What are YOU compensating for?

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It's interesting that the people saying this are often pyscologysts(sp) driving BMWs.

I'm compensating for a lack of cash, which is why I own Marlins, Taurus's, Bersa's, Saigas and Charles Daly's, but no AR-15 :(

In one of Mas Ayoob's articles or books, he says that if men REALLY were using firearms to compensate for tiny wieners, they wouldn't buy guns with 2" barrels.

I always thought that was a pretty clever, and valid, response.
What am I compensating for?

Lack of the ability to pull chi-blast fireballs out of my ... pocket like in the video games.
I'm not.

Just how raised - what you do.

Granted I have been known to "compensate" a lost bird because my pard missed, or "compensate" a limit of doves because some folks can't shoot...

I'm a 51 y/o kid, I'm not to the part in life where I have worry about big words like "compensate". Then again I'm not planning on growing up so I have to.

Art is my role model, he is 20 years older than me - and he has not started being an adult yet...:D
I'm compensating for those poor widows and willfully ignorant goons who sell Parker doubles and Griffin & Howe custom rifles to pawn shops and buybacks for $50 in wallmart gift certificates. I'm also compensating for morons who want to turn irreplaceable historical artifacts into manhole covers instead of museum exhibits for the edification of future generations.

It's kind of a loosing battle.
I'm not compensating at all, the little voices in my head keep telling me to buy guns.

That should shut them up.
A ballista is far too heavy carry conveniently. That, and my lack of fangs, claws, horns, scales or wings(although I have been told I can work up a pretty good dose of venom on occasion).

Nukes are a little messy.
I am compensating for being unable to have a 3 man armed bodyguard squad around me and my children, like Rosie O'donnel can affort. Hey, I wonder if she applies her anti-gun message to her bodyguards, and doesn't want them owning firearms to protect their own family, just like the rest of us working stiffs?
I have NOTHING to compensate for. I don't care WHAT my ex-girlfriend has told you. She's a LIAR. Nothing to compensate for. NOTHING. That lying...

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