What gun(s) are you currently hiding from the wife/gf?

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New guy says: "If you bring a weapon into your home. Everyone who lives in that home should be aware of it. " Hehehehe.......we're LONG past THAT.........hehehehe............:D
The first and only shotgun she ever fired was my little .410. We were shooting cans and such in a pit. After pulling the trigger, she said, "That's it? I want it (the can) to explode. Get the .45!"
I would not be surprised if that wound up in someone's signature.
Don't have to hide them once I get them in the house... That's the game, sneaking them in :) Too many to count!
None, I'm too old for that crap - gonna die soon enough - no time to play those games - don't apologize for being me anymore.
If you are hiding guns you are either spineless, doing something you shouldn't, or both.

Hey, no reason to get nasty now.

To all those who think there's something wrong with sneaking guns....it may help to think of it as just one more titillating little piece of marital foreplay.;)

Cause sometimes, that's how it works. All you soft-handed boys and girls who think that all things in life are better shared in blissful equality have never seen that secret look in a woman's eye that says "Wow, Caveman, I bet you can bring home a mean Mastodon and cook it too!" And for the female shooters here, perhaps you should remember the look on your man's face when he first saw the picture of Sarah Palin with that shotgun and take it as a clue.
I'm one of the lucky ones, I guess. My wife and I just considered them all "Our Guns". She likes to shoot 'her' P model Rugers and I like to shoot 'my' Ruger revolvers. While I do most of the research on whatever we're interested in, she always goes with me to pick them up. She did say last week, "Isn't it time to get some more guns?". Lordy, I'm a lucky man.
My key idea is to be able to hide them in plain site. I had enough (inherited from my father) that adding one or two (or ten) will not be noticed. The key is that she doesn't really no the difference between one or the other.:D

I think I'll be good for a while. Unless I buy something too extravagant or with too much bling.

My EX (repeat EX), was anti gun. She knew about the first three guns, then I decided it was just as well to keep her happy and unknowing.

As for my WIFE, when I brought my last purchase home, my WIFE said "oh! That's pretty!" and "nice trigger!" :) We both have CCW permits.

I have several purchases in the past 4 years my gf and I have been together and she has never said anything and I have never had the need to hide one. Until recently.

In September I had gotten some money back from credit card. I had intentions of using that money as a down payment on a newer car. She never about the money or when I got it back, why would she know she's not my wife right.

Well I take some money and go and buy me an ar15. Since now we love together I hid it in the closet in the closest corner where she has some doohickey hanging to put shoes or pajamas in. That hid it pretty well. I also have 2 lever actions sitting in the same corner already so I just pulled them forward and place the ar behind those. You looked and you could see a darn thing! Or so I thought.

While the gf was a work and it was my day off I wanted to go and see my new gun again. I did his often, go and fondle and then put it back. Well, I pull the hanging deal back and start to reach for the lever actions and there is a post it note taped to the levers.

It was a 3 page post it. 1st one said "you are dumb!" in big bold letters. She can draw and paint pretty well. So the 1st page was done up as were the corresponding pages.
Page 2 said " I don't know why you feel the need to hide this from me. I don't care of you buy a new gun. Just tell me."

page 3: "oh and by the way you are still in trouble.

I wish I still had the note so i could take a picture and show y'all.

I finally came clean.
LOL, I have the opposite problem. The wife just bought a LNIB Bersa Model 85 .380 at an estate sale, and, she already owns one just like it. I asked her why? She said they no longer make them, they are a great pistol and the price was right at $200.00.

Can't argue with her logic, but would think after 49 years of marriage, she could at least consult with me. Hmmm, or, maybe after 49 years she just has my number.:eek:
My wife gets excited when I bring new guns home. The only reason I'd hide one is to keep her from trying to stake claim on it.
5 pages members overwhelmingly against hiding firearms/firearms purchases from your spouse/significant other. Heartening about the maturity of THR members.
I am very glad to read that most THR members have kind, understanding, and generally good pro gun wives (some VERY pro gun and I'm a tad jealous ;)).

This will make you appreciate her even more:


Those of us who "hide" some guns from our wives, especially new purchases, are not doing it because our marriage is a dysfunctional minefield (as some have suggested). We do it because our wives are just not interested in guns, and both us AND our wives prefer exact numbers of guns/when purchased, to be kept in the husband's domain (as others here have pointed out). The term "hiding" has a connotation of deceit, when in reality, most of us here who do it are merely not putting a new firearm purchase on the list of topics for discussion. We're keeping our wives' knowledge of our arsenal and new purchases "fuzzy" if you will. My wife prefers this and so do I. Does it allow me to get away with buying more guns? Yep. Thankfully she doesn't ask specific questions, which is more evidence of her lack of interest. I chose the word "hide" to title this thread because sometimes we DO have to actively "rotate" guns in and out of the safe to keep things "fuzzy" in her mind (as a previous poster hilariously pointed out). Sometimes we DO have to bring a new gun in after she's gone to bed, because it just keeps everyone happy (plus it's a little fun). Some suggest that this is bad, or a sign of something bad. I suppose it COULD be a sign of something bad, but if it makes the wife happy in the end, I don't see it as bad.

I've mentioned to my wife before that I would love it if she fell in love with a certain gun, even if it was expensive, but alas, still no interest.
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I Do not hide guns for the fact that my wife loves them as much as I do. Pluse she is the one the brings home the paycheck and we are on a fixed income so ever purches over $150. has to be talked about
5 pages members overwhelmingly against hiding firearms/firearms purchases from your spouse/significant other. Heartening about the maturity of THR members.

This is the Highroad. Do we really need to attack character to support our own positions/beliefs/actions? I'm over 50, been responsible and held a job since I was 14, married, two kids, no affairs ever, never done anything felonious, house and cars are paid for, don't drink, never smoked, probably should run for Congress because I'd be one of the few without skeleton's in the closet. I imagine most psychologists would excuse the "immaturity" over guns if it came along with the rest of that.

And I'm not going back through all 5 pages, but my impression was that the response was about 50-50, not "overwhelmingly"

Kimber45acp, I'm with you, lock, stock, and unannounced barrel.
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I don't hide guns from my spouse. If it were a GF, why would I care what she thinks as she would be a guest in my house?
i had hid A LOT a few for years, told her about half of them,
then my daughter turned 21 and was working as a nurse, at nights, she grew up around shooting and wanted a gun and her conceled lics. then my wife wanted her's they went together, for their class, it hooked her,
i bought her 3 pistols in the last year, she likes to shoot know, we even went one day it was 15 degrees, it was her idea...it took 20 years and a crazed world out there ..
she dosen't know it but she is getting ready to get into a AR-15 . THIS YEAR... hang in there, i have made a gun nut out of her,
Never have. No reason why I'd want or need to.

We do it because our wives are just not interested in guns, and both us AND our wives prefer exact numbers of guns/when purchased, to be kept in the husband's domain (as others here have pointed out). The term "hiding" has a connotation of deceit, when in reality, most of us here who do it are merely not putting a new firearm purchase on the list of topics for discussion.
That wasn't the original question, though. "How many of you buy guns without bothering to discuss it with your husband/wife/BF/GF/SO" is quite a different question from the one asked in the OP, and probably accounts for the raised eyebrows in the replies.

Not bothering to discuss something because neither one of you feels it important enough to even discuss, and actively keeping your partner from finding out something out of fear she/he would disapprove, are rather different things.
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