Why we will win against new gun control legislation

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Jul 26, 2010
I see a silver lining in the black clouds ahead.

The observations:

Long lines at gun shows throughout America.
Shortages of ammo, high capacity magazines, and “assault” rifles.
Increased memberships and donations to the NRA and other firearms organizations.
Increased training by women and teachers in the use of firearms.
The media is stoking the fires of emotion by keeping the recent tragedies in the limelight.
The antis add fuel by banning with the media and preventing a good tragedy from going to waste. Misinformation is used to sensitize the general public.

The basis:

Politicians will vote based on what will keep them in office.
Obama will have to spend political capital to force his anti-gun agenda; he has bigger fish to fry, e.g., immigration, green laws, debit ceiling. Biden’s pending proposals was a trail balloon to read the political waters.
The general public will not view gun reform as a top issue once emotions cool.


The current drive and energy of gun loving America is at an apex. The 2A is a right that we hold dearly. Our sentiment will be heard in far greater numbers than the antis or general public are capable/willing to voice. The politicians will heed our call. And as the antithesis of Joe Biden, “I guarantee it”.
odumbo will propose a spending bill, add gun control to it, the Republicans will jump all over it and we will be the losers. Goodbye gun rights:(
I hope that it's pointed out in the coming weeks is the fact that EXISTING Gun Laws ARE NOT enforced.
How much MORE SIMPLER can yo get?
The administration has said they will use everything at their disposal. Anti-gun legislation is only part of it. They can certainly impose ammo taxes, and regulate or even outlaw online sales of ammo and reloading equipment. They may already have enough support for this.

They are trying to garner support from the places like Cabela's and Wal-Mart and the almighty dollar will most likely prevail. Have you noticed a decline in the number of local gun shops? They are getting shut down, typically over paperwork issues. What the feds want is for every single firearm transaction to be recorded so they know exactly who has what.

The politicians are talking about not restricting the rights of "current gun owners" which means they simply want to restrict the gun rights of your children and their children.
We the parents of the future then have to prepare for our children's future as well. That's going to be a lot of ammo.
Have you noticed a decline in the number of local gun shops?

gunshops numbers around here have doubled since 2008, I know of at least 3 new ones, a few small time kitchen table dealers may have gone.
I keep hearing(and hoping) that there is no way new gun restrictions will be passed into law. then I remember more than 60% of the population was against Obamacare and now it's the law of the land. I'm really worried. Hope I'm wrong.
The long lines at gun shows, the panic buying frenzy, etc., are not good signs. They're indications of defeatism among gun owners and potential owners. People wouldn't be doing this unless they were convinced that, this time, the gun banners had a good chance of carrying out their desires.

I'd prefer to see the long lines of people demonstrating in front of lawmakers' offices, to show where the votes really are.
I keep hearing(and hoping) that there is no way new gun restrictions will be passed into law. then I remember more than 60% of the population was against Obamacare and now it's the law of the land. I'm really worried. Hope I'm wrong.
I believe the Democrats had the house and the senate at that time. They also paid dearly for it in the mid-term elections of 2010.
I see a golden future either way, being either we dont have any new gun laws and restrictions, or we go into a civil war with a 1991 soviet union style attack on the white house but with the occupants losing in this one. Either one im fine with.... i like the sound of being able to fly my Bars n stars :neener:
The OP is correct. This is not to say they won't play dirty. This is not to say we won't have to fight.

But many gun owners are acting and speaking as if this is a done deal.

Support for this peaked about two weeks ago. The people clamoring for it are the same people who ALWAYS do. They're just yelling louder. I really think Obama doesn't want to burn political capital on this any more than he wanted to in his first term. Every arm he twists, every bridge he burns, every chit he cashes in now, is one he won't have later. The last thing he wants to do is be high and dry three months into the term. He will never offer enough in a budget deal to make it worth swallowing new gun laws as a rider, because right now he has the momentum on budget talks, and he doesn't want to put anything with it that will jeopardize EVERYTHING.
The long lines at gun shows, the panic buying frenzy, etc., are not good signs. They're indications of defeatism among gun owners and potential owners. People wouldn't be doing this unless they were convinced that, this time, the gun banners had a good chance of carrying out their desires.

I'd prefer to see the long lines of people demonstrating in front of lawmakers' offices, to show where the votes really are.

I’m working here…:)

The inference of the long lines was related to your last sentence. If those people were willing to wait long hours to get into a gun show, channeling that energy into calls & letters to their representatives would have a huge impact on lessening the chances of new legislation.

Reasoning says they will; otherwise they will end up with a $1500 piece of metal & plastic.
Certainly OP's assessment is the preferred scenario, and might be correct.

Trouble is, we're lacking hard numbers. Looking around and seeing everything getting bought up and long lines doing it doesn't mean the voice of America has spoken.

It might mean that, or it might mean a statistically small but impassioned subgroup has drastically upped their buying in a short period, and from a man on street perspective it looks like a major groundswell but isn't.

What would be encouraging is if we had numbers indicating that large swathes of the population that otherwise were casually or entirely uninvolved in gun ownership were suddenly availing themselves. Better still if their political concern and involvement could be gauged.

As it stands, we're a bit of an echo chamber.
This is an issue that we all need to dig in and fight for. How many people said OBamBam stood no chance of re election based on everything that he had done. We know how that turned out.
As far as I can see, much of the buying is new people getting onboard at the last minute.

One local store said two guys came in several minutes apart. The 2nd guy tried to butt in, but the first one stopped him. He walked over to the rifle section and asked if a gun there was an AR. It was a RRA 24" Varmint rifle. The owner told him what it was, and the guy asked again, "But is it an AR-15?"

When told again it was, he bought it right then and there. This guy didn't even know what he was looking at, and bought it anyway. New guy written all over him.

The other stores I deal with are experiencing similar things, people lining up for crazy prices for guns that didn't move before 12-14 happened. Colt AR were going for under $1100 in most places, now they're over $2000 if you can find them.

Seasoned gun folks aren't buying most of those at crazy prices. 1000 round cases of steel ammo are $750 around here. Brass ammo is higher, if you can find it.

I think it's a good thing that more rifles are sold, it sends a message that most of the American people don't want any kind of gun bans. Sort of voting with their wallets.
Remember never let a crisis go to waste...

With 2-3 Supreme court picks to go we've already lost.
ritepath said:
With 2-3 Supreme court picks to go we've already lost.
Then it might be prudent to go ahead and turn your guns in to the ATF for destruction then? I'm sure you don't want to deal with the hassle of search and seizure down the road, no?

Budget fight in 2 months is going to take a lot of capital. Immigration reform will take a lot of capital. One is necessarily to keep the government cranking, the latter they see as being important to keep electing Democrats/liberals to office. Either way, by the time they are done with the budget fight, I doubt anyone will still care about firearms to want to tangle with this issue. Not to say be complacent, but the sky is most definitely not falling, and I don't recall anyone crowning Obama King just yet...
I've been saying we will 'win' for 4+ years now, and I'm not changing my mind.

PS: Somewhere in NM...even that gallup poll shows 44% favoring more restrictions and 52% for the same/less
The upcoming vote on gun control legislative will be in Congress, not with the general public. The question one must contemplate is how impassioned are the fence sitters on 2A rights to actively get involved and voice their opinion to their representatives.

Polls do not have the same weight as calls, written letters, and pressure from lobbyists specific to an issue. I sense our fight is between the antis and the 2A advocates. If the bills are rejected in Congress, there will be little that Obama can do.

I’m standing by my guns on this one.
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