What do you think of my Congress woman's reply.

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Random Guy
Jan 14, 2009
Heart of Dixie (Ala)
A few months ago I emailed my Congress woman concerning HR822. Well now, 2-3 months later I get a reply. I started reading and when I saw that she was one of the 245 Cosponsors I kind of thought I might just get along good with my new Congress woman, it's her first term. Then I read the second paragraph and I'm now wondering where she really stands.

This being a new Congress woman I'm watching her pretty close, and if she's good I want to keep her around but if she's a fence straddler I'll find another person to cast a vote for. Pro 2A Democrat's aren't terribly hard to find in this district.

Anyway with no further ado... her response:

Dear Mr. XXX:

Thank you for contacting my office regarding H.R. 822, the National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011. Your thoughts and opinions about this issue are very important to me, and I very much appreciate your input.
H.R. 822 is bipartisan legislation that I have cosponsored designed to expand and further protect the 2nd amendment rights of American gun owners. As the representative for Alabama’s 7th Congressional District I will continue to work with diligence and persistence to protect the legitimate rights of law-abiding American gun owners; and moving forward, I will continue to keep your thoughts and opinions in mind on this and other legislation.
I am a supporter of common sense gun laws, and the strict enforcement of existing gun laws. We need to develop a comprehensive and balanced approach, one that keeps our communities safe while protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and ensuring that Americans continue to enjoy the right to bear arms.
Once again, thank you for contacting my office regarding H.R 822. I look forward to hearing from you in the future on this and other issues of importance to our community, the state of Alabama, and our nation.

Terri Sewell
Member of Congress

The Cosponsor part is great but that last paragraph sounds a little questionable to me. Just as a side note I believe a outright 2A anti would never make it in this district, but a flip flopping fence straddler might stay off the radar for years, while doing serious damage.

BTW: I'm not wanting a political conversation, I'm just watching my new Congress woman close, and I can't decide if I'm reading something into this that isn't there or if she is trying to leave room to flip flop. As of now this is basically the only 2A feedback I have on her.

Copied straight from my email, what do you think?
that's not too bad for a congresscritter, actually

not to say it is entirely in line with libertarian principles about an armed citizenry, but at least she isn't frothing at the mouth spouting utter nonsense about shoulder things that go up and heat-seeking airline-killing fifty caliber rifles
It's hard to guess really, but my gut interprets "common sense gun laws" to mean that they are against so called assault weapons and any kind of firearm sale that doesn't involved an FFL.

That's just me, could be anything but that term 'common sense' seems to be the anti's code word for those 2 things.

It is important to realize, and tough to avoid some political party conversation here, that the Democratic Party still has those 2 things in its stated platform.

Democratic Party Platform said:
We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce common-sense laws and improvements – like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, wecan both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe

Whether or not individual politicians agree with this or not, it IS the published agenda of that party, that's not up for debate.
If the 4 words "common sense gun laws" were removed would you have any problem with the response?

If you're interested in her exact position I suggest paying her office a visit while she's back in the district over recess. Then you can ask her to explain what she meant by that one phrase. Don't coach her so she knows what you want to hear, just thank her for her response and ask her if she'd explain what she meant by "common sense gun laws".
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I am a supporter of common sense gun laws, and the strict enforcement of existing gun laws. We need to develop a comprehensive and balanced approach, one that keeps our communities safe while protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and ensuring that Americans continue to enjoy the right to bear arms.
Sure a lot of words to say nothing. :rolleyes: It is hard to say if these are just weasel words, or euphemisms for gun bans. Perhaps the OP should ask for some clarification.
I dont see any problem what so ever. We have to have some gun laws to guns from the hands of people to witch they dont belong,i think we all agree upon that and at the same time she says shes commited to protecting the rights of those of us that are responcible enough to play with guns.
I think it really comes down to her definition of "common sense." Sense isn't too common, though, so probably best to just watch her voting record.
I dont see any problem what so ever. We have to have some gun laws to guns from the hands of people to witch they dont belong,i think we all agree upon that and at the same time she says shes commited to protecting the rights of those of us that are responcible enough to play with guns.
Firstly it is my opinion that restrictive gun laws do very little to actually prevent those who, by law, should not have them. All they really do is restrict those of us who ALREADY follow the laws.

Secondly, Obama says the same thing...just sayin'.
If the 4 words "common sense gun laws" were removed would you have any problem with the response?

Well as a matter of fact "the strict enforcement of existing gun laws" isn't something I would necessarily be boasting about. Mainly because we have some ridicules laws that should be removed, not strictly enforced.

I think the idea about visiting her office and having a face to face would be nice, but probably want happen because it's still a couple hours away.

I guess time will tell, I just wish I knew now. Hopefully I'll know by reelection time.
If you really want to know where she stands, have a friend send a letter with an opposing view, and see what they get back. ;)
Its a canned response carefully catered to both sides.
That's what I think too, but if she wants to keep her seat in Alabama, she probably needs to change her canned responses.
In the end, she'll go with whatever stance she feels will best help her win re-election.

Sad part is our tax dollars paid the author to tell you that in 200 or so words.
Whenever I hear "common sense legislation" on any subject, it generally means "more restrictive".
I have yet to see any exceptions to this rule.
I'm all for common sense gun laws too, it's just that my definition of common sense may not agree with some other people's LOL.

I write letters to politicians fairly regularly, on any issue where the voters are fairly divided they usually respond with the mumblespeak answers. Usually a staffer does these anyway.
It's hard to guess really, but my gut interprets "common sense gun laws" to mean that they are against so called assault weapons and any kind of firearm sale that doesn't involved an FFL.

That's just me, could be anything but that term 'common sense' seems to be the anti's code word for those 2 things.
as a Libertarian there is no such thing as a "common sense gun law". imo ANY gun law is the wrong law.

ron paul 2012
Firstly it is my opinion that restrictive gun laws do very little to actually prevent those who, by law, should not have them. All they really do is restrict those of us who ALREADY follow the laws.

Secondly, Obama says the same thing...just sayin'.
My first thought when I read her e-mail was "That is exactly what obama has said several times."

They give a nod to the 2nd and then go on to explain how we need common sense gun laws to keep guns out of the hands of the terrorists.

I distrust her and if I were in your shoes I would keep an eye on her.
Without a clear reference as to what she believes is "common sense gun laws" then this phrase is just so much political BS. No doubt she would sell all supporters of the 2A down the river in a heartbeat if she thought is was to her advantage.

Dump her for someone who really supports the 2A.
I'm having a problem trying to think of any " common sense " gun laws I'd support. I'll bet she can think of many that seem reasonable to her.
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