When somebody's got a loaded gun at your back ... it made us trust each other quickly

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Dec 31, 2002
Jolie: Guns Built Trust With Pitt
May 2, 12:30 PM EST

Associated Press

For Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, happiness is a warm gun.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Jolie says the two actors came to trust each other while taking gun training for the upcoming "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." In the movie, they play married assassins.

"You had to trust each other to cross under or over and only move when the other person moves, so the trust, when somebody's got a loaded gun at your back ... it made us trust each other quickly," Jolie said in the magazine, on newsstands May 10.

So what kind of gun training puts a loaded gun on somoenes back?
Doesn't it give you a nice warm feeling to read S--- like that. Some more of the interesting things that come out of Hollywood that make the news. :cuss:
Hmmmmmmmmmm... seems like I've seen this before...

about 12 threads down. :neener:

Ya know? Just once I'd like to see opening credits, BG comes at GG wearing a hockey mask and brandishing a knife. GG pulls whatever he likes to carry, shoots BG to the ground, ending credits roll.
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GG Shoots BG makes for short Movie

Not much revenue and it promotes the idea that you can defend yourself. Don't see much of that out of Hollywierd. I would like to see the women in the movies when the bad guy attacks pull a carry piece and blow the bg away instead of acting like the screaming, weeping things hollywierd portrays them. Maybe we need to put together our own movie. I think I've got and extra $25. :eek:
Guys guys guys. I think you are blowing this all out of proportion. Angelina and Brad took some realistic firearms training to prepare for their new movie...training that probably requires them to clear rooms, etc. with live ammunition. It's not that unusual. Look at the training Tom Cruise did for Collateral and DeNiro et al did for Heat. They all did live fire exercises.

It DOES take a lot of trust. Ms. Jolie probably just didn't articulate that thought very well.

Don't Panic! :D
It's not that unusual.
Actually, I think it is very unusual. Collateral and this thread are the only movies I've heard of where the actors did actual live-ammo training. Considering the number of guns in Hollywood movies, I think you'd be looking at a fraction of a percent of actors actually firing guns with real ammo in them in preparation.

Maybe this is a way to get them to stop beating us all about the head with their anti-gun crap? Infiltrate Hollywood and set up a firearms training facility to get them on the range where we can reverse the brainwashing :)

- Gabe
Re-read it guys. She's referring to the training they did to get ready for the movie. They trained for house clearing, working in teams and providing cover while moving. When you're leapfrogging from cover to cover (either advancing or retreating) and room clearing then there IS someone behind you with a loaded gun.

Phrasing it as "a loaded gun at your back" is a bit misleading, but give her a break.
Chupacabra, Didn't mean to DITTO your post....the time stamps show us twenty minutes apart but I SWEAR your post wasn't there when I wrote mine! Must need to refresh my browser more often or something.
Hope not trust

She should try live ammunition.
In 'Nam we "hoped" the FNG behind you didn't zap you. That was always in the back of your mind...that your buddy behind you was going to zap Charlie and not you through "friendly fire."
In those times, when it was real, there were a lot of battlefield "accidents." Stuff happens but it you just do your job...didn't mean that you trusted everyone in those circumstances.
Keep it up guys...I will be personally comforting Miss Jolie as she recovers from all this bashing.
slightly off topic, but who does the firearms training and consulting for the actors in Hollywood? the same company that provides the weapons or do they bring in others?

i had briefly considered doing this for the growing Austin film industry but i am not sure about it. thanks.
Ya know? Just once I'd like to see opening credits, BG comes at GG wearing a hockey mask and brandishing a knife. GG pulls whatever he likes to carry, shoots BG to the ground, ending credits roll.

walking arsenal and I already copyrighted that idea years ago. Please send us a check for thinking it. :D

Keep it up guys...I will be personally comforting Miss Jolie as she recovers from all this bashing.

Angelina Jolie is HOT! Too bad she's a...ummm...woman of ill repute. Character is so much more appealing. (But she's still hot!)
slightly off topic, but who does the firearms training and consulting for the actors in Hollywood? the same company that provides the weapons or do they bring in others?

i had briefly considered doing this for the growing Austin film industry but i am not sure about it. thanks.

Depends on the director / studio. Michael Mann brought in Andy McNab to train DeNiro for Heat and Cruise for Collateral. McNab is ex-SAS.
If the guns were only loaded with blanks I would still not want one pointed at me. Blanks kill at close range, and when they are made by idiots. Remember what happened to Brandon Lee?
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