 will kick less and is slightly less powerful but in the end it is more than powerful enough to get the job done. A 20 guage is more powerful than a 44 magnum revolver like dirty harry used.

On the economy end, you have two basic 'types', pump action and single shot.

Single shot is cheapest, and simplest. You can easily keep the shotgun open and under your bed, and the shells locked in a small lockbox. In emergency, open gun, insert shell, close gun, ready for use. Of course, one shot might not be great if you miss.


here is an example of a single shot. NEF (New England Firearms) or H&R (Harrington and Richards?) are the two main brands, and the guns sell for a little over $100

The other option is pump. Now, you do NOT want a pistol grip on the pump, even if the movies and TV says it is cool, it doesn't work in reality.

The shorter the barrel the better (makes it getting around the house easier) but that isn't a huge deal. Barrel length does nothing to performance of the gun beyond how easy it is to move around with it.

the cheapest decent pump for those on a tight budget is going to be the NEF pump shotgun

The other names to look at for pump shotguns at a reasonable price are

Charles Daly, Remingtion 870 Express, and Mossberg 500

All are availible in 20 guage or 12 guage, depending on which you choose.

Round this out with a few boxes of buckshot and you will have covered the 'hardware' part of the equation.

next is 'software' which is learning how to use it, when to use it, how to use it most effectively, etc, how to keep from needing to use it in the first place, etc etc etc. We can deal with that later, but just because you own a gun doesn't mean you know how to use it.
You linked a shotgun, that is BAD choice of shotguns

Besides, the 'scarier it looks' the worse it is going to look to the jury as well.

You want cheap and effective. A shorter barreled 12 guage with a decent magazine capacity is definately a good direction to go, but it will kick like a mule (which is why you need a shoulder stock)

here are some better choices, from that same website


Again, I suggest a 20 guage might be a better choice

that works if you want tactical, but don't be afraid to buy an inexpensive "sporting" model instead either


Face it, in trial, do you want the prosecutor to hold up the shotgun you have in your post, or the one right above this statement?

here are two other 'sporting' type shotguns


if times are real tight a single shot may be all you can afford


watch this video


don't be like this
Guns are not the answer to every problem.

And while they are an answer to some, they should be the LAST answer.

Keep after the landlord. Either the guy goes (and call the cops instead of banging on the floor), or they relocate you.

It'd probably be a good idea to pick up a mossberg down at your local Wal-Mart. Get a 20 gauge or 12 gauge, and some of the Winchester AA trap loads.

Now... This is NOT to brandish to scare him. This is not to threaten him with. This is to use if he breaks down the door (you do NOT open it. In fact you are on the phone to the 911 operator).


The AA trap shells will turn whatever's inside 15-20' into hamburger, but they won't go through walls.

And don't get the bright idea of shooting the door to scare the fellow. In fact, keep your booger-hook off the trigger if you're even -thinking- about scaring him with the boomstick. That's not what it's there for.

Scaring the guy will get YOU a ticket to jail.
Our opinion doesn't matter.


Based on your written description of the events, no prosecutor will believe that your neighbor placed your lives in eminent jeopardy. No jury will believe it either. The guys on this Forum believe in you, but we won't be on the jury. Our opinion doesn't matter.

Soon you will buy your gun, the cheapest one you can afford that isn't 'tiny'. It will be the dumbest decision of your life.

Within a few weeks you will use it to shoot your neighbor. He won't die (he won't even be charged with anything) but you will be charged with attempted murder. Then the jury will send you to jail.

With you in jail, no one will be able to protect your wife. You will leave her all alone in a dangerous world. Boy, that was pretty dumb, wasn't it?

There's your answer!
Stay away from the guy
Stay away from the gun.
No offense but if ya don't you'll buy more than you ever bargained for!

I was in a similar situation many years ago, except the neighbors were just generally loud and violent with each other and not a specific threat to us. I went to the manager and told him the situation.

I pointed out to him that we paid our rent on time every month and would like to remain there for the foreseeable future. On the other hand the rowdies were a bother to everyone, would likely destroy his property, and at their current rate of misbehavior they will likely be arrested or otherwise foced out in a short time anyway.

Basically, you'll make a lot more money keeping us here than them. I then explained that the current situation was totally unacceptable to us an allow a great inconvenience we would be moving in 48 hours unless they were kicked out instead. I then offered to help document everything or otherwise assist in any reasonable way to get them booted.

The manager thought about it, said other neigbors had already complained. he asked me to summarize the problems in a brief letter to him and he would do what he could.

Not surprisingly, the rowdies were at it again that very night throwing furniture out their 2nd floor windows. They were gone in 24 hours. Problem solved.

If at all possible you should consider moving. I say consider moving because you are already in a nice apartment and have this problem. Moving does not guarantee you won't run into a similar or worse situation. Either the manager should boot this guy or you should move if possible. If the LEOs and manager are not helping you then you are not in a very nice location regardless of the furnishings. If you move, plan to move to another LEO district (from city to county or vice versa, or another city or county).

If the threat is not removed and you cannot afford to move then you have do what you can to protect your family.

You have gotten a lot of other good advice. I would definitely talk to the police to see if I could file an official complaint or restraining order based on being in fear of grave bodily harm or death. Ask them what your options are when he is beating on your door screaming threats at you.

And I would buy a gun and take a CCW course (often available for $35 or so). Know exactly under what conditions you are justified in shooting an which conditions are prohibited from shooting in PA. Give this situation to your CCW instructor (take a course from a LEO or retired LEO if possible) and ask for their advice or referral to a LEO or lawyer that can advise you. Many lawyers will give you a free 30 minute consultation; just be sure to write up the situation and you questions very clearly so as to not waste the lawyers free time.

Once you know exactly what you can and cannot do, then do lots of scenario playing to carefully think through a few of the most likely threat situations. Practice imagining yourself acting exactly correctly in each situation until it is burned into your mind. This is not a vague, generalized threat but a very specific one with known conditions and observed specific behaviors.

I agree with the many others that have advised to not have ANY direct contact with this nut. Don't try to figure out why he acts that way, or what you can say to him except for your own protection. Call the police if he is a public nuisance or threatens your family in any manner. Call the manager/owner the right after calling the police, any hour of the night to alert them to the problem and that the police have been called.

If you can record him on video or at least audio then record his pounding on the door and his screaming at you through the door. Keep a journal of his threatening activities. Different states have different self defense laws but I would think that if the door starts giving way you are justified to be in fear of your life or serious bodily harm, especially if he is significantly larger and more muscular than you. Be sure and get clarification from an expert.

And of course, practice with your gun whatever you get so that you can confidently operate it under high stress adn in low light. The last thing you want to do is fumble with a safety or other levers, etc. A shotgun usually has a safety and a light trigger pull. you may want to keep it stored with rounds in the magazine but nothing in the chamber, with the safety OFF. If you need to bring it to bear then rack a round into the chamber and keep your finger off the trigger until you are needing to shoot. Other options are a revolver, like a .357 4" or 6" barrel, or a pistol with no safety levers or decockers such as a Glock or Springfield XD. Keep it as simple to operate as possible and practice lots with it live fire.
Here are my observations:

1. If he really was a 'roid rage' monster, he can easily kick-in your apartment door if he really wanted to get at you. He doesn't.
2. If he really was a violent guy, he could have jumped you or your wife anytime when you are outside of your apt. He hasn't.
3. If you do threaten him with a gun, either real or not, he could call the police and file charges against you for brandishing/menacing, you'll probably get arrested and prosecuted. He could then successfully file a restraining order against you and your wife.

This just sounds like both of you have bruised egos and can't back down -doesn't really seem like this guy is hunting for you -he's just an A-hole.

Your real options:
1. Stop confronting the guy.
2. Document every time you hear noise, get threatened, call the police and call the management/landlord to complain. Spend $200-250 to have an attorney document this in a letter to your landlord with reminder of legal liabilities if anything happens.
3. Purchase a firearm (I recommend a standard 12ga shotgun & keep it loaded, nothing fancy that looks like you are itchin' to kill him). Never brandish it, don't even let him know you have it. If he actually breaks into your apt. use it, repeat if necessary.
4. Move.

Nobody wins in this type of situation. Go elsewhere with your wife and enjoy the peace.
There is good advice in this thread--and some bad. I will not point out the bad ones, but I will emphasize the good ones, as well as attempt to point you in the right direction.

1. Do NOT contact this guy again---other than mutual, friendly contact. This means a "Good morning" in passing, or something similar.

2. You described earlier an incident where the guy was pounding on your door, and trying the knob. This is known as "violent and tumultuous entry". You stated that you had a gun pointed at the door, and stated that the BG left.

Some folks here voiced an exception to that. I will tell you that if I were the responding officer, you would not have been in ANY hot water over that.

So, what do you do?

a. If you are in fear of your life, bodily harm, or the same occurring to one of your family members, ensure that you are documenting each and EVERY one of your complaints. Make sure that these documented complaints are in a safe, secure location, and kept in chronological order.

b. If the problem persists, contact your local Court about orders of restraint and protection. Have them served, if necessary. When you file one of these, you will (upon proper and adequate articulation of the facts) be awarded an ex parte order that's good for 14 days. You will be scheduled for a Court date to show cause why the order should be extended or made permanent.

c. Video and audio evidence is always good. If you get something, ensure that you get a good system to record what is going on. I would probably consider an enclosure if you mount the camera in the open--other than that, there are a number of cameras and CCTV systems that you can get that are hidden from sight. Make sure that it is in good repair, and is recording properly at all times. Date and archive your video storage.

d. Here's an important thought--the errornet is the wrong place to ask for legal advice for the use of deadly force. For example, if you were in the State of Washington I could expound a bit on it--but the best advice I can give is to consult your local Prosecutor's office. Why? Because THIS is the person you will face in the event of a self defense shooting.

e. If you seriously believe that you--or your loved ones--will have to use deadly force, put an attorney on retainer. Follow their advice implicitly--that's why they are paid the big bucks.

f. Seek competent instruction in the use of firearms.
g. Finally, I recommend some reading. There is a book called In the Gravest Extreme, by Massad Ayoob. This is the definitive work about shooting to save your life. It covers well the steps leading up to the shooting--but more importantly, it covers what happens AFTER the trigger is pulled.

Good luck and God bless.
Of course, we're only getting the OP's side of the story...

First thing is you must complain to the landlord. If the music is as loud as you say it is, he's probably violating his lease. Also, others have probably complained as well.
So, let the landlord handle it. If the landlord does not handle it, he or she is breaking the lease. You have legal options then.

If you feel you need a firearm for protection, by all means get one. Just remember loud music and even him pounding on your door isn't an immediate threat. Breaking your door down is a threat.
But if you do shoot, your life will be severely impacted for months or years....even if you rightly defended yourself.

Where in PA?
I've been in similar situations over my years of wonderful apartment living. It is the reason I live in the middle of the woods now.

I won't say that I haven't approached a neighbor that is disrupting others. I have. When you have to be up at 5:30 AM to go to work, and a guy is living it up and jamming music at 3:00 AM, you have to do something.

And as pointed out, calling the police in such situations rarely creates resolution. Moreover, if it becomes an ordeal where you have to make statements at 3:00 AM, you may as well start making a pot of coffee. You won't be going back to sleep before work.

So I do understand trying to deal with the sitution as men were ment to-- one to one.

But as clearly pointed out here, that isn't really an option with some people.

Because of this, I like the idea of putting pressure on the management/owner and documenting the incidents. I like the idea of creating an official log of what is going on with the LEO's.

And I like the idea of protecting one's self from this guy. I would not say only keep it in the house if you are truly worried about being assaulted. I've seen situations where a person was caught on the way to his car in the parking lot. But you really need to re-think your mentality about what a gun can do for you.

The absolute best solution is to move but that isn't an option for you. I look at apartments as "throw-away" homes. If the scenerio changes, I get a change of scenery. Not worth fighting a battle for something I have no vested interest in. If that owner wants that kind of community, more power to him. Many owners would appreciate a calm, quiet tenant.

But that's just me.

On a side note, I can't believe this hasn't been questioned:

The presence of drugs most likely means weapons are present. It goes w/ the territory.

I am not at all certain that this is as much of the case as you are suggesting. As an old frat boy, I can tell you that I knew a LOT of casual drug users that had no firearms.

I think you may be buying into a stereotype of "thug" life. I don't get that vibe here. I get more of a drunk frat boy jock vibe. The ones I knew like that were too stupid to go get a gun or know how to use it. I know... I called a few of them "brothers" for a few years.

However, firearms COULD be present. I never make predictions about anyone else's firearms ownership. If they are a threat to me, I MUST believe that they have the means to carry through with that threat. Its not my business to guess.

-- John
No Castle Doctrine in PA

"4. PA does have Castle Doctrine. if you're in your home, or place of work, you're under no obligation to run and hide. we don't, however, have any sort of 'Stand Your Ground' type laws. if you're out and about, you're obligated to retreat, if you can."

Jahwarrior--this is misinformation. PA has no such law on the books. It's been PROPOSED, but no legislation has yet been passed.
1) Stop confronting him! Stop talking to him period. Don't even say hi or hello. Don't make comments about him to other people. Don't "rant & rave" about him to your wife. Removing him from your life.

2) Get a tape recorder. The digital ones are cheap and can hold 100 hours. Keep it near front door. If he every comes to your door banging on door and threatening you it will be caught on tape. File a complaint, show them the recording, and if you felt your life was in danger let them know.

3) Call landlord and police EVERY SINGLE time he does something wrong. Illegal drugs, threatening, loud music. Document EVERY SINGLE time. Get copies of any documentation.

4) If necessary get a lawyer to write up a summary w/ supporting documents for police & landlord advising of this ongoing menace.

5) If necessary see about a protective order.

Get a shotgun. Forget a handgun right now. I hope you don't take this wrong way but you seem very upset,
very angry. A handgun you can slip into a pocket when confronting the guy (see #1 above). Handgun + Angry + Confrontation = a lapse in judgement you will regret.

Simple plain jain 12 guage is an amazing home defense weapon.
Notice I said "home defense" weapon not "teach the BG a lesson", not "if I scare him good once he will stop", not "I can't let it go this time so I am going to put this in his face" weapon.

I don't know the layout of your apartment but I would keep it near front door when you are awake and beside the bed when you are asleep. Get into a pattern/schedule and it will be second nature.

Know Jeff Coopers 4 rules of gun safety (not just kinda know them, KNOW THEM).
Nice way to get kicked out of your lease (or worse) is to make a 12 guage hole in the floor, ceiling, or walls by a negligent discharge.

Load the shotgun with #0 buckshot. Birdshot is for shooting birds. If you are involved in a home invasion with quail you will be covered. Against anything else you will have no stopping power.

Ask gunshop for some instructions on the weapon. Every weapon is different. Just because you shot "a gun" doesn't mean you shot "this gun".

In a conforntation:
Don't LEAVE YOUR HOME if he threatens you.
CALL 911.

Don't try no "hollywood crap" like shooting him in leg, or shooting the floor to scare him.
aim CENTER MASS (upper chest in a full exposed target). Pull trigger.

Remember "I shot to stop him", "I felt my life was in danger", "I was protecting my family"
"He deserved it", "I killed him", "he has been harrassing me for weeks","He was a bad guy".

Only give brief statement to police. Let them know you are shaken and would like to continue later.
Something like "He broke the door. I felt my life was in danger. I shot him to stop him from hurting me. I am very distraught and would like to talk later after I have calmed down".

Get a lawyer, don't talk w/ police ANYMORE without your lawyer.
I read only the OP and I am not familiar with PA law.

Under Ohio law (and you should have similar recourse available to you), I would contact the police, file a menacing report, contact a victim advocate and request a protection order, present said protection order to the apartment manager, tell him that you are scared for your safety and ask whether the offender will be evicted or whether you will have to move to keep in compliance with the protection order. I think your problem will get solved.
This may not be the most palatable solution, but probably you are best off moving.
I am not a lawyer/LEO/expert! But this IS the intertubes, so I'll add MY opinion too.

I'm no expert, but I am a pro at apartment living, and most of that with the "less classy" grade of neighbors.

Here is what I would do in your situation
#1 - Be more valuable to your landlord than your offensive neighbor [Simply put, if your rent checks are late or bouncy, the landlord really doesn't care. Don't take it personally.]
#2 - Document, complain, document, get police involved, and document [If you call police, be polite to them and apologize for dragging them into it. Thank them and offer a pop / coffee if they ask to enter your apartment]
#3 - BEAR SPRAY! brand unimportant, but similar. [I suggest the bear spray from your description of the layout here. You seem to describe a stairwell that the attacker must come up to enter your apartment after kicking in the door. You want to be at the top while he climbs to you, if that day ever arrives]
#4 - Shotgun 12 or 20 gauge, load with something appropriate after you think about what is through the walls & floor. Lots of correct things have been said about a firearm being a last resort, and shooting to stop. That being said, get a hunting-style shotgun. As you shop, imagine your shotgun being presented to the worst case ignorant anti-gun jury. Do you want an "evil black SWAT gun" or something that resembles grand-dad's duck gun? Both make nice holes in things you can't reach, so get the less scary-looking gun. Trust me, anything [other than a paintball marker] is plenty scary when you are looking at the business end. Even a .22 plinker is mighty scary when someone sweeps you with the muzzle unintentionally.
#4b - practice with your new shotgun by using it for sporting purposes. Don't present it to a judge & jury as "my home defense gun" ... present it as "my duck/deer/clay/trap/target shotgun" ... and "gee, I'm sure glad I didn't come to the light birdshot first in the panic!"
#5 - get this jerk evicted, enjoy your new shotgun for sporting purposes, and have the best revenge ... living well

Now a general note:
I see a lot of references to "your wife", "a wife", etc etc.
Shouldn't we be getting HER involved and empowered? Even if it is limited to "Honey, call the police and get the recorder" or "OK, you use the bear spray while MrRoid climbs the stairs, and get the hell out of the way when you hear the shotgun pump".
I have learned in my marriage that working as a husband & wife team is far more than 200% effective when compared to working on your own. I assume Mrs.will500 is as interested in the safety of her family as will500 is. That is possibly the best reason to go for the 20 gauge, as it may be HER needing to defend herself alone, or HER defending you after MrRoid puts you on the ground. That is one reason that, whenever possible, MrsBFD and I don't purchase any tools [including firearms] only one of us can use. If it isn't clothing or personal hygiene, in our house most everything is communal, including firearms, tools, cars, or electronics.
Shooting someone is you LAST RESORT. RKBA, castle laws and whatnot are about your rights, not always the wise option given the specific situation.

You do have the right to KBA. You do have the right to defend yourself. But...

Do not buy or use a gun to "straighten this guy out". It won't work and you'll either end up dead or in jail. That kind of tactic is for gangsters.

If this guy presents a direct threat to you or you family, at a specific moment in time...like he's just broken down your door and he's coming at you...you can defend yourself. Now if you have whipped they guy into a frenzy prior to him breaking down your door, It wouldn't be murder but...

A gun is for protecting your family, not fixing broken neighbors. Do not point a gun at this guy or anybody unless they have a gun and are pointing it at you and don't just point...you're going to have to shoot.

So if this guy is not a direct threat to your physical well being, a gun is not the answer.
After reading your post, I am uncertain if you are a troll, or just uninformed about firearms laws.

from mall ninja to apartment complex ninja

i think he should tape three plates of armor to his back in case the violent neighbor tries to take him out with multiple long-range shots of 338 lapua
Oh yeah...

One of the very first things that one learns when entering a primate research facility is "don't make eye contact."

He's probably a Big Dumb Guy, and he wants everyone to acknowledge that he's the alpha male. You have probably unwittingly usurped his idea of his personal power.

Stay the hell away from him. Monkeys sling all kindsa stuff when they get hacked off.

Call the cops. Call the cops. Call the cops.

Call the landlord. Call the landlord. Call the landlord.
I live in an apartment similar to the OP although my situation is a little bit different as myself and my wife tend to be much louder than our neighbors because we'll be up to midnight most nights playing guitar hero or watching a movie/hanging with friends eating cookies and drinking ice tea (sweet ftw). One of our downstairs neighbors works 7 days a week 72 hours a week and goes to bed at 8pm and gets up at 4am to go to work everyday. Our neighbor has told us we are too loud several times but the fact is we cannot just shut down our lives after 8pm everynight just because they can hear us. We try to be as considerate as we can but there is only so much we can do. (they also have a basement below us so they could always adjust their lives and go down there I suppose.)

If i were in your situation I would strongly consider moving. Even a busy person can move the stuff out of their house just a carload every weekend. Also consider this... if you were to have a "big" confrontation with him and someone got hurt or the "bully" neighbor got arrested or sent to prison because of it I would not feel safe when he got out of jail no matter where I was living. But if you have to get a gun....the Norinco 982 is an excellent, affordable choice:D
My 2 cents:
Get training asap. Most places that sell guns can at least point you in the right direction, if they don't offer training themselves. NRA basic pistol, NRA home defense, tactical shotgun. Hunter safety if that is scheduled first.

When you buy the gun, the seller should show you how to take it apart and clean it. If he is busy, be assertive. If he doesn't know / does a bad job, buy somewhere else.

A door security bar is a good idea if you're worried about your apartment door geting kicked in.

When you call the cops, if you are just making a noise complaint, use the non-emergency number and tell them it's a noise complaint. Usually that gets a lower priority. On a busy night, you don't want your call stuck in the middle of a list of disturbances/disorderly conduct / fight outside a bar; the cop dealing with all that isn't going to have time to write ticket for noise. You want the cop on lighter duty (or possbily a non-cop administrator, depending on where you live), who is assigned to noise complaints / grass too high duty.
I forgot to mention, each time the cops would leave, the guy would scream at our door and up at the ceiling to intimidate us.

Yep, that happens. Quite a few years ago I had a similar experience. You probably need to call the cops again and explain the situation. Be polite, respectful, sober, patient, clear and consise when dealing with the police and usually they will solve the situation. In my case, the third time the police came out that night, the guy was belligerent enough to throw a beer bottle at the squad car.

If you don't have the cash for a video recorder, tape recorders are quite cheap. Get extra tapes, so you can let the cops take it with them if they want it as evidence. Set it by your front door, let it record 90 minutes or 120 minutes or whatever it is so you don't have to worry about it/miss turning it on.

I'd also advise writing a letter (polite, clear, consise) to the police chief, explaining your situation and asking for advice on when to call/not call the police, and what you can do. The response you get back is likely to be more useful & specific than web advice. Also, letting him know your situation might increase the knowledge base the officers are working from, when they come out.

If you are doing something stupid and aren't aware of it, the chief might be able to point that out to you. (In my particular case, I needed to be at the lab really early each morning, and my headlights were shining into the guy's bedroom and waking him up as I pulled out. I had no idea that was part of the problem. Easy enough to park in a different space and wait to turn the headlights on). The cops can talk to the guy in a way you can't, and they'll learn if he has some specific beef with you or if it is a general attitude problem.
Guess I'll throw in my 2 cents too. Don't know what it's like in PA, but there is a chance you may want to try something a little different. Of course this depends on who you know, where you hang around, etc. If you go to rather not the best areas of a city, you may meet some not to nice individuals. If you ask around I'm sure someone you know or work with has such connections. They usually can be hired for a really cheap price and they could do a lot more to solve your problem in a way that would really work. Usually a threat from someone that appears to look like they mean it has a lot of results. Just the Chicago method.
All knowing, all powerful gunowner

Doc2005 obviously has never lived in an Apartment. Maybe him saying what the hell is going on wasn't the best choice of words but its common to go down to your neighboors if there annoying you, calling the cops is usually the last resort. Your comments in itself seemed trollish and pompus. Im sure you knew everything the moment you signed up to the forum with no education from anyone. Dont berate newbs, try to inform them in a non hostile way. Accusing them of being trolls or ignorant isnt the best choice of words as "What the hells going on?" isnt the best choice of words.
Keep reporting him to the police, mount a camera system if you can, document this idiots nutcase behavior if you can as well... Also get some pepper spray. A few big cans of the really nasty pepper spray.

The most documented wins
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