Warning use of Debit Card for Cabelas on-line purchases

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I can only second what others have stated before: NEVER, EVER use your debit card for anything else but withdrawing money at an ATM

with a credit card any issue (incl. fraud) is between VISA/Mastercard/Amex and the person who charged it.... with a debit card it's your money straight from your account... :what:
I would like to add a small clarification a pre auth can be cancelled by the agency if they contact the bank directly. The bank has a procedure for this that Cabella's can execute if they are willing to take the time.

I've had this situation with hotels that have pre-auth stays on the wrong card. It does require a willingness on the vendor to take the time to get the authorizaiotn cancelled. In my case, it took a day just to get everyone on the line and to get the right paperwork faxed. Once the process was settled the funds were cleared into my account after a 3 hour transaction window.

Mind you, I was a tad more insistent as it involved several thousand dollars and the hotel had a vested interest as we were regulars there.

I just wanted to add that as a sidebar to this conversation.
Yup, as stated in post #7.
oh come on guys.... Ive used Debit cards exclusively for 15yrs +...

Yes, my account has been hacked twice. Less than my CC's when I used to have them.

However, my bank is good (Not a National Chain) and they catch it quickly and the money is back in my account within hours.
Yep. Most good banks these days have the same protections on debit cards as credit. I also use debit exclusively. My account has been compromised once and all money was promptly returned. I also can dispute transactions same as my credit card (which i do my best to avoid using).
OP - Cabelas doesn't have 30 days, they have 15. After that your bank can step in and refund the money, then charge it back to Cabelas.

To those who insist that you have no protection with your debit card - you're dead wrong. See that little logo in the corner that says Visa or MasterCard? That means you're covered just like it was a credit card.

I should mention that this applies to purchases made either online or over the phone (Not in person basically).

So to OP: You're not out the money, you'll get it back. Fortunately there are rules that govern how long a merchant can sit on their arse before being forced to return it. If not, they'd have a 87654616456 day return policy.

Like the person in post #2 or 3, I work in this industry. Debit card fraud to be exact. (I should mention that everything he told you was spot on) I deal with stuff like this all day, every day. It can be a bit of a process to get your funds back but you will get refunded. Banks and credit card companies are heavily regulated, so by extension merchants who want to do business with them (by taking your debit or credit card) have to play by the rules too.
I have several accounts tied to debit cards. They are all no fee accounts. I carry one card with a reasonable amount of funds. I also carry a card (different color) that has an average of 5 to 25 dollars balance in it until I want to purchase something on line, by phone, or with an untrusted vendor . I see what I want and the approx price, transfer the money into that card and then use the card for that transaction in short order. I am by nature a patient person so things purchased are not ever spur of the moment so that helps. I also shut off the overdraft protection just in case on all but one of the cards and that one is just for cash withdrawals at ATM machines for JIC.;) Works well for me.
That's why I just use my Cabela's visa, besides that if you use it enough they'll give you a '51 navy for free:what:
The use of a debit card is a decision that each individual must make for themselves. What works well for one person or family may not work well for another person or family. From our friends at the US Government this is a good read on debit cards. Not that I place much stock in anything the US Government tells me. :)
Can I use my debit card to buy things online?

Your debit card will work online. But debit cards are not a good way to pay when you shop online.

Credit cards are safer to use when you buy things online:

You might have a problem with something you buy online. It is easier to get your money back if you use a credit card.
Someone might steal your credit card number online. The law says you can lose only $50 if you report it right away.
Someone might steal your debit card number online. The thief can take all your money out of your bank account.

Additionally depending on who issues the card they may have different rules which is fine as long as they comply with federal rules and regulations. Check with your financial institution and ask questions, then decide. Compare the answers. Find the bank or credit union that meets your needs.

Personally neither my wife or I use a debit card. They simply are not practical for our financial needs. Ironically among several credit cards we use the Cabela's Visa more than the others as I like the points and getting the Cabela's bucks. My wife also uses her Amazon account quite a bit and the Amazon Visa. When bills come in we pay the amounts in full, both retired we are fortunate to have the ways and means. For us a debit card use simply isn't the way to go. For others it is a good way to go and for many the only way to go.

FROGO207 Writes:
I have several accounts tied to debit cards. They are all no fee accounts. I carry one card with a reasonable amount of funds. I also carry a card (different color) that has an average of 5 to 25 dollars balance in it until I want to purchase something on line, by phone, or with an untrusted vendor . I see what I want and the approx price, transfer the money into that card and then use the card for that transaction in short order. I am by nature a patient person so things purchased are not ever spur of the moment so that helps. I also shut off the overdraft protection just in case on all but one of the cards and that one is just for cash withdrawals at ATM machines for JIC. Works well for me.

Works for him and that is all that matters. That scenario would not work for me. I don't want several accounts let alone several accounts tied to debit cards. However, as long as the user is happy and it works for them it matters not.

The only think of importance is knowing what rules there are and how those rules apply to you. This is where the OP made a mistake. On the bright side he has learned from the mistake. The downside is obviously he has funds he can't use.

I have my stuff sent to a independent shipping center that stays open 7am-7pm 6 days a week.
Another good way to go. We have also done that but not much now that we are retired since we know when a package will arrive. Prior to retiring everything went to my wife's place of work, which we can actually still use. We just notify the credit card companies that being a valid shipping address.

OP - Cabelas doesn't have 30 days, they have 15. After that your bank can step in and refund the money, then charge it back to Cabelas.

The Cabelas Customer Service Representative told me 3 weeks so who knows. They are a big enough corporation they can do pretty much anything they want to. Anyway I know I'll eventually get my refunds. But I am going to watch my account for the next 15 days.

Fortunately I can easily cover the charges. But for someone living on a tighter budget or if it was a larger amount it could cause some real problems.

We have spent serious money at Cablelas over the years. You know you are a valued customer when they send you a hard cover catalog!

But again this isn't about bashing Cabelas. The few times a business has tried to rip me off have been small ones with a few employees.

We worked hard to get out of credit card debt but having a no-fee one for emergencies and Internet purchases make sense.

p.s. I actually saw a brown UPS truck yesterday in my part of the county. The truck was parked at a restaurant and the driver was inside eating lunch. Well a guy has to eat and it is a long ways from their service hub.
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"...Use credit card to protect yourself..." Using a credit card doesn't protect you from anything. Using a credit card on-line means the number is on-line and will be on-line for ever.
The problem is that there are laws that protect you when you use a Credit Card or ATM card that do not apply when you use a debit card.

Indeed - however as I said most decent banks extend pretty much the exact level of protection as a courtesy to their debit card users. It ensures that the cards actually get used and people use their bank.

Most actually go a bit above the law when it applies to either credit OR debit cards. Legally you liable for up to $50 in the event that your credit card is stolen. I've yet to see a case for debit or credit where they held you liable for ANYTHING. The credit back to one's account is generally 100%.

This is truly one of those cases where the market tends to regulate the situation without the laws really being required. As capitalists isn't that generally how most of us agree the economy should work? ;)
We were using a debit card for online purchases and it got high jacked for over $2,000.00 for a TV ship-to-store purchase. Luckily the bank called the store before the TV was picked up and we got our money back. The bank said had the TV been picked up they would have given us our money back anyway. But they said for us to never use a debit card for online purchases.
The USA is at least 10 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to debit cards.
You still see people in grocery stores in the USA paying with checks.
In Canada and most of Europe you can go virtually anywhere with just your debit card and no cash. Take a bus, a cab, buy a pack of gum or a whole wardrobe. In the USA not so much.

I got my first debit card in 1986 and have not gotten into the spending on credit trap that many get into.
There are those who can spend on credit cards wisely and there are those who will overspend and end up in debt.
I only use credit cards for online transactions. For everything else there's cash and debit cards.
I have no CCs. So should I go back to what I did most of my life, fill out a order form and mail it in with a check? Is that even possible anymore?
Yes, personal checks, or postal money orders sent snail mail are still perfectly acceptable.

But, you lose 3-4 days one way getting the order shipped.
Probably several more days one way from where you are.

Get a low interest Visa, or MasterCard, and use it only when you need to for internet purchases.

Then pay it off EVERY month, before the 'Loan Shark' interest rates kick in.

DO NOT use it to buy gas, food, or Fuzzy bunny slippers.

Because you will starve to death trying to catch up and pay off the gas, food, and Bunny Slippers.

Debit Cards are for getting Money out of an ATM.
Credit Cards are for buying a new transmission when your car breaks down 500 miles from home.

And for internet orders, if you pay them off every month when you get the bill.

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I have no CCs. So should I go back to what I did most of my life, fill out a order form and mail it in with a check? Is that even possible anymore?
That works per RC and don't forget, once the retailer gets your personal check they may want to wait for it to clear your bank. There are also USPO Money Orders and Cashier Checks.

On a side note as I mentioned earlier I have no reservation using a credit card and we pay them monthly in full. Last year I was visiting friends in NC. I went to a drug store and bought a few things and used my Cabela's VISA. I literally walked out of the drug store and into a Harris Teeter supermarket for beer and Bubba Burgers. I went to pay, again using the Cabela's card and while it didn't say declined I couldn't use the card I had just used maybe 10 min before? What the heck? The sweetie at the register tried a few times and no-go. OK, so I just used another card, no problem.

While walking to my truck my cell phone rings and it was my wife. The same time I used my card in the drug store she was using hers in Cleveland, Ohio. Despite different names on the cards, same account. Cabela's called Kathy and asked about things, she told them it was fine as I was in NC and my card was again immediately activated for use. Have to give them credit as they were right on it.

My bank will call and text me if there is any unusual purchases on my debit card, and will withhold payment on those purchases if I don't authorize them by calling them and telling them so after identifying myself to them.
"...Use credit card to protect yourself..." Using a credit card doesn't protect you from anything. Using a credit card on-line means the number is on-line and will be on-line for ever.
The moment you get your credit card, it's online forever. At your bank, at credit report agency etc.

I use c/c for everything and pay them off in full every cycle. Between two cards I get on the average $500 per card per year. It's nice to buy a $30-50 item on Amazon once a month and not pay a penny. The couple of times I caught fraudilent activity on my cards the money was refunded immediately and card # was changed. That's the couple of times since I got my first card decades ago.

The best thing is the protection it offers from being screwed by the merchant and not getting what you paid for. I had filed a dispute probably 4-5 times over the last 15 years, and won every time (of course I only filed when I was sure I was right). The best one was when we signed up our child for soccer at his school and paid the district for 6 months in advance and out of the first 8 sessions 6 were canceled or postponed. The district refused to refund our money stating "there will be make up classes", and basically behaved in a way "we're a school district not a department store and will do as we please". I got so p'd off by their attitude I filed a chargeback complaint with Amex and got back the entire amount, less the cost of the 2 sessions they've attended (I am sure I'd get that money back as well if I complained to the c/c but it wasn't worth the time).
DO NOT use it to buy gas, food, or Fuzzy bunny slippers.

Because you will starve to death trying to catch up and pay off the gas, food, and Bunny Slippers.

This is 2014, not 1964. Use your CC wisely and it will save you money. Use it unwisely and you will get into trouble. Taking the approach that you should NEVER use a CC because you might get into to trouble with it makes as much sense as saying you should never buy a gun, because you will just get into trouble with it. Anyone with enough sense to use a gun responsibly should be able to use a CC responsibly.
Do what I've done and get a CC with the SPECIFIC purpose for purchasing firearms and related accessories. I get the bonus of miles/rewards and gun stuff too. AND the wife doesn't need to be bothered by it!
I figure this is enough on using credit/debit cards for purchases, including gun related ones. :)
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