Was this acceptable in your opinion?

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I just see it as another gun store guy who's really free with his advice. They're out there in force- you've just gotta give it all a good hearing and squirrel away the nuggets that agree with you.
My local shop has a guy kind of like that. He said some pretty offensive stuff, and now my wife refuses to come in to that range any more. However, over time he's dropped the "macho" routine and seems pretty down to earth, and now gives me discounts on my purchases.

Yeah, I'd slough that off - it's no big deal - just another semi-lunatic rant of someone in the general public. He didn't endanger you - just expressed his views in a rather odd and animated way.

His views on open carry are interesting to say that least. He is actually 100% dead wrong on open carry when he says "I don't know if you're bad or good if you open carry." Quite the opposite is true. Criminals are going to conceal until it's time to perform the crime. All open carriers are good guys - bad guys aren't gonna tip their hand by walking in someplace open carrying. Concealed carriers could be good or bad. But all open carriers are good.
As far as someone physically removing the gun from my holster, unless it's Jack Bauer I don't think that's happening. I can throw an elbow pretty damned hard. It could actually be an advantage in a scuffle if someone tries to go for my gun, because I can grapple pretty well and am fairly strong. I also notice anyone within about 10 ft of me (at least!) and pay 'em good attention...if someone has enough training to get it from me easily, I'm pretty well screwed huh? Good thing most people who'd be insane enough to try to steal a holstered gun don't train with special forces...

The guy was talking about someone sticking me up for my gun, which seems like a plausible but not likely scenario. Kinda like "you'll get taken down first in a massacre," it seems to be mostly hypothetical. I agree that if I were a psycho, which I'm not, I'd look for any openly armed people in the vicinity and off them first. But, frankly, I'm just not seeing any real life proof of this kind of stuff. It's conjecture. Situational awareness is king, and trust me, with a piece openly on your hip you can't afford not to be aware.

bogie, if this is a bbq gun...


I agree that keltecs aren't it. But neither am I. I have a cheap uncle mike's sidekick holster, and it works for me. Doesn't look too bad IMO. Tidy if nothin' else.

Anyway, the gun's out of commission right now, and no OC. I have no holster for my beat-up Colt Army Special.
I like how the guy, who is currently OPEN CARRYING goes on to say that if you open carry, people will assume your a "bad guy" and might shoot you, or that the thief might shoot you first. If he really thought that were the case, then why is HE open carrying? Isnt he afraid someone will see his gun and shoot him, just like he says will happen to others? Oh, I guess heas a super ninja and doesnt have to worry about that when OCing, only other people who do it have to worry....

If OC is such a bad idea for many reasons, why is HE doing it?
he must be new and feeling the "bad assedness" of working in such a testosterone-junky place of employment.

people like that are nothing to be upset about, just bask in the knowledge that you arent creepy.
jrfoxx and six o clock tactical,

You're right. It's like what I was saying about the right to OC. People want to pick and choose their rights. This guy wants to be able to OC at the range and is ok with others doing that, but if you're not in his club, too bad. He probably doesn't care if other people get to carry at all...long as his butt's covered.
Guys, it's not about macho. It's just about common sense. I do not wish to be hassled. I do not wish to be the possible target of Joe Bystander thinking that he's going to take down a "terrorist." I don't feel like scuffling or swinging elbows or anything of the sort. I feel like just smiling, and happily going about my business.
In my 50 years of life I have finally come to the conclusion that:

" The more I know about people, the more I love my dog ".

The guy behind the counter is probably a nutjob, but you get what you pay for.

I usually dont like the randoms I run into at the range and shoot on a private hunk of land for the price of mucking a few horse stalls...I like the horse crap better than the dudes like you ran into.
Open carry may or may not be a problem depending on where you are at. In areas where open carry is common, you don't hear the disaster tales or concern. Where open carry is uncommon, you get actual instances of trouble.
I see it this way. It is not your store, it belongs to someone else who lets this guy work there. Why complain to us and not to the owner of the store. Your coming here to vent is kind of what the guy in the store did, he was venting in a way about all the dirt bags and how he would handle them. And he vented about open carry on the street, but at least did it to your face. I wonder, did you even tell him how you felt? Maybe he could have explained in quite rational terms why he said what he said, and did what he did. Maybe not, and then maybe you could have explained to him, in rational terms, why you disliked what he did. Then maybe he would not do it again. Venting here is one thing, but it will not likely change, or allow to be explained, the behavior you found distasteful.

When I see a goober of a gun store clerk doing what I beleive is the wrong thing, I either bring it to his attention, or to the attention of the management in the great majority of cases.

All the best,
Glenn B
I see it this way. It is not your store, it belongs to someone else who lets this guy work there. Why complain to us and not to the owner of the store. Your coming here to vent is kind of what the guy in the store did, he was venting in a way about all the dirt bags and how he would handle them. And he vented about open carry on the street, but at least did it to your face. I wonder, did you even tell him how you felt? Maybe he could have explained in quite rational terms why he said what he said, and did what he did. Maybe not, and then maybe you could have explained to him, in rational terms, why you disliked what he did. Then maybe he would not do it again. Venting here is one thing, but it will not likely change, or allow to be explained, the behavior you found distasteful.

When I see a goober of a gun store clerk doing what I beleive is the wrong thing, I either bring it to his attention, or to the attention of the management in the great majority of cases.

So no, I do not in my opinion find what you did, or failed to do, to be acceptable.

As for the gun store clerk, his actions and words were not anything wrong in and of themselves, but do seem rather a goofy form of machismo.

All the best,
Glenn B

The beauty of the net is that I can rant and rave and at worst just get a calm, logical response from someone like you :p

Seriously, it's a one-time thing. If it happens again I will either vote with my wallet or complain. I may have overreacted, but there's no accounting for emotion. The guy just really rubbed me the wrong way.

I'm glad I didn't complain about him, and I'm not regretful that I ranted here.

In part, I wanted to start a discussion about how people handle this kind of situation, which makes it something a little more than rant (though not much).

As I expected, people either
a) complain about it on threads like this
b) complain to management
c) don't worry about it
or d) somehow change their habits if it bothers them, either by shooting alone or avoiding the goons.
Oh, and as for whether I told him how I felt, I didn't bring up his acting tendencies. I didn't think to at the time, hence the rant here.

But I did disagree with him on a logical basis, and just tell him that in my experience he was wrong and that situational awareness is perhaps underrated in his world. I was questioning whether people here found his behavior acceptable. And I will decide whether to complain, pending further analysis in real life.

I am not passive aggressive...I swear...

*mumbles under breath*
At one point in the conversation, he said "Yeah man, but if you don't conceal then anyone who wants your gun or money, gets it. If you conceal, they usually come up to you and flash the gun (he pretends he has a gun in his waistband and lifts up his shirt)...that's when you say 'HERE'S YOUR MONEY' and (he reaches toward his gun, openly holstered on the hip, and then turns his hand into a mock gun, points it at my head) says "BOOM."

He was illustrating the likely outcome if an armed perp decides to rob you and you are OCing vs CCW. What part of it don't you understand? :scrutiny:

Are you offended he expressed a different opinion?

Obviously its your right to patronize another location, but different opinions and advice are part of America.

That actually isn't what happened at all. Read closer.


There will be a quiz at the end of class!
Holy moly!


I am not a fan of open carry. I think it is for police wannabes or oddballs.


Holy moly!

Sometimes I am really amazed at what I read on PRO gun, PRO liberty and PRO Second Amendments boards.

Hey, whatever trips your trigger in opinions, liberty, self defense issues and firearms!

Catherine prefers Open Carry.

Catherine now continues to mutter to herself... sigh and lament.
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I am not a fan of open carry. I think it is for police wannabes or oddballs.

Nothing personal, but discretion as they say, is the better part of valor.

Besides, the look on the face of a scumbag when a concealed gun magically appears is pretty priceless. Why miss out on the best part of a gunfight?
The best part of a gunfight is not having a gunfight at all.

Let us suppose that open carry may be a deterrent. Just perhaps. Would that not be a whole lot better than a big surprise?

Even if not, one on the hip is quicker to deploy than one hidden in the waistband.

I don't know what to say about being called a police wannabe or oddball. I think I'll just ignore that. Come to Arizona, see what it's really like in the land of open carry. It's not what you think.

To other posters, about gun grabs: Gun grabs of non-cops who open carry, don't happen. Ever. Document instances of it happen don't exist. If they do, they should be easy to find a news account of. I think the press would drum that right up, don't you?

I have another thought here too.

NO offense. Okey dokey? Choose to read it or NOT read it. We all have free will and for now... we are a FREE people.

I happen to think that OPEN carry, CONCEAL carry and ANY type of CARRY should be "LEGAL".

I must be a real old fashioned "ODD BALL" because I happen to THINK/BELIEVE that the Second Amendment means EXACTLY what it says just as our Founding Fathers wrote it!

But hey... we all have opinions and opinions are like snowflakes... they all DIFFER.

Catherine who thanks God for her God Given Right To Self Defense which is backed up by the "Second" and who chooses to Open Carry because for now she lives in a FREE STATE.

I think that EVERYONE should OPEN CARRY withOUT having legal problems even though it is LEGAL in their home state as one gentlemen mentioned in another thread where it was LEGAL but they SCREWED the citizens of that state!

Open Carry and/or conceal carry should be allowed by the politicos, with their PAID protection, their special rights where they THINK that THEIR LIFE is worth more than YOUR LIFE or YOUR LOVED ONES!

If an anti gun person does NOT want to own or carry or shoot a firearm... no one is FORCING that gun into an anti gunners hand.

If a PRO GUN person wants to carry open... go for it. I think that if more people did this... you would not have all of these 'confusing' thoughts by so called gun people or NON gun people.

I think that if you CHOOSE to open or conceal or NO carry... whatever trips your trigger. YOUR CALL. YOUR LIFE. YOUR DECISION.

I made my choice.

My groom/husband carries concealed and OPEN. HIS choice and it depends on where he is.

Respectfully yours,

PS: I feel very SAD for the people who have a law where is says that Open Carry is LEGAL and the LE, the court system, the politicos DEFY that law and make those people PAY using their God given right to self defense which is backed up by the SECOND and the 'LAW' in THEIR STATE! That is so VERY wrong - so very wrong. Those people who hurt those open carry people think and act as if they are ABOVE THE LAW! That is very wrong and sad!
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Dear Wayne Conrad,

I happen to think that Open Carry helps combat crime in many ways. I think that it helps combat crime BEFORE a criminal or perp thinks about doing the dirty deed with FULL intent! I agree with you there.

Thanks and take care.


Catherine = Real Name
Armed and Female
Montana = Real Place
My husband just said that people who think that something is 'wrong' with Open Carry are 'warped'.

He carries open and concealed. It depends on the situation for him. Sometimes he does BOTH at the same time especially OFF the beaten path.

He thinks that open carry deters crime.

My husband does not belong to this board so I wrote this for him. My late husband felt the same way as I do about these issues and so does my groom/husband of 2 years.

I can't imagine being married to a man who had NO clue about the Second, the God given right to self defense for yourself, your loved ones, a stranger in need, your dog and in defense of your country from foreign and domestic enemies.

He just got home from the office (24/7 job.) so I was telling him about this thread. Time for a late snack and a John Wayne movie now.


Catherine (Catherine's husband too!)
I like open carry because it's good to know where to find another gun. I also like it because it helps keep bad people focused on the real threats instead of diverting their attention to harmless old people like me who just want to be left alone. My life's goal is to be 120 and sit in front of a television set with crayons while coloring inside the lines. If God wanted me to be macho he got the formula wrong.

As for the incident that's supposed to be the topic of this thread, what does it matter? It's not a romantic relationship or one that promises a lengthy association. You got six months of free range time because you registered for a course. You didn't get an introduction to Miss Manners or even to me. If the employee's talk bothers you, don't engage in conversation with him. If some annoying patter distracts you from what should be your real focus, work on your focus. A dancing elephant wearing a pink tutu while doing the fandango and waving a parasol is at worst a peripheral matter when I'm focused on a goal. Imitate me: be an insensitive clod, don't concern yourself with inconsequentials, and just get the job done without a lot of fuss.
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