What is your favorite gun magazine and why ??

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Small Arms Review.

They don't seem to be beholding to anybody. And they're not afraid to write a critical review of something, either.
I have read a few articles in GUNS, but I don't have a subscription to any.

I am going to be joining the NRA very soon and I didn't know what magazine of the three to choose. I am thinking about going for the american riflemen. Is it good?
I read "Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement" a lot these days. They have stuff I can only drool over.

At the same time I must admit it is a bit scary to think that police these days actually need and can own full auto HK .223 SMGs while we can't.

Well..maybe they don't need, but that never stopped them.

Good Shooting
I subscribe to American Handgunner. The articles are pretty good but the photography is great! There are typically one or two articles with photos by Ichiro Nagata that make me drool. He does very nice work.
Id have to say

SOF Mag. I love their articles. Well written. Wide viriety from a gun revew to spec ops in afganland.
SOF's the only one I subscribe to -- when I was in the service they were the only outfit with a clue as to what was going on.

Occasionally pick up a SWAT, as well.
I enjoy Guns of the Old West. It's only a quarterly, but has some nice features about the lore, characters and firearms of the period. Grab others on a fairly random basis. Just like most photography magazines, it does seem that product reviews are invariably positive and often fawning.
Small Arms Review, American Handgunner, Combat Handguns, Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, Swat, Yes, I know, I have had a few g/friends mention how much $$$ I spend on these...

Larry :neener:
Handguns seems to be improving since Jerry Lee became editor. High Road member Dan C Johnson writes good articles and they've gotten away from the OSS% baloney.
S.W.A.T actually has articles that I find helpful. I suppose it is because it doesn't focus on magic swords, rather it focusing on training. Of course they review different gear but its not a gear-based magazine.

I compare many of the other mags to a car modification magazine where all they did was review wrenches...
Right now I only subscribe to www.Gun-Tests.com magazine. They're like the Consumer Reports for the gun crowd. They don't carry ads, so they don't cater to the manufactures. If the gun sucks, then they tell you.
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