Who are we? (not typical THR question)

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Feb 27, 2006
DC Area/Pittsburgh
Here it is, I've been thinking alot lately about who am I and what I'm going to do with my life, fyi-Im almost done with college (typical thought process). I looked at my stance on rkba, my reasoning to own my firearm, and the other activities i do (sports, school, and most importantly, 6 year volunteer firefighter/emt).

How do other THR members feel about who they are. I mean, what is it about yourself (personality, attitude, goals, etc) that makes you the type of person that takes responsibility for not only your own well-being, but the being of loved ones, etc?

For me, it seems to be a basis of independence and more importantly a "do'er attitude." I mean that you are the guy that wants to get the job done right by doing it himself, and is the guy that is always at the forefront of getting the family back on track after getting lost on a roadtrip.

I dont really know where I was going with this thread, but I feel THR members are intelligent enough (for the most part :neener: ), in participating in this type of self reflection discussion.
You do know its not nice to ask this kind of question this early in the morning?
I havent had enough coffee yet but.....
I have always had guns around while growing up(not done with that yet)
When my daughter was born 7 years ago my life changed along with my views on RKBA, I became even more adament about being ready and able to protect myself and now my little girl.
Before she was born I didn't think about it as much.
Need Coffee........
ha, sorry all--I'm awake, im in L.A on vacation and just got back from a 6-hour hold em' tournment. Didn't turn out to good fyi.
I like them. I like guns. I like for my wife to have a big, scary 12-guage boomstick when I'm not at home. I sleep better at night having said boom-stick next to the bed at night.
All the above.
My response time is < LE response time.
If someone could (years ago) try to stick a knife in me, someone could try the same or worse to me or mine again. Basic existentialism. :D I was younger and quicker then. Gotten too lazy for knife fights :D .

There are other, more philosophically-oriented reasons. RKBA, 2A, ML.

It helps to remember.
I suppose this may sound a little sappy, but I haven't had my coffee yet either so perhaps I can pass with it :

There is a signiture line that reads : " Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner ; Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote ." (or something close to this)

Perhaps what is left out of this interesting analogy is the sheep dog . In reality, it takes a person who is willing to step forward at the risk of his/her own well being to insure both freedom and security for a soceity. (or flock)
As a whole I think that if your typical anti read a few random post here (bloodlust,zombie,end of the world non-sense aside) they would be quite shocked. I have read some very well written articulate post here that blow the "trailer park, red neck" image out of the water. We are a community of mostly like minded individuals that gather on these forums to share news, knowledge, and views on the issues we are hold dear. I think most of us thrive on helping new shooters who find their way here make informed decisions on purchases as well as share advice, and the knowledge we have gained over the years with them. We are a rally point for local movements to protect our right to keep and bear arms, as well as a place to vent when things go wrong. On a side note I often wonder if half the people here are not profesional photographers as well based on the many fine pictures I have seen.

As for me I am a married almost thirty something father of two. I have served my country in the Army both in reserve, and active duty, in peace, and in war. I am a college graduate paying the bills for the moment while I pursue another public service position in law enforcement. I feel so strongly about the RKBA as I feel that the ability to protect ones family, and self with the most effective means available is not only the ultimate freedom, but the ultimate right of man. I refuse to follow the nanny state sheep into their ideal utopian world of helpless victims, and do my best to put others back on the right path when posible.

Hells no, I knows ya'll dint kall mee know redneck! Ifna yall keep ta messihn wit me, Ima gonna have to get out this here chair, go ta Mama and Papaw's place an trim me big ole ugly stick, then wander a fur piece down the road and unleash 170 pounds a whoop a$$ on yall! Redneck my...say, anyone seed Billie Ray and Wilma Loala? Theys buyin me a 6-pack for brekfes. What waz we talkin' 'bout? Oh yeah, guns!

"what is it about yourself (personality, attitude, goals, etc) that makes you the type of person that takes responsibility for not only your own well-being, but the being of loved ones, etc?"

Because it's the right thing to do.

I spend my time pondering why some people seldom, if ever, take responsibility.

For me there are probably a couple of big drivers.

1) I like to build things. By my early 30's I've been part of 3 startup companies, and one startup non-profit. Building something that actually creates jobs for people who actually enjoy and are satisfied with their jobs is an unusual and compelling experience. One thing I've learned as a Pointy Haired Boss is, "Take care of your people before yourself. Expect the same of them. The Boss comes last." It's the opposite of what most of corporate America has become (dilbert anyone?). 9 out of 10 leaders in business smile up and kick down. The good ones, 1 out of 10, kick up and smile down. But they don't last long in big companies because they get ladder-climbed over.

In a real way, I'm responsible for the happiness, well-being, and livelihoods of everyone who works at our company. So it's important to me. I take it seriously.

2) I'm a liberal still, but used to be a liberal anti. Then I watched on of my closest friends almost die in front of me. I decided that I would not be placed in that position again, and if I were, I'd have the knowledge and the means to change the outcome. Heh, now I'm a convert...the worst kind. I go around converting liberals now.
Me? I'm a 36 year old kid... (I refuse to completely let go of childhood, as long as I can maintain a responsible position in life and take careof what I need to...)

I have a girlfriend (15 years or so) with 4 kids of her own (NOT mine) and want to talk her into marriage...

I studied Drafting & Design, and engineering in college, and did that work for years... (I'm a truck driver now, and am very happy with it, thankyou...)

I am a country boy by nature, and prefer to live in the sticks... (but did live in Detroit for 6 years or so...)

there HAVE been many things that have caused me to re-evaluate my life and position in it...

BUT! guns were NOT a part of any of the changes in my life... they have been a constant since I was born (Dad was (and is) a collector and shooter, so I started in at about 4 years old...

and for the record, yes, I do have a bit of "redneck country boy" in me... can't get away from it, when you live in the sticks and drive a HUGE pickup truck :evil:
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