What is the most recent knife you bought?

I hope you got a great deal on it. Randall prices have collapsed a lot from their heyday. Here's something to help you date it. http://rmkcollector.com/the-randall-collector/the-stamping-and-etching-of-stainless-randall-blades

That's one of my favorite RMK combinations and I would have a difficult time selling it.
Thanks for the info, I did get it for a good price but I have decided to keep it . This knife has grown on me fast , not sure what I was thinking . Also my wife reminded me of when we first met 40 years ago all I talked about was a Randall .
A bit rude of me, but out of curiosity since you're keeping it...what did you get it for?
No problem , I paid $ 150 for it . It was listed as $ 150 OBO, I did not dicker which is rare for me . Did I do OK in todays market ? I am just returning to the knife world and have a lot of catching up to do .
If you paid $150 for it recently, you scored BIGLY!!! That's a $1,000 dollar knife, easily on today's market.

It's a beauty, and I'll give you $200 right now if you want to let it go!:D
FANTASTIC! Even with the value of Randalls having dropped you done very very well. Good for you!
Thank you Sir . Glad I did OK . Bought it from a soldier stationed at Fort Drum , neither one of us knew the market . We were both happy so that's pretty cool , He never used it , said he just carried it all over and put it on display...which was hanging it by paracord. He still had it on the sheath . I also picked up a Case fixed blade from him, older model I need to research .
Finally broke down and bought a knife I had as a kid with a sad backstory.

My dad was a USMC sniper in the 60's, member of the USMC pistol team, and bunked with Carlos Hathcock in sniper school. I was a fan of the Marines as a kid. I got a paper route and saved my dollars until I could afford a genuine Kabar USMC Fighting Knife.

I paid some crazy amount back then, which was around 1981 or so, I think it was around $35. My dream BMX bike was $89.

So I get my Kabar, and I fall in love with it. The smell of the leather handle and sheath, the enormous heft in my 12yr old hands, the ominous presence of the blood groove on the blade, and the official-looking seal of the USMC on the sheath. It was the coolest thing I had ever owned.

My mom hated it. I would strap it on my belt and go riding around town on my BMX bike, Sons of Anarchy style, with a giant Kabar dangling down my leg.

Not sure what happened, but mom decided enough was enough and seized my Kabar and hid it in a tool shed on our small ranch, promising to return it when I was old enough.

Unfortunately, the shed was not environmentally friendly to a knife and it was destroyed by the elements.

A few months ago, I was on Amazon and for some reason, a genuine Kabar USMC Fighting Knife appeared in my search results. $80. Stupid amount of money for a knife I didn't need and was inferior to my $60 Ontario Knife Company RAT 5.

But, nostalgia got the better of me and I ordered it.

Nearly as good as the one from 40 years ago, but the sheath was thinner and cheaper feeling. Knife itself was perfect and brought back a ton of warm memories...

IMG_20210225_133950017.jpg IMG_20210225_134108141.jpg

Applied some leather treatment to the handle and sheath and it is almost perfect.

Yeah, I like the Yojimbo also and might pick one up in the future. I've just always liked fixed blade knives over folders.
It showed up in the mail.


Much nicer than the pics.