Why you should stay well away from a knife...

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
The pictures linked below were sent to me by a LEO friend. They show someone who got too close to a knife-wielding opponent.



The knife user was obviously slashing wildly, rather than stabbing or cutting with precision, but the damage is still pretty impressive.

Remember the Tueller Drill, and don't let an opponent get in close with a knife! :what:

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Denies permission here too, Preacherman.

However, if these are the pics I think they are, (I just saw some extremely graphic pics of knife wounds on Sigforum, i.e. what happens when you get to close to somebody wielding a knife) I'll repeat, they are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!

I'll describe in words for those that want to know what's in the links:
Huge slashes across the back that appear to be 1" to 2" deep; one slash in the stomach area, same depth, plenty of blood and slashed muscle; one huge slash all the way across the chest right above the breasts, deep, with lots of muscle showing.

Y'all still having problems viewing the pictures? I'm not.
You're a mod. Isn't there some setting where mods can view stuff but members cannot? I would assume these pics are in such a setting.
Byrondude, you think there may be a reason you don't have problems?

I think it's mods only...

As for truly grotty disgusting stuff... Had a friend in college who was scared bleepless of public speaking. He was a criminology major. Had to take a public speaking course. So we told him to speak on something that he really, really knew a lot about. And nobody else in the room would know anything about.

So, the subject of his talk was "Determining time of death in suicide and accidental death victims." With illustrations. He lost two out the door on the first overhead, and one threw up in class on the second. And then things sorta went downhill.
Edmond said:
How is he still alive?
Because bad as they look, those woulds are really only superficial. None of them went into the chest cavity or abdomen. Had the attacker been STABBING rather than slashing, the victim might well have been DRT. The wound to the right side was the most likely to be truly life threatining as it is near the liver, but it dosen't look like it cut more than the skin and sub-q fat. The wounds on the back and chest never came close to penetrating the rib cage.
OUCH! Shoot until slide lock, reload, repeat.

And on the other hand, I think I have new respect for what my Emerson LaGriffe is probably capable of.
Yeah, these aren't life-threatening wounds, thank God. I strongly suspect the guy will make a full recovery with no residual effect. There's no tendons cut. Worst long-term effect may be nerve damage but even that will heal.

My father once told me that in the British army, he was taught that a screwdriver is a more dangerous weapon in an opponent's hands than a knife, because an untrained idiot with a knife will slash but the same idiot with a screwdriver or similar will stab.

And it's stabbing that kills, not random slashing. This is a classic example. It's a good bet the cop was not only not killed, but his ability to draw and fire his gun or even do a reload wasn't all that impaired so this is also a failure to stop.

As to the pictures: folks, if you think there's a risk of getting in a gunfight, or a knife fight or crash a motorcycle or hell, get in an auto accident or come across somebody who has, you're better off getting used to pictures like this now so you won't freeze up when it counts. I've successfully done daily wound care on a post-surgical wound that was as deep as some of these and uglier because it had started to go bad (not my personal wound, a friend's, long story). Everybody else this guy knew was too grossed out to cope and it was on a place he couldn't get to behind his shoulder. A daily regimen of hydrogen peroxide flush then betadine then neosporin on clean bandages healed that thing up in about five weeks.

I'm not bragging, I'm just saying you need to be able to let your compassion and ability to help as best you can override your gag reflex, same as any good doctor or nurse.
Jim March said:
As to the pictures: folks, if you think there's a risk of getting in a gunfight, or a knife fight or crash a motorcycle or hell, get in an auto accident or come across somebody who has, you're better off getting used to pictures like this now so you won't freeze up when it counts.

Thankfully i've never had to deal with any gag inducing traumas, but every now and then i stop by ogrish or other sites like that to try to desensitise myself for this very reason. Learning a little anatomy helps...so that purple flappy thing with the big hole in it has a name. People that are in trouble need someone with their head on straight, not a bunch of bystanders gawking at the freak show.
And you'd be surprised how lethal even a relatively short blade can be in the hands of a determined and forceful stabber. Remember the amount of 'give' inherent in much of the human body and you will understand how even a 3" blade can be driven deep enough to cause fatal wounds. Remember also how easy it is to conceal so short a blade, and how it can be brought into play before you ever know it is there. Remember that when you start to close with someone (or someone starts to close with you) in an altercation, keep your distance, insist on seeing hands, always assume there is a knife...

lpl/nc (saw enough of that in the ER and on the street as an EMT)
Understanding Your Enemies Armed With Knives

Thats exactly why i own 2 glocks & can shoot with both hands very proficently. If you really want to see why you should stay away from knives & want to understand who brought the towers down. Go to michaelsavage.com & view the beheading vids of your fellow americans. CAUTION YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FORGET THEM! So if you dont want these images in your brain dont look. They make these pics look like scraped knee. Also good place to send your liberal friends preaching tolerance for these fanactical idiots. Eagle357
jcims said:
Learning a little anatomy helps...so that purple flappy thing with the big hole in it has a name.

I used to work in a medical lab, and we got "samples" of all sorts, but the most interesting were crime scene samples. We also got to read the (monthly? bi-mo? can't remember now...) newsletter for forensic workers, which had details of crimes, autopsies, etc.
One of the most interesting was the man who self-decapitated, with a tree, a rope, and a small pick-up with the pass-through window open. Tire marks tell a lot of tales ;)
Anyway, yes, it helps to at least KNOW whether or not you're squeamish, so you know whether or not you'll be any help. My nephew was gagging when he cut his finger and a whole drop of blood was sitting on it. He's useless around most "pet accidents", etc.; kind of frustrating to somebody who once woke up, walked outside, and realized somebody dumped a decapitated pig on their property. I went inside, had coffee, came back out and buried it.
Jim March said:
It's a good bet the cop was not only not killed, but his ability to draw and fire his gun or even do a reload wasn't all that impaired so this is also a failure to stop.

I am going to memorize the screwdriver analogy, thank you.

However, I wouldn't assume this is a cop in the photos. I'm guessing it was LEO photos of a victim (perp?), not of an injured LEO.

Just a hunch.

BTW, most people, including LEO, find it hard to believe, but someone with an edged weapon can advance from 25 yards and stab/slash you before you can draw and fire. They can even keep coming and stab/slash you after they're mortally wounded. And that's not even counting attackers who are drugged-up.
25 yards, perpster? I doubt it. That would give me, oh, about 3.5 seconds to make my draw. I'd take my chances at that distance.
Um. Perpster, the "Tueller drill" (look it up) shows that the average adult can cross 21 *feet* (seven yards, not 25) in 1.5 seconds and use an edged weapon, which is also about the draw/fire time of the average cop.

Concealed carry can add to this time/distance however!


I stand corrected on the "cop" thing, the tats suggest otherwise but I think I'm right that if he had a gun he could still use it.


My guess is that this was done with a fairly short knife, probably no more than 3" and possibly less, like a Leatherman Micra 2" or something except it probably had more handle. *Maybe* a good-size boxcutter. The wound depths are very uniform to about 2" and with the tendency for skin to deflect inwards, it would just about match a 1.5" boxcutter blade that would still have a large grip able to keep cuts of this length going.

It would also explain the lack of stabbing and the general incompetence shown...a boxcutter is an idiot's weapon.
perpster said:
I am going to memorize the screwdriver analogy, thank you.

However, I wouldn't assume this is a cop in the photos. I'm guessing it was LEO photos of a victim (perp?), not of an injured LEO.

Just a hunch.

BTW, most people, including LEO, find it hard to believe, but someone with an edged weapon can advance from 25 yards and stab/slash you before you can draw and fire. They can even keep coming and stab/slash you after they're mortally wounded. And that's not even counting attackers who are drugged-up.

I read an article about this very subject. A police officer tested it extensively, and the distance is about 20 feet if you're expecting it. But I could imagine if you weren't expecting it, it might be 25 yards.

Anyone who critisizes for shooting someone because the person they shot "just had a knife", should take a look at these pictures.

In the movie Spartacus, the gladitorial instructor mentions that stabs, not slashes, kill, so that's where I learned that from. :) Something else I came across once is that one would probably have to turn his knife sideways to get it through the ribs to the heart.
A box cutter can kill quite effectively, albeit not instantly. All you need is a steady hand, a modicum of knowledge of human anatomy and surprise.
Boxcutters and screwdrivers

a boxcutter across the carotid artery on either side of the neck could do some serious damage.

My Mosin Nagant came with a bayonet that looks like a 14 inch screwdriver, flat tipped and pretty sharp and hardened. I have no doubt this 100 year old weapon could do a job on someone.

Funny, in Vietnam I got used to seeing traumatic wounds, but I don't know if that carries over after all this time. I have a feeling it would, you just shut off that part of your brain that cares for a little bit.

As for someone getting sick, I still can't handle kid vomit very well, but a compound fracture didn't bother me last time I saw one
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