What is a "Cop Killer" Handgun?!?!

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Most guns have enough force to, upon impact, stop the heart without penetrating. A person can punch someone in the chest hard enough to do the same. However, with such an expensive gun, it should be noted that cheaper, low-quality weapons generally pose a significantly greater threat in the right (wrong?) hands.
"If is substantial would the Brady bunch then advocate disarming the police for their own safety ?"

I'm waiting for that day then the LEO's will join us, The only reason Brady (I think VPC mulled it) has not wanted to disarm cops is the money they get from the FOP.
Remember that in England after the 1996 Dunblane Massacre, about
700,000 noisy anti-gunners got the British Govt to ban practically
all handguns, including Olympic target shooters guns that were mostly
kept under lock'n'key at gun clubs. The 54,000 or so licensed handgun
owners kept silent hoping it would all blow over. The silent minority
lost their rights sacrificed by the politicians paying attention to a louder minority. The majority were probably indifferent to the gun control issue.

Politicians pay attention to the loudest voting minority here too.

We must not make that mistake.
Same brady crap with the "cop killer" five seven and the horrible .50 BMG that can bring down a 747 flying a whole 5 miles up at 400 miles per hour.
the 5.7 rounds that could pierce Kevlar are no longer available for sale to the public... i have seen em on gunbroker at the cheap price of $9 per round... the newer ss195 and ss197 rounds have a polymer tip that makes the round expand and incapable of peircing even class II let alone III... that said, the rounds can be reloaded, and since they use the same .224 bullet (lighter weight) as a .223 round, they can be loaded with steel core if desired...

guess what, the CZ 52 will also go right through kevlar...

oh and to one of the posters... its not a state law, there is actually a motion before the senate to pass a bill banning the 5.7 handgun and the ammo...
"What is a "Cop-Killer" Handgun?!?!"

It's whatever handgun they want banned next, because they know that appending "cop-killer" to it, automatically means that those sheeple who know squat about guns will be in favour of banning them. Who could possibly want one of those evil, black, "cop-killer" _____s? And you can fill in the blank with almost ANYTHING, and get the same result.
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