When do you trigger reset in the recoil cycle?

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Jan 6, 2003
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Wne do you trigger reset in the recoil cycle?

When do you trigger reset in the firing sequence? Is it fixed? I noticed recently that when I hold the trigger back until the sights resettles back on target then release trigger and fire again my groups shrinked and those unexplained misses vanished. In addition the sights resettles dead-on with the target.

This feels very slow to me however and the timer confirms it. Before this I would reset the trigger whilst the gun was resettling hence ensuring followthrough (I think). Here I occassionally have to shift the sights slightly to fully centre them so I wonder if my grip changes in resetting trigger during the recoil. What is the best compromise for both speed and accuracy?? I have searched and searched and asked but the answers vary. I am open to improvements but I don't want to rebuild when I don't have to, or rebuild to something that is not better.
Hard to say in my case- I consciously focus on the front sight when performing skills where this is most important (Bill drills for instance) and it just happens. .14-.16 splits, typically, 1911.
I follow through my shots with the trigger pinned to the rear and while I'm bringing the gun back down I release the trigger and take up the pretravel so when my sights are back on target the shot breaks again.
what Archer said...

Hard to say in my case- I consciously focus on the front sight when performing skills where this is most important (Bill drills for instance) and it just happens. .14-.16 splits, typically, 1911.

...except my splits are about .05 slower, CZ-75B.

I'd like to say that when I'm shooting rapid fire in close, as soon as I feel it break I'm releasing the next shot. I'd have to drag the video camera and tripod out there to be sure.

What I can say is there seems to be a sweet spot...if I unintentionally "cheat the reset"...I have issues...if I'm not fast enough...they spread out...if I do it right...the pairs tend to travel together (even better than with deliberate slow fire), which is a very good thing.

Safe shooting,

Maybe I am being impatient, but really surprised at the response here. I thought this was one of the biggies in competition shooting and people would have more to say..

For an opinion...firm grip-hold with sights on target and execute your DT as quickly as possible without cheating the re-set. Too slow, and you'll likely go high and/or left with shot two...too fast and you may cheat the re-set and not be able to get shot two off correctly.

Find the sweet spot of rapid trigger control while allowing the trigger to re-set as it should and your pairs will travel nicely together very quickly. The sight picture should remain through both shots and follow-through aggressively with shot two (or 3 or 4 depending on how many you let fly).

I'm not talking about getting a sight picture, squeezing fast while closing your eyes either. Rapid follow-ups, firm grip on solid sight picture through the firing cycle without cheating the re-set.

Not dodging your question about "when in the recoil cycle"...I'm telling you I couldn't get off a decent DT until I fought back against the recoil cycle by doing 3 things:

- Good trigger control - rapid manipulation
- Maintaining sight picture through the recoil - remove it as a pre-requisite to shot two by getting shot two off quickly while I still have a good sight line
- Follow through really firm on shot two of DT - Popeye forearms can help ;).

Good luck,

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