Whatever you do

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Gordy Wesen

Feb 26, 2003
I took my dog out for our first bike ride. From the side and behind us came a short burst of aggressive barking then the 2 scruffs were on him. I dropped a really expensive new bike on the street and moved to intervene. My dog turned on them and lit up with some of the most ferocious barking I've heard as they mixed it up. They kind of looked at him then at me coming to it and departed quickly. No time for pepper spray.
As I related the incident to Animal Control I was surprised to see that my focus was on my dog, if he was bit and what was happening to him. I had a hard time remembering what the 2 dogs color was outside a general description of medium size and fluffy and "I thought one was black and white, the other brownish".
Talk about a darn good reminder under stress:
Whatever you do, get a description of the offending party. !
Geesh, the lady came out and denied her dogs did it.
Gordy Wesen said:
Geesh, the lady came out and denied her dogs did it.

It bothers me to no end when people are that irresponsible with their dogs.:cuss: If you can't keep track of them then you've got no business having them. Luckily for you, those dogs ran away. Sounds like you avoided what could have been a nasty situation.
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