What would you do?

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Don't all ATMs have cameras recording everything? What kind of dumb criminal robs people in front of an ATM camera? mugsie, did he get caught?

I stopped carrying my ATM card two years ago, and I'm a poor student with no cash on me. And technically, since I have all these student loans, any criminal who has a $0 net worth is a lot richer than I am. So shouldn't it be him giving me the money, logically speaking?

I know that's a stretch and street criminals don't use logic, but whatever. Point is, I don't have an ATM card or cash on me, so tough cookies.

And how do I fake a heart attack if I'm in my 20's? I can barely run 'cause I'm out of shape... Only thing I have is my brain and to avoid these interviews and traps...
Most ATMs max out at $200, and that money might be recoverable by insurance or even your bank. My life is worth more than $200. Heck, it's worth more than all the money in my bank account, all my investments, and every single one of my material possessions. I'm not going to get into a gunfight over any of that... stuff.

So what would I do? Give him the dough, leave, call the police. Then continue my day. Alive, and with no criminal charges against me.

Now, if he asked me to get into a vehicle, or walk with him to a different location... that's life threatening. Forget that; I'd walk away while maintaining eye contact. If he came after me, grabbed me, or gave me some reason to think he's going to fire, then I'd shoot him. Why? Because If he really does have a gun in his pocket, he can certainly fire from within the pocket--and if he hits, I could wind up dead. So at that point I wouldn't risk drawing and shouting commands. I'd just shoot.
I agree with expvideo. To me, it's a situation where I am in fear for my life. Can anyone honestly tell me that if someone walked up and said "I have a gun in my pocket, give me all your money!" you wouldn't literally be afraid for your life at that instant?

Of course, it would be better to bypass the situation altogether...but it is not always possible to detect this kind of thing. Everyone has lapses...everyone...some people are just luckier. Not that I don't advocate 100% alertness as much as possible.

Finally, Kat...that is such bogus info!

First of all, you have to check with the local jurisdiction because these things do vary. But I can say that in most areas of the US, you not only do not have to comply with verbal commands (that would be ludicrous!), you can use "reasonable force" to retain/regain stolen property! This, to me, means I can kick some punk who tries to run off with my wallet in the knee.

As I said in the first paragraph of this post, if I am demonstrably afraid for my life I am going to use lethal force. I wouldn't use lethal force, or probably any force, if someone didn't actually threaten to have a gun or have their hands in his pockets...but I would certainly respond decisively if he made any moves.
I will assume that anyone asking for help with an ATM machine has got a con going and I won't play along.

In general, though, my response to a robbery attempt would be to draw. In the vast majority of cases, what happens next is that the perp runs away and I call 911. If the perp responds by presenting arms, it may become necessary to shoot in self defense. My reading of the statistics is that, overall, this is safer than compliance.
"IF" is the middle word in Life, Trying to plan out or rehearse random events with ability to rationaly think through the situtation is not really pratical, Shooting some fool at a ATM over 300 bucks is not worth the trouble or the attention you will receive. Now if you are in the Mall and some freak starts shooting people, TAKE THE SHOT!
Rafer, the issue isn't the $300 at all but rather whether you're afraid for your life. You should never shoot someone solely because you stand to lose some portion of wealth (unless it represents a direct lifeline...like a car in an evacuation situation), but because you're afraid for your life.

On the other hand, I'm not a hero. If someone is shooting up the mall I'm not shooting unless I can't take cover or escape. I don't like my odds against a rifle with a handgun.

Now, frankly - and this is totally OT for Strategies and Tactics, so PM me or we'll start a new thread if you have an urge to discuss it - I actually don't have a problem with the idea of a society where serious theft is immediately subject to lethal force. It will probably never happen in the US, but I do believe in the deterrent effect; more importantly, I believe that assets, wealth, and material goods that one owns or has worked for represent a portion of one's life. Nietschze said something to the effect that there is less difference between a petty thief and a thief of life than a non-thief and a petty thief.
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