What states are NOT currently considering even the slightest hint of gun control?

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Nothing I'm aware of in KY.

Well there is this:

The measure, among other things, would repeal a controversial state law that bars local governments from regulating guns. It also would prohibit guns on college campuses and require background checks for private gun sales to close the so-called "gun-show loophole."

It is competing against several pro-gun measures that already have been introduced in this year's General Assembly. They include House Bill 168, sponsored by Rep. Bob Damron, D-Nicholasville, which states that Kentucky would not recognize federal statutes and regulations that deny or abridge the right to keep and bear arms.


I can't help but think that the folks behind the anti-gun stuff are committing political suicide.
Responses from my reps here in FL.


and an email from Marco Rubio

Thank you for writing to me regarding the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. I share your concern for the victims of this tragedy.

My heart breaks for the victims and families impacted by this senseless act of violence. In a world that can at times be defined by its darkness, children are a reminder of what is good, cheerful and beautiful about life. An act of violence against these defenseless young people, as well as the faculty and staff who dedicate themselves daily to educating and caring for them, is a deed of unconscionable evil. I pray that God holds Newtown close as the community continues to heal from this tragedy.

In the aftermath of this unspeakable tragedy, like millions of Americans, I am looking for public policy changes that might prevent such a horrible event from happening again. I continue to be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees citizens the right to safely and responsibly bear arms. At the same time, I have always been open to measures that would keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. In light of this horrible tragedy, I am open to new ideas to prevent mass tragedies like this from happening again.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your United States Senator. I appreciate your concern regarding this situation. If I can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Marco Rubio
United States Senator
Ole Coot said in post #72:
WEST VIRGINIA of all states with high gun ownership has been sold down the river by both senators & governor that I know about. One house member answered with a six of one, half a dozen of the other so who knows about him.

As has Illinois. Between "Q-Ball" Quinn (Gov.), Sen. "Tricky Dickie" Durbin (D), and Sen. "Stroked Out" Mark Kirk (R), we're getting it from all sides.

Durbin the Turban has always been a "pain".

"Q-Ball" is in Bloomie's cabal and has already tried to follow New York's lead on bans. Fortunately, his "amendatory veto" was overturned, despite the fact that the Dams have majorities.

Mark Kirk is a sore point. He's an "R" and went in as a "semi" pro-gun. After Newtown, he came out supporting further restrictions, including an AWB!!

It shows you can't trust anybody's "label". :(
I like Kansas more and more. We have a good AG and I've heard nothing legit on any gun regulatiions. Of course if you read the KC Star newspaper one would believe Obama is god and guns are the devil.
Funny how many libertarians this last election were telling me the Democrats and Obama were just as progun as any republican.

Now we are seeing just how far liberals will go to get what they want...to include taking a bit sh-t on the constitution along the way.

Amusing. Hopefully people will start wising up come 2014 and kick these idiots out of office.
Funny how the last several Republican presidents either passed anti-gun laws or didn't bother loosening gun laws and kept the status quo. Voting in a Republican POTUS hasn't been a guarantee of gun rights at the federal level...not in a long time. Republicans are good at " taking a bit sh-t on the constitution along the way", they just wipe with a different part of the document. I put Republicans far above Democrats on many issues, but they're no saving grace either. No major or minor parties right now are 100% pro-freedom.

All the pro-gun legislation has been grassroots movements at the state level. Heller v. DC was a libertarian victory, not a Republican or NRA victory. It was almost derailed by the NRA.
^^^^ I here you, I don't want to get too incendiary, but as a Libertarian minded individual I've been disenchanted by Republicans (in general), but am equally disappointed by the Dems as well. Republicans have been pushing more mainstream candidates lately, like Chris Christie and Mitt, that are pretty neutral if not Anti-gun on the 2A issues in the past and present and only offer "promises" on how that they'll do more in the future to be pro-gun. Talk is just that, for me I just need to vote and support a candidate, that has proven himself with some sort of action to protect, and gain rights from past efforts to fight and battle for the second amendment. Such is hard to find in Washington today. I'm no Republican or even Democrat hater. Come to a rural area off the beaten path and you'll find a plethora of pro-2A Dems. It's really not a party issue when it comes down to it, be careful when it comes to generalizations about parties. You can't spew the Democrat hate around here if you wan't to garner support for the second amendment, many if not most in this neck of the woods, would be offended if not turned off totally.
Back to the subject, OK isn't even entertaining stricter gun control at the moment in the least bit, and this makes me incredibly proud to be an Okie.
The three Seattle Democrats which crafted the bill I posted above declined to talk to KIRO news radio about it. They all claimed they had no idea that was in the bill. That suggests they're not reading the bills or they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They have since REMOVED the bill and put up an amended version without retaining the original bill for reference. I tracked down that two of the sponsors introduced an almost identical bill in 2010 and 2005. It just gets a hearing in committee and dies. Same language was in it so clearly it's a case of the latter...being caught trying to sneak in invasive unconstitutional actions on an already unconstitutional bills. Sounds like those particular individuals are the resident crackpots with no pull that waste time during the regular session.
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