Washington State Gun Control: All Semiautomatic Rifles Are 'Assault Rifles'

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The measure also says that a gun seller cannot sell the rifle to you until after he is notified in writing from the Sheriff that you are eligible to own a gun. There is no timeline given for how long the Sheriff has to make that notification. Which means an anti-gun Sheriff could drag his feet for weeks.
All Semiautomatic Rifles Are 'Assault Rifles'

Makes sense to me, after all any firearm with an optic on it is a “sniper rifle”...,
I'm wondering about internet sales. I was planning on buying another SA rifle soon. If I wait and this passes it might become a real PIA.

I guess I really need to look into this pronto.
All semi-automatic rifles Will be Registered with yearly inspections...? :eek:

In the full text of I-1639 under section (15) (a) "Verify, on an annual or more frequent basis, that persons who acquired pistols or semiautomatic assault rifles pursuant to this chapter remain eligible to possess a firearm under state and federal law"
This is only a sample of section (15) It also goes on to explain that The chief of police or Sheriff will take steps to confisticate violators firearms.
If this passes and we don't March on the capitol with our rifles then the state and the country is lost.
If this initiative passes, I will have totally lost faith in this state's gun-owners. Shame on us, we let I-594 pass; this initiative is the most egregious assault on gun rights ever, and if we let this happen, more shame on us.
If this passes and we don't March on the capitol with our rifles then the state and the country is lost.

American flags instead of long guns would suffice, in large numbers. But after the horse is out of the barn it's a tad late isn't it?

Best plan IMHO; organize it for now. Before.
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The Washington State Sheriffs Association, the Washington State Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association, and the Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs announced they oppose I-1639
The Washington State Sheriffs Association, the Washington State Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association, and the Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs announced they oppose I-1639

Most of the WA sheriff's opposed 594 but it still passed.

The problem with 1639 is it's unenforceable, just like 594. I believe there has only been a few people charged under 594 since it was voted into law. 1639 is another unfunded mandate that LE don't want to deal with due to budget constraints. County and city managers better be worried about this law because the SAF and NRA will rip it apart in court. The cost to the taxpayer will be substantial. You would have to be a very lame prosecutor to think a court would convict someone under that law.

WA is a special place when it comes to gun control. The liberal dems are rabid and the gun owners won't get off their butts to vote.
So sorry WA is in this predicament. For fun, while I was doing my last build, I put the gas block on backward (temporarily) and created a straight pull bolt action rifle. Know what? My anti-gun friends look at the picture and still think the gun should be banned. If an AR is built like I did mine would it be covered under 1639 simply because it could be easily converted to a semiauto? Because you possess all the pieces to make it semiauto?
If any one wants to read the full text of this imitative you can view the full text as a pdf here. https://www.sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_1531.pdf . It is 30 pages random laws from safe storage to mental health. It is like a bunch of anti gun folks sat in a room and thought up every thing the wanted in no order. I have read it a number of times and still don't understand it.
Wow. Using the search term "semi" I waded through all 30 pages.

There are things that don't make sense. Like being required to send a form in within 6 hours by registered mail. Didn't know the USPS office were open 24/7.

But the essence was in Sec 16 para 25. Which yes, includes every .22lr semi ever made. It does not include language though that says anything about "readily converted". Not that I would want to live under this law or try to flaunt it, but evidently if you turn your gas block around it would be legal. Somebody will pick up on that I suspect.

"Semiautomatic assault rifle" means any rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge. "Semiautomatic assault rifle" does not include antique firearms, any firearm that has been made permanently inoperable, or any firearm that is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action.
Yes, little did I know that the Weatherby 22 I have had for 40 years is a semi automatic assault rifle. It's not even black, I guess I could paint it black,,,,,,,,,,,,Naaa.
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This thing sounds so off the wall that in a rational world it would have no chance of passage. Maybe the intent of the proponents is not so much to pass it, but to move the "Overton Window" that defines what is acceptable in the gun debate. If indeed it does pass, that would mean that Washington gun owners were asleep at the wheel.
This thing sounds so off the wall that in a rational world it would have no chance of passage. Maybe the intent of the proponents is not so much to pass it, but to move the "Overton Window" that defines what is acceptable in the gun debate. If indeed it does pass, that would mean that Washington gun owners were asleep at the wheel.
I was talking to a fellow idiot Washington gun owner about this and he just blew it off. He owns several ARs and black rifles. He said he's going to ignore any new laws and his cop friends will do the same.


I guess he didn't notice how online retailers no longer sell certain things to residents of other Marxist states like California.
Wow. Using the search term "semi" I waded through all 30 pages.

There are things that don't make sense. Like being required to send a form in within 6 hours by registered mail. Didn't know the USPS office were open 24/7.

But the essence was in Sec 16 para 25. Which yes, includes every .22lr semi ever made. It does not include language though that says anything about "readily converted". Not that I would want to live under this law or try to flaunt it, but evidently if you turn your gas block around it would be legal. Somebody will pick up on that I suspect.

"Semiautomatic assault rifle" means any rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge. "Semiautomatic assault rifle" does not include antique firearms, any firearm that has been made permanently inoperable, or any firearm that is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action.

You don't need to go to the post office to send something Certified Mail. Please note there's a HUGE difference between registered mail and certified mail.
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