Who buys all the new guns?

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Jan 2, 2010
I've done a little pondering and memory searching that last couple of days and recall that I've only bought one gun, store bought new in my life (I'm 63). That was a Ruger 10-22 about 5 years ago. Everything else has been used, discontinued and or I made myself (muzzleloaders). The gun makers don't stay in business with guys like me around so it must be all of you guys buying the new stuff. What have you bought new lately?

I've only purchased new guns, partly due to the fact that the only place I see used ones is at the gun shows and for some reason most people seem to think their used pistols are worth more than new ones.

The last purchase I made was my Dan Wesson CBOB and I love it!
I'm kinda like you, loose, I'm 70 and cant remember the last time I bought a new gun, must have been at least 30 years ago and I dont think it's happened more than 3 times, if that. I vastly prefer the good ol' stuff (just like me :D)
I'm a NIB firearm buyer.

Only used firearm I've purchased was a Mosin Nagant.

I'm not opposed to buying used, but so far I haven't found anything I wanted at a price that made me decide used was worth it over new.

In other words, if a CZ75 is $550 new and someone is selling it used for $500, to me that extra $50 is worth it to get the firearm new. Now if someone were selling it for $400 used, and I could take it to a gunsmith to examine it before buying, that might work.

But that's just me. :)
I bought a new one last year, a 327 magnum to round out my family of 32 caliber revolvers that span over a hundred years. I'm 65 and much prefer to buy used. There is just something about a Colt Police Positive from 1923 or a S&W Regulation Police from 1935/36 that draws me. A Remington Rolling Block always causes me to pause and consider.
It seems that every used gun I have ever bought had "issues" and often I regretted buying them. I guess the "issues" is why the previous owner sold them in the first place! :banghead:

Problem though is that I have had almost as many "issues" with new ones as I have had with used ones! :cuss: :cuss: :banghead: :banghead:
I prefer used if the price is right but like Oasis and Boba Fett said, some folks want more than a NIB gun for their used ones, or so close to the new one that it's not enough to be compelling.
Guns won't depreciate like cars but for something so commonly available (current production) they do (or at least should) depreciate. Let's see, $515 for a NIB Glock or $520 for one with a few hundred rounds through it and minor holster wear...hmm....
A few months ago I bought a "new in the box" Springfield Mil-Spec. BUT, it was manufactured in 1993. Does that count for new? It was old but I really like it.
Almost every gun in my safe was NIB at one time (right after I bought it). It seemed to me like plenty of people sell guns because of some percieved defect and I never wanted their problems. Also, I've never possessed the prerequisite skills for evaluating a used firearm.
I have found that a 1923 Colt probably was liquidated as part of an estate. Most of my used guns were cosmetically blemished thru honest use as a night stand gun or a town constable's carry gun in an open holster. I have one that came off East Mercury Street in Butte Montana, it had a bobbed hammer and a lowered front sight and was reputed to have been a "ladies" gun. That street was where the saloons and bordellos were during Buttes copper mining days. I find things like that interesting.
I'm not opposed to buying used, but so far I haven't found anything I wanted at a price that made me decide used was worth it over new.

I'm like Boba Fett here. Every firearm I have has been purchased NIB. If I see a used gun that's reasonably priced, I'm sure I'd pick it up. I was at a gun show last weekend, and a guy there had a Ruger LCP with 300 rounds through it, and he wanted $450 for it. My local gun-guy has NIB LCPs for 310. My local FFL can usually get me things at about 40-80 dollars cheaper than Scheel's. That's why I have bought NIB so far.
I'm like Buck Snort. I may be getting screwed with a new gun on price, but I am not at all confident in my ability to spot problems in used guns. I like a warranty. It's new for me.
With one exception all of the pistols I have purchased were new, the only exception was my most recent, an M 27-2, 6". I'm starting to look for a M 27 3 1/2" so with luck there will be two exceptions in my VERY modest collection.
I buy new and used. Like what was said before, guns don't depreciate in value all that much. I have found many instances where a well used firearm was being sold for a price that was only slightly cheaper than a new one. So I'd get a new one if thats the case.

My best deal so far was a nearly unused Taurus 94, 4in .22lr revolver for $140 with case and holster. Its not fancy, and sure its a Taurus, but its a fine shooting pistol and looks real pretty too. I use it quite a bit too. Saved some money on that deal.

(every thread needs a picture)

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I was all ready to type most of my guns were acquired used but then I realized that I have bought 3 NIB guns in the last year or so. A Winchester Wildcat .22, A Savage .17HMR and a Metro Arms Firestorm .45ACP. But in the same time frame I've bought used a Browning Hi Power, Browning BDA.380, a Colt Colteer .22 rifle and a Colt Trooper MKIII. So I guess it was almost a wash. Knock on wood, each and every one has performed flawlessly.
I buy new because I typically will never sell it. I want it to be right the first time. And as someone else mentioned...I am not knowledgeable enough to recognize a damaged gun or a bad deal.

That said...just Tuesday I picked up a new Winchester M70 in .308. My first bolt gun as a new right handed shooter (converted from a lefty).
I have probably owned in the ballpark 100 guns at one time or another. Id say less than 10 were bought new.

I let others take the hit.... if its the same price as in stores it usually has some upgrades of sort.

Where in the world do y'all find used guns at a reasonable price? The price spread between new and used is often so narrow (if there is a spread) that it makes no sense to go used.

My impression is that used handguns are generally pricier, relative to new ones, than used rifles. Is that accurate?
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