Thats a great ruger mark II you have there Baphomet, what with all the Volquartsen bling on it you have about $1700 in it????? The upper part is like $1000 plus, 400 for the gun, 200 for the grips, hammer, sear, etc another 100??. If you want to spend $1000 get a model 41 S&W.
If you want a gun that runs great out of the box and has the same grip angle as a 1911, better trigger and better accuracy than a MKII for $300-$400 depending on the model, gat a Browning buckmark plus or target model. you can also get an aftermarket barrel for the browning without doing a transfer through an FFL, on the ruger the barrel/upper is a firearm.
I have a 41, two mkII's and two buckmarks, The buckmark is more RELIABLE WITH ANY AMMUNITION THAN THE RUGERS. Its more accurate, It has a better trigger that will slick up after about 2,000 or so rounds. Its very easy to clean, and taking the grips off is not a problem as long as you do it carfully so any springs and such dont jump out, but even if they do its easy to put them back in.
The other advantage of the buckmark is that all of the firing gunk doesn't end up in the trigger mechanism like it does on a Ruger. For $25 you can get an extra sight rail for the Buckmark that lets you mount a dedicated optical sight, you can easily change between a scope and iron sights with an allen wrench, and no loss of zero.
Due to the Aluminium frame and better grip angle, it has better balance and is lighter than a MKII.
My 9 year old son loves our 5" Buckmark plus, last weekend he and i put about 500 rounds through it in one sitting all CCI standard velocity. Not one misfire or misfeed FTE. 5 minutes with a Qtip a little clp, and my .22 pull through (trimmer line with a knot) and it was clean as a whistle.