Last December I was in the market for my first .22 handgun, I was planning on getting a Ruger until I happened to pick up a NEOS. The grip fit like it was made for my hands and I have not been one bit unhappy about my decision. It was picky about what ammo it liked until about 500 rnds were put through it and now it doesn't seem to care; shoots almost anything I put in it pretty close to where I'm aiming. I just put a 4X scope on it to really give it a test, been shooting it with a red dot. Btw, the NEOS has completely interchangeable grips as well as front and rear sights. If I were to get another NEOS I'd go for the deluxe version because of the adjustable trigger. Btw, from what I've read the 4.5" version, standard or deluxe, sucks. The 6" version is quite accurate and those with the 7.5" version say it is a real tack driver.
However in the next month, or so, I might just be getting a companion Mosquito to go with it. I haven't shot one but I like the Sig grips and it points much better than the NEOS. The angle on the NEOS grip seems to be similar to the Glock but since I shoot it with the red dot it doesn't make much difference. The Mosquito just might be used for a CCW when I can't carry my XD45.