What is a “Rambo”?

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Oct 31, 2005
Southeast Michigan
I am not a Rambo expert, having only seen one of the films. Recently, I have been exchanging e-messages on such self-defense subjects as why, when, and how with a relative who has purchased a gun for, among other handy uses, possible defensive use against a none too stable ex-husband.

a few days ago, she was talking about our discussions to a mutual in-law who then referred to me as a “Rambo.” I am tempted to be flattered if he sees me, at age 65, as one who will engage in ferocious combat in defense of self, friends, and comrades-at-arms. I do, however, believe his intent was to denigrate me since his background is MSM – both print and broadcast.

What is “a Rambo” to you? What does the name mean to non-THR people? How should I interpret being called one? Although I intend to let the subject ride, he may in the near future have the opportunity to call me “Rambo” to my face. How should I respond? I prefer something humorous.

Humerous response would be best! I am not much younger than you but would play this out as if a compliment - about my musculature!! To heck with the gun aspect - enjoy being ''man mountain''! :D

He like many sees ''Rambo'' folks as those who have guns but forgetting that (IMO) the true Rambo image is the M.60 and belted ammo draped over the shoulders!!!

It is for him and his ilk almost for sure a derogatory term - used perhaps like ''Macho'' and "ninja'' etc. Other fave perjoratives are of course such things as ''arsenal'', ''tactical'', and ''assault''.
"Rambo" is a derogatory term meaning someone who has fantasies of storming POW camps and take out large numbers of enemy forces single handed. It has less to do with First Blood or the novel than it does with the sequels.
"Rambo" is a derogatory term meaning someone who has fantasies of storming POW camps and take out large numbers of enemy forces single handed. It has less to do with First Blood or the novel than it does with the sequels.

There were no sequels (lalalalala-I can't hear you- lalalalala). ;)
Welcome Concerned Mom!!

This is a joke, right? No one could really be as irrational, hysterical, and fascist as you have appeared to be in your 3 or 4 recent posts, correct? You're just "pulling our leg", right? :)
I prefer Elmer Fudd in his "Wambo" persona. All things viowent just to kill "Wabbits".
Isn't that Wight? Wandom acts of viowence causing wanton distwuction wahping our wittle kids minds? Evewy Satuhday mohning as a young Baba, I watched wamboesque viowence. And Woved it.

Failing that, the old "Sticks and Stones..."

Unlike some, I learned to separate reality from TV or the movies or even fictional books I read at an early age. Others apparently lack that ability. Ask Concerned Mom. She knows... :rolleyes:
Rambo is the greatest series of movies EVER MADE EVER EVER EVER.

On the more rational side of my brain:

Rambo is definetly a derogatory termed used by a lot of people especially the media. Unfortunetly the movies did not help the images of guns, but it also did not help the image of a well armed police force against a highly motivated and highly skilled and trained individual. However we all know that this would not have gotten so far in real life.

Back to the crazy side of my brain:

I really want a bow and arrow combo with detacheable arrow heads, with explosives, preferably a napalm one and a thermonuclear tipped arrow would be nice.:neener: :evil:
cambeul41 said:
Although I intend to let the subject ride, he may in the near future have the opportunity to call me “Rambo” to my face. How should I respond? I prefer something humorous.

In a deep gravelly voice just say, "I'm your worst nightmare!"
cambeul41, this may be an instance where your signature quote applies. But I, too opt for a humorous response. I wouldn't take that individual seriously.
Long ago, I was called Rambo because I wore a CF winter combat parka to work. At 66, I 'd say, "Thanks, you wanna feel my muscles?" Adjust for the audience.
"...greatest series of movies..." Don't be daft. Go rent 'Zulu' and 'Zulu Dawn'. Watch Zulu Dawn first. And .577-450 Martini-Henry's, in decent condition, are hard to come by. Have a how-to for reloadable turned cases .577-450 though. http://lweb.net/tom/577-450.PDF
John Rambo

"Rambo" was the protagonist in David Morrell's novel "First Blood" published in 1972. It was a well thought out book and the character Rambo was nothing like the movie version. I won't be a spoiler and tell you about it. Get it from the library and read it. You will in fact learn something. I would suggest it as reading for LE folks and military folks and regular folks. I read it when I was in high school in 1975, it was recommended to my by the high school libraian. She was a middle aged handicaped lady who was one of the most incredible persons I have ever met. By the way that was Hoboken High School in the PRNJ. I learned alot from the book -one thing I have carried with me all my life, when things look like they are going your way - watch out. Things tend to even out. This has kept me in good stead for my 27 + years of military service. I guess this my have sounded preachy but it is a fine book and proper reading for any young man (or woman).
Thank you all

I especially like theleveloftime’s suggestion that I read the book. Since the one who called me Rambo is very proud of being well read, I can ask -- if the situation arises --whether he meant David Morrell’s character in the book or the movie distortion of the character. If he says the movie, my reply can then be, “Sorry, I can’t comment since I did not see the movie; I “only” read the book. You know the way Hollywood distorts everything.”

I just checked. My local library has First Blood, and it is not checked out.
What is a Rambo? That is a guy who goes to Sweeden. to coach girls soccer, to avoid the Draft, and Vietnam war. A coward in wolf's clothing.
In general, I would take being called 'Rambo' as a slight on my character. To me, it suggests a suicidal gun-loving hermit with visions to rid the world of evil mercernaries who are at work with our government in plots against our society! :eek:

Response wise, depends on the audience...personally, I would suggest:

1. The 'Finger'
2. A light laugh followed by rolling of the eyes
3. Or, "Thank You, Miss Mary Poppins"
A British MP (I suppose that's our equivilant of a senator) lost his job after he was branded a 'Rambo' when he took photos of himself (or had someone else take photos of him) posing with a Marlin levergun, a pair of black powder revolvers and a Marlin 60 (all the guns were perfectly legal). Not even PC guns are safe, I assure you.
It's a term of derision, the post-Vietnam Walter Mitty. A milquetoast man who lives life vicariously through daydreams in which he envisions himself in a series of heroic, fantastic personas.

Or maybe Walter Mitty will become the post-Iraq Rambo as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is about to be remade with Owen Wilson playing Walter.
My reply upon being called a Rambo would be something like:

"What, that wimp? I am a lot more man then that sissy!"

I am a 58 year old Santa Claus looking type guy...LOL
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