What gun(s) are you currently hiding from the wife/gf?

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I don't hide any, but my wife does not have any idea how many I have.

Same here, they all look the same to her, except for her gun. She sure knows that one and you better not try and take it! :)

Hiding things in a relationship is gamesmanship and certainly not likely to work for long.
Are you kidding? All of them.....

If you need to hide things from your wife, your marriage is in sad shape

Has nothing to do with the state of my marriage. It's simply fun...that delicious run out to the truck when she's occupied to sneak it into the house....that clandestine moment when she's gone when I take it out and fondle and oil it...

...It probably actually helps my marriage because all my "sneaking around energy" is focused on guns, not other women....

...okay, okay, that one ought to get a gold star for rationalization....

In all seriousness, we've got the free income, I don't spend it on boats or alcohol or other hobbies, and my wife doesn't really care what guns I own. She WAS a little surprised once when a buddy asked to see my guns and she said "go ahead and lay them out on the bed for him to see, I won't care" and I responded "they won't all fit on the bed."

Of course, that was before the unfortunate boating accident. Lost a lot of equity there but less then when the stock market crashed last year.
My wife is my best friend. Why would I hide something from a friend that coulld affect our relationship?

Maybe that's why we been together for 21 years and never had any problems.
Two years ago my wife suffered a major brain injury. As a result of that her short term memory is more or less non-existant. Anything before the injury, she remembers like it happened yesterday. Anything five minutes ago, she may not remember now. For example she'll ask me a dozen times a day "What time do you go to work?" She just can't remember.

So I don't HAVE to hide anything from her. Every time she sees a gun or anything else that she doesn't remember, I just patiently explain to her when I/we got it. Over time, as she hears the same explanation it starts to imprint itself and gets filed away.

However I wouldn't try to hide one from her anyway.
I hide guns the way she hides shoes...

Seriously though, I don't hide them. I keep the bills paid, she gets a vacation each year, all is well.
Not Really hide..

My latest purchase-Marlin 925M, that was bought on another board, just arrived to my FFL dealer. She doesn't know about it-YET.. I will present it as the replacement for the Marlin 101 that got traded a few years ago, for our youngest Son's car. She will like it.:confused:
I don't necessarily tell my wife when I buy new tires for the truck, a new tool for the shop, or new boots...so I don't always tell her when I buy a new gun. I'm not hiding it from her, she's just usually no more interested in new guns than the other items I listed above. If she asks I'm totally honest, and she knows where I keep the receipts. She has total access to my safe. She has her own gun, but is not terribly interested in mine.
My wife isn't rabidly anti but she's at best neutral. She doesn't particularly like guns, doesn't want to know about them, shoot them, etc. I don't really tell her when I buy a new one, except recently when I got into handguns and bought a gunvault mini-safe, which made it obvious. I did put a peace symbol on the gun vault :) Interestingly, I'd like to talk to her more about it; she's the one who doesn't really want to get into it. Just one of those things about a marriage--you learn to accept differences.
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My Glock 29. It is a concealed weapon in more ways than one.... It's more like I'm just trying to hide the purchase. Not the pistol.

But she knows about the other 12 or 13 and doesn't have a problem.
My wife isn't into guns at all so I don't exactly hide my guns, I just keep them out of her way.

We have a sort of "Don't ask, don't tell" policy in our house.
"I bought a house, had it painted, and also purchased around 6 grand in furniture. My wife owes me some guns."

I'm in the same situation as Flea. I just bought my wife a house, painted it, and now I think it's time to decorate it with a few firearms!
she remarked a long time ago that i have a lot of guns

she also said awhile back that she has a lot of jewelery

she has still to put the two together.......
I dont hide them I just had to talk her into the first one.
For those of you with Children this is how it works for me.
Gun 1 - convice her to allow the purchase.
Gun 2 - well when we die now each one of the boys has a gun.
Gun 3 - well gun 1 is better than gun 2 so to even it out for the boys we need to get this one.
gun 4 - it isnt fair that one of the boys gets one gun and the other gets two.
gun 5 - Repeat process.

Thats how I do it so that I dont have to hide the purchases. its kinda like how I justify the beer purchases. every time I buy a case of beer I buy her a bottle of wine. it isnt my fault that her wine collection is growing and my beer gut is growing.
My wife has been given the combination to my safe numerous times, she still can't get in. That being said I don't tell her everytime I buy something, I usually just put it in the safe. If she notices a new one she doesn't say anything. I have in the past when money was bit tighter, hid them in plain view. I kept a few in the closet and just rotated new ones in and the older ones out, she never did notice.
I can't understand what kind of marriage it is when the two people have to hide purchases from each other.

It used to be a big thing and I'd enjoy when I'd come home from a gun show and show my Wife what I bought.

I really miss doing that.

I have to admit it was difficult explaining why I bought that 6th Makarov though.:D
I'm going to guess that 50%+ of the firearms bought are hidden from the wife/gf, either for an extended period of time or indefinitely.
I could not imagine living with anyone whom I would need to hide my stuff from. Do you guys really have to hide guns from your wives?
I don't know where to begin here....this amazes me. Where is the trust basis for the relationship?
My wife of 26+ years gets upset if I go to the gun shop, gun show, guitar shop, hobby shop, book store, etc and come home empty-handed. She is not into all of the things I am into, doesn't shoot, but she does know what makes me happy.
On the other hand, I could care less how many shoes and Coach purses she buys....as long as the bills are paid and we are happy.
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