What are the Top 5 Gun Friendly States and Why?

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mainebear: Kinda surprised that Maine rated a D-. I think it's a pretty friendly state, expected at least an F. Someone, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that Maine had more guns per capita than any other state. We live in the country, and prior to hunting season we can sit outside and hear all the neighbors practicing. Nice, very very nice. Gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling
I was going to throw Maine in there too, but I think we lose points with state tax. and maybe since Portland is often considered part of "Boswash".

as for the Brady Grade, I think we might get bumped up a grade since 1). (according to the possibly out-dated pages on packing.org), Maine doesn't seem to honor any other state permits. and 2). the "Boswash" thing.
Alaska's no. 1. I ride a bike around the largest city with a rifle slung over my shoulder.
Which is one reason among several (including large open spaces with big mountains)
that I'm considering setting up base camp next in AK.

ID (mostly northern) is also near the top of my list for the same reason.

OR is only truly "gun friendly" outside of the three largest "cities":
Portland, Salem & Eugene. (The only real "city" in OR is PDX; the other two are large towns.)

This statement...

The only thing wrong with AK and VT is since they don't have a CCW licence, the other states don't recognize your right to carry.

...is not true for Alaska. We still have permits available for reciprocity purposes, you are just not required to have one to carry within the state.

Additionally, we recognize every other state's permit, though that is meaningless since you needn't have one as a resident or visitor to carry here.

I can carry anywhere that recognizes AK's permit, which is something around 30 states.
If the blue card is your only gripe, the Las Vegas is still pretty cool. Shall Issue, as you said. I have my CCW, and I no longer have to pay the Background check fee. And as far as the "Blue Card" is concerned, if you already own a handgun, and have the blue card, there's no waiting period.
I moved back to Vegas 18 months ago from the "People's Republic of California". I was in a gun shop 3 weeks before the move, and saw a nice nickle plated Beretta 92FS. I was going to buy it, and put up with the waiting period. But, as it turned out, I couldn't, because you need to take a class before you can even buy one. Once I moved back to Vegas, I bought 5 handguns, and an AR 15 my first 12 months here. So, I love it here. I know some of you in the riral areas might not lije Vegas, but for me, it's great.

"Most Of Nevada


"If you don't count Las Vegas/Clark County ("Los Angeles Annex East" -- yes, guilty as charged) most of Nevada is cool.

Statewide they have
Shall Issue
Open Carry
No Waiting Period
No Restricted Weapons Types
Hunting Culture
Western Traditions
A LOT of very empty outdoors.
Now, if we could just get LV to drop that stupid "blue card" registration thing for handguns, we'd just about make the top 5."
A lot of people forget about Ohio. Lots of Machine Guns and ranges, good gun shows, and now HB 347. Ohio is becoming a state of the second amendment.
And Howard Metzenbaum pokes his head out of the flames every once in a while to scream his disdain at you.:D
So what you're saying is that the Brady Campaign has actually wrote something beneficial.

I find the Brady's stuff to be VERY beneficial. Everytime they deamonize a new gun I convince myself I just have to buy it. That's just my way of making their efforts backfire. :D

And here in Florida I am pround of our F+. We were the first CCW state and the first "Stand Your Ground" (or as the Brady's prefer, "Shoot First") state. Not to mention that we are an NFA friendly state.
Florida was the first CCW state? How's that now? We in Indiana had been carrying over 50 years before Florida passed their reform.:scrutiny:

Florida was the first "stand your ground state"? Come again? Indiana had been operating under no duty to retreat for 130 years before Florida amended their statute.:scrutiny:

Kirk's Second Law of the Internet is in full effect.:D

I liked that idea of adjacent states..

as in Florida, Gerogia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia.

I think that South Carolina is the best of the 6 least wise it was last time I looked. Might have to review to see which of the Carolina's comes out on top.

+1 For Texas

Having lived a variety of places and finally settled here in this BEAUTIFUL and GREAT state of Texas, I can't say that the gun laws or unreasonable or in anyway unfriendly.

The expense of a CHL is a PITA but in all honesty, it's a smart idea. Fact of the matter is that more and more people, such as myself, are imports in the state and may not have been raised with the same culture and understandings about guns. Plus, there are laws that change and update and people need to understand. The whole process seemed like a very no-nonsense approach to making sure one can safely handle a weapon.

As far as open vs concealed carry, what's wrong with concealed? I'd actually prefer the option to have both. But if one method has to be chosen/forced over another, I'd think concealed would be the fairer choice as to not make anyone appear as a 'target'.

But God Bless the State of Texas. When you compare it to beautiful New Jersey, this place is heaven!!
Wow, only one mention of NH...

We have shall issue with a very good appeals process if they deny you for whatever reason (by statute, they have 14 days to approve or deny, with reason for denial in writing, and you have the right to appeal it, court MUST hear your case within 14 days), and it costs $10 for residents and $20 for non-residents (and no fingerprinting or photographing, by statute). Now, the dems are trying to change that as part of their occupation campaign (we're in for one hell of a fight up here), but there is a pretty well established independent streak here, that whole "Live free or die" thing.

No waiting periods for anything. I'm not too sure on the NFA culture here, but there's a range down the street from me that rents out SMG's, so it can't be THAT bad for NFA stuff. Lots of good ranges and places to shoot, well established hunting culture, and it seems everyone I know has a gun SOMEWHERE in the house. Even people I NEVER would have thought to be owners.

We also have the second lowest tax burden in the country (though we're also in a desperate fight right now over that, the state supreme court thinks they have jurisdiction over schooling, which has traditionally been controlled strictly at the local level, and the commun... I mean Democratic party wants to dump "the pledge" and institute all kinds of new taxes, including a 13% sales tax that would utterly destroy NH's economy).

So we're embattled right now, but I think we can overcome the socialist morons and prevail. I would personally give NH an F on the Brady scale. Unfortunately, we're surrounded by socialists... (Maine and VT have more taxes than us, and VT DID send Bernie "Socialist" Sanders to the Senate)
Not that the state gun laws aren't lousy but MA is not _nearly_ as bad as some other places or as horrible as many seem to think,it all comes down to living in a town with a CLEO that respects RKBA.I had zero problems getting a LTC that took less time than many in "free" states and would likewise have no problems buying a machinegun,if I could afford one or an SBR if I felt the need for one.Some laws do suck,such as we still have the AWB in place and our handgun selection is limited but when it comes to the actual issues that are more important on a daily basis,it's better for me here than it was in NC: less hassle to get a carry license ( again,down to local law enforcement) and in reality,the NC permit is good for your car with all of the restrictions. I don't have to worry about where I go to eat and have never seen a sign that bans guns from a store.To me,being able to defend myself at all times is considerably more important than not having bayonet lugs on my AR's.

There's this belief that there are no shooters in MA and the ones that are here are only allowed one single shot John Kerry approved .410 and it really isn't true.
Mississippi got an F. I'm so proud too! We have it pretty good here.

No limit on ammount of firearms you can buy
No waiting period
Shall issue ccw (a bit of a pain to apply, but shall issue none the less)
Castle Doctrine
No police record of gun sales
An overall gun culture is prevalant among our citizens IMHO
We can buy hi cap pistols, rifles, and shotguns with a barrel of 18"
And pretty good hunting too!
NH ... Live Free Or Die

Stay out of trouble (no felonies) and NH is a great place for gun ownership. Some great clubs too....from Archery to Indoor Pistols to Rifle and Shotgun sports. Only negative is the lack of ranges over 100 yds. Guess we've no room for long range shooting.
Texas laws go back to the bad ol days with gun fights on every street corner. Dodge city was a pussy compared to many Texas towns. Bowie knives are still in the Texas laws. Open carry is still banned from 1870 laws. A pickup without a gun rack has an out-of-state plate. The frontier mentality is still alive in TEXAS.
Damn...Kentucky sounds like a fabulous state! Washington State only got a D+...probably because all those liberals in Seattle. I do believe it is one of the easiest states to get a Conclealed Carry Permit. You pay the few bucks to cover the piece of paper, get all digits fingerprinted and off you go. They do not even care if you have any training or can even spell Gun. Everybody is gun friendly outside of Seattle or the capital: Olympia. Now that I think of it, everybody is Republican with the exception of Seattle and Olympia.
Cosmoline said:
Alaska's no. 1. I ride a bike around the largest city with a rifle slung over my shoulder. I just went shopping at Fred Meyer on Saturday with an AK-47 clone in my cart, cased but obviously a rifle.
(sniff, sniff)
I think there's something in my eye...
Washington CCW

Washington has had shall issue CCW since 1961. No training required.

I think the largest block of gun friendly states has to be Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona. Not only that, but a majority of the states adjacent to those are pretty friendly as well. Washington, Oregon, Colorado.
Pennsylvania got a D+ from Brady's people. I am so proud. Of course, we could have done worse if we tried. Well, hopefully we can score lower next time.
Florida may not be the best, but I guarantee we're in the top 10, and quite possibly in the top 5 in certain respects.
Pennsylvania got a D+ from Brady's people

Yes......we're not all that bad. I would like to see some different regs but honestly, I've never had a problem in all the years of concealed carry under my belt.

Having said that.......if our good for nothing but liberal bulls... royal ruler we call a governor gets his way, we'll rank up with the most liberal states of the national nightmare of liberal states.

Don't blame me......I didn't vote for him.

Open carry
Shall Issue CCW
No classes or fingerprints for renewal
Castle Doctrine
Open spaces
NFA legal
Gun friendly CLEO's who will sign off on NFA items
The UZI triangle
Gun shows every other weekend
No state AWB, magazine ban or any other ban
FTF gun sales
Instant purchases and no Brady check with CCW
Gun and ammo sellers will ship here

About the only thing bad is the no guns where alcohol is served. We overturned that but our Democrat governor vetoed it and we couldn't muster the votes to overturn her veto. I've made it plain to all my local restaurants that serve alcohol that I will not enter their premises until that's overturned.

Oh, and the flood of illegal Mexicans that neither Federal or State government seems to be interested in stopping.
Just did a check on Utah. We do pretty well for ourselves!! I like the "demerit" column in the comments; "Prohibits lawsuits against gun industry. Enacted law to force University of Utah to allow hidden handguns on campus and weakened CCW background check law."

Looks to me like the Bradys need to change the critera - please fill in and edit as you see fit.

A+ = No guns for anyone - except maybe law enforcement and rich people and politicians and crooks and... and... and.. but not YOU!.

B = You have a gun, but only the kinds that WE deem appropriate, Air soft, BB, .17 cal., .22 cal - but that's pushing it. But you have to wait 6 years to get it after you pay for it, and you must pay our add-on governmentally mandated fees and licenses to make it TOTALLY unaffordable, I.E. A Marlin Model 60 shall cost no less than $4,872.68 out the door.

C = You can have a gun, you evil heathen you, but we will make you feel like a leper or a smoker. Also, you can't carry it, sell it, store it, or shoot it.

D = You have your guns - you can use them, you can carry them, but we'll make it a pain to buy them and use them and carry them. And we don't like you.

F- = This state recognizes and allows the Second Amendment of the Contitution of the United States of America! NUKE'EM!!!!!!
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