who ya gonna call? ethics?

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Do not mess with the bad guy. At the very least you're tampering with evidence. At worst, you could find yourself charged with some sort of malpractice or even "trying to finish him off."

First thing you learn in any first aid class is that it's a criminal offense to render first aid on an unconsenting person.
The ethical and the smart thing are one in the same here, do not approach someone you just shot.

Your ethical imperative is the protection of you and your family. All else comes in a distant second in this situation. Why would you approach anyone that now has even more enmity towards you and put yourself and your family at risk because of some misguided sense of obligation.

Remember that your ethical obligation to protect your family was reason enough to shoot to stop an immediate threat, what makes you think you and your family are not still at risk because the BG is wounded?
There are no ethics to this situation. Leave him be until the police arrive. If he moves, shoot him again. The only ethical question is: if you perceive he is still endangering you and your family, should you shoot him again anyway?
Extremely Pro Gun:
Shoot to kill in your home every time!!! Dont ever let him try to justify his breaking and entering to a jury.

Kill him before he hits the ground!!

At least in Louisiana, I'm protected from civil suits if the shooting is justified. I'd imagine the case is the same next door in Texas, but I'm not really sure. So I wouldn't really use that as an excuse to do more than necessary to stop the threat.
Feed him cookies.:uhoh:


When an armed person is in your home without your permission you have a right to shoot that person if he is a threat to you or your family. After that, do not touch him or disturb anything in the area of the incident. Wait for the police. Call your attorney immediately. He will most likely tell you to say as little as possible and demand a lawyer present for all questioning. Under law you are allowed to stop the immediate threat and nothing more. Legally you can't "finish him off" and it's foolish to render assistance to your attacker after he entered your house armed without your permission. You will open yourself to civil liability for any medical treatment you give and contaminate the evidence. Wait for the police.

There are bio-hazard companies that specialize in this sort of clean-up everywhere, as there are old people who die alone every day and stew in their own juices for a week or so until somebody takes notice. One just across the street from me recently. After two weeks the dog kept barking and the neighbor called the police. A special crew comes out and cleans up the grease spot to government certification. You or the next of kin pay.

I think the second (#2) poster covered it!
Let me get this straight. You do NOT have an alarm system? I can see not having a real "safe room" but an alarm system is cheap insurance. And might very well remove the concern, as amateurs, at least, are likely to run when the thing starts going off. Pros will simply snip the phone wires, although there are now systems that can work wireless as well.

It's much better not just have only one line of defense. Well-reinforced doors and locks, an alarm system, a dog, even thorny bushes planted under your ground level windows all ought to be what a burglar encounters long before he finds you and your gun pointed at him.

well, no, i do not have an alarm system. i do have 3 locks on every door, lots of outside lighting, 2 dogs, including 1 pit bull, a completely fenced in yard, and a baby monitor that the sending unit is in my garage, which lets me in my bedroom hear anyone coming up the driveway in the middle of the night. so, no, i am not using just one tool in the tool box. i should probably though get some alarm system decals and put around. that in itself is probably 1/2 as good as an alarm system by themselves.

p.s. i love the "feed him cookies" reply! LOL!
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I do not have a lawyer, now what? Do i just pick one out of the phone book?

Get one. How someone could have the foresight to get a firearm and training but fail to take basic precautions to secure their home and have an attorney's card in their wallet in case of the worst is beyond me.

If you're involved in an incident where you kill someone in self-defense, and you don't have a lawyer... surviving the incident will have become the easy part.

Also, to OP, I also vote non-interference. I don't think I'd make a good prisoner or AIDS patient, and since both restrict my ability to keep me and mine free to live the lives we choose, both are counterproductive.
This reminds me of a friend who jokingly told me he knew "The Three S's" - Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up.

If you have shot someone who has invaded your home, and they are not dead yet, you open yourself to further risk from him if you get close enough to render first aid. First, he may have a backup weapon, such as a knife, and he now has absolutely no reason not to use it on you. Don't get close enough to let him do that. Secondly, he may well be HIV positive, and the last thing you want to do is render first aid without wearing a good pair of gloves. If he's BOTH armed with a knife AND HIV positive, and he cuts you, and you get some of his blood in your wound, you could be in serious medical trouble.

Stay the hell away from him. By calling 911 and telling them that you've shot someone in self defense and that they need to send an ambulance along with the police, you have discharged any moral obligations you might possibly carry. Beyond that, you owe him nothing. Nada. Bupkis. Zippo.

Oh, and if he's bled on your carpet, send him the cleaning bill.
Here's something to consider:

I'm a First Responder (the most basic level of license in the EMS system) and a volunteer firefighter. If we get called to the scene as described by the OP, we will stage a couple blocks away until police secure the scene. We are under no moral or legal obligation to render any aid until the police accomplish their job and search for/secure any weapons & restrain anyone combative. I would argue that you aren't either.
Shoot to kill in your home every time!!! Dont ever let him try to justify his breaking and entering to a jury.

Kill him before he hits the ground!!

I think you just gave potential prosecutors and juries all they need. Good luck.
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