Why hide our weapons?

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I suspect that open carry has a complementary effect on concealed carry. The sight of open carriers reminds criminals that there are armed people, and though they can see some of them they can't see them all.

I can agree with that.

Most cops who are shot, are shot with their own guns after having had them taken from them. No?

1911, I'd like to see the stats on that one if you don't mind.(really)
Cops are under different constraints than civilians. Their job is to subue if able so they regularly get into hands on struggles. I'll have to find it, but that "they'll take it from me" arguement was one of the "myths" I read about used by antis. It's one of the primary reason women won't carry. I remember the article said it doesn't happen with civilians because they simply shoot the BG before he gets that close.
1911, I'd like to see the stats on that one if you don't mind.(

You'll need to do a state-by-state search for that one.

Cops are under different constraints than civilians. Their job is to subue if able so they regularly get into hands on struggles.

The point was, that cops receive intensive weapon retention training because of that...and it a would-be killer can take a cop's gun...there's a good chance that he can take yours, too. Plus the fact that he wouldn't be as likely to be deterred from simply making a grab for it on impulse.
Many of these people do impulsive things...targets of opportunity, so to speak...and how many open carriers do so in snatch-resistant holsters?

I don't have a problem at all for those who want to carry openly. I've noticed a few, and give'em either a silent or a verbal kudos, depending on the circumstances. It's just that after weighing the pros and cons...it's not something that I'd choose to do 99% of the time. Forewarned is forearmed and all. As before...Some people aren't intimidated at all by the presence of a gun.

Just as a hypothetical...If I noticed someone of average size carrying openly, and I decided that I wanted his gun...I could take it through the element of surprise pretty easily. Just casually work my way in close...bang him hard on the schnozz...and slip it out of its rig while he's trying to adjust himself to the fact that I just decked him.
If you plan to open carry, it is imperative that you present professionally. Keep your hair groomed, face shaved, nice clothes. Use a professional holster, not a piece of junk. Basically, go out dressed like a detective would dress.
I'll just tuck my holster into my jeans then, with a comfortable shirt over it. While I wear nice clean clothes and am well-groomed (I am an engineer by profession), I'm not shaving my beard after 38 years and dressing like a detective for anyone nor any reason. I carry concealed. I'm not out to wave the open carry rights flag, nor impress anyone, and I don't need the hassle which can come with open carry in the city (even though my state allows it).
My state allows open carry but I see no reason to. When I carry it is in my pocket. No one notices or if they do they don't mind. If anyone asks what's in your pocket I'll tell them it's my PDD (personal defense device).
I just read the first posts, so someone else may have covered this...

1. Having open carry may not deter an attacker, particularly in a public setting. What it will likely do is mark you as a target of highest priority to the attacker - before you can deploy your weapon.

2. You don't have the initiative in any possible scenario. The attacker does. He decides when and where and who the first victim will be, not you. Your openly carried pistol simply guarantees that he'll shoot you first, while you're not expecting it, before turning the attention of his tender mercies on everybody else. Why else do bank robbers shoot the guard first?

3. Since anything you do in any such scenario is going to be in reaction to the BG's actions, you are better off doing it while you have some small element of surprise in your favor. If there are 50 people around and your weapon is not openly carried, you get 1/50th of the BG's attention. That could be enough distraction to him to allow you to deploy your weapon in an effective manner - if that is what is called for.

I really don't give a rat's patootie whether or not my pistol makes someone else uncomfortable. It's none of their business whether I choose to carry or not - more so because I carry concealed. I don't carry concealed because I'm afraid of offending antis. I carry concealed because I think it is a better survival tactic.
The Annoyed Man said:
1. Having open carry may not deter an attacker, particularly in a public setting. What it will likely do is mark you as a target of highest priority to the attacker - before you can deploy your weapon.

I gotta disagree with your premise.

Most criminals are cowards and not particularly determined. They are opportunists. Most of them will not attack a victim that gives some appearance of being inclined to make trouble for them. What open carry will likely do is encourage a criminal to find another target.

I will fully agree that there are some situations where open carry might be a disastrously bad idea. I just happen to think that for most situations that I'm likely to find myself in it has enough strategic advantage to be worthwhile. I suppose if I ever find myself open carrying while standing in line at the bank when a group of armed robbers bursts in, I'll probably try to cover up before they notice me. Outside of that kind of preplanned and high stakes encounter, most criminals will probably decide there are less risky victims available.

People have been open carrying around here for a long time, and I've never heard of anyone here actually coming to harm from open carrying.
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