WI: need young, attractive females

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I dunno about you, but I'd say we rarely learn from people exactly like us, eh?

Uh...actually, I don't learn much from people who are very different. People who don't think like me don't normally have anything to offer that matters to me.


On the subject of sex selling...?

It's a fact that it does for many products. I don't think that sex sells guns or raffle tickets for a cause or anything, but good-looking women would certainly cause me to take notice of a booth or table that I might not otherwise look at twice.
I spoke to my son about this issue, and he agrees with Barbara that having attractive young women used in this manner is insulting...

Of course Stephen is gay, so he has a different perspective than his Father.

I, on the other hand, at 63 with absolutely no letcherous intentions towards any young lady still appreciate seeing them. I think it's human nature to look, even when you are semi-senile and zero danger to them in ANY respect.

Pretty young ladies are attractions to the vast majority of American males, and I think the idea of having them help in the manner requested in this thread is a non-issue.

I can guarantee you that MY appearance at such an event would NOT garner any extra potential patrons, while an attractive young lady certainly would.

I guess my gay son, who I love dearly, and I would cancel each other's votes out on this matter, if a vote were taken.

Just my old fart opinion..

Best Wishes,

JP ;)
If this thread won't teach me not to spend 17 hours getting certified as a pistol trainer, nothing will. Whew!

Best of success to you, Monkeyleg and the rest of you good folks in Wisconsin! I don't care much how you get that Doyle creature out of office and restore your Second Amendment civil rights—just get him out!
I've become so good at tuning out advertising that I often ask my kid "what were they selling?" after some flashy TV commercial. I take the time to appreciate the art (if any) but the sales pitch is completely muted in my brain.

Do people really let others influence them into buying things? That seems disgustingly shallow. Marketing professionals must really proud of their ability to brainwash weak minded people into throwing money away? Hard for me to believe this happens.

Ayways... Barbara, I think you're the kind of person he was asking to help. :)

Ah politically correct, I cordially despise politically correct. It's inane & ultimately futile. The language will morph regardless of intent, and it would certainly seem that attempting to block its doing so leads directly to "1984".

Somewhere earlier in this thread, Barbara stated that her concerns for the second amendment & civil equality of the sexes, by whatever terms she used, are equal. With all due respect, I disagree. I will not deny that both are certainly important in the arguments she presents. However, I also sense a tone of conflict in her arguments in having to choose to uphold her standards of equality in favor of aiding Monkeyleg's campaign to raise funds for Wisconsin CCW. The fact remains though, that she's publicly stated here which side of the scale weighs more heavily with her. So be it. She has that right.

By the way, I preface all my comments with "Fella's". Females are allowed to read them. I would refer those who object to the term as sexist to the preface to this post. 'Chairperson' is an excellent example of politically correct nonesense. The masculine is also the neuter according to some really big thick book we seem to use to define the English language. However, haven't checked that just lately, perhaps the folly has contaminated the editorial halls. No matter if it has, common usage will out. What is correct today will be insult tomorrow. Regard the 1800's English police term, which was the correct usage then, for prostitution. As the bobbies got tired of writing it all out, it then became an acronym. Which then became an exceedingly dirty word. And is currently morphing into an objectional term of common usage that occupies all sorts of niches in the parts of speech pantheon.

I applaud Monkeyleg for his efforts to obtain knowledgeable volunteers who also have attributes that enhance furthering his cause. The fact that some object only points to the infinite variety of human philosophy.

Reality will out, it always does.

I don't consider the male to be the standard or neuter, either.

You know, a lot of you who think using babes to sell things are the same ones wondering why there are thong bikinis marketed in size 6x and why 10 year old girls are wearing tshirts that say "my boyfriend kisses better than you."

It's also interesting that the single biggest complaint and/insult I hear about Hillary Clinton is that she's ugly! Not that she's a leftist liar whose been involved in more crooked deals that the typical New York mafia don. That she's ugly.

Big fat deal. Kennedy ain't a looker, either, but at least folks seem to be able to concentrate on his real faults.

It's ridiculous and I'm not going to do anything to continue it.

I'm not going to condone marketing guns with sex when a good part of my life is spent convincing women that firearms are a "product" that is as much their heritage and right as it is a man's. The fact that they continue to hear from gun owners that they're welcome..as long as they're cute, quiet and well behaved is ridiculous and not something I'm going to help continue.

Doesn't agree with the dictionary either. Oh well, I didn't make the rule, just cited it.

Monkeyleg is trying to be as effective as he can in presenting his agenda. Trying to make any interaction among humans sexless is blatently impossible, futile, senseless. Can't Be Done. For him to not be as effective as he can plays into the hands of his opposition. I saw nothing in his request that required his volunteers to be anything other than what they would normally present themselves to the public as. Why you object to that is beyond me. If he'd implied that they'd had to be sexy, through dress, undress, or mannerisms, you'd have a valid argument. But he didn't & you don't.

Given your stated attitude here, I think it's a good thing you're not going to attend his function.

FWIW, Barbara has modeled for me before and is coming down to TN again to make more ads for RKBA. I think she is more concerned about the backlash from doing this badly and from making a respectable effort seem seedy and tawdy.

I don't mind pretty girls in ads (and noticed that one pretty girl can sell more guns or gun parts than five SpecOps guys). However, I dislike ads which make such girls the focus of their ads, as if the product or the service can't stand on its own merit.

If the ladies in his photos all looked like Rossane Bar or Sen. Finestien would we bother to look at them?

Newsflash -- some of my models are obese or old. Some of them were received well on THR and TFL, some were not. I also try to emphasize their "good sides" visually, both in the looks and in the expressions. Like it or not, "attractive" (whatever it means to each individual) gets more attention than "ugly". Same applies to guns and cars. How many would buy Pontiac Aztec if it wasn't so ugly? How many would buy Hi-Point carbines if they were nicer to the eye?
Go to any large sales event, be it cars, tradeshows, boat show, computers, whatever, companies go out and hire 'booth babes' simply to attract people to walk close enough to take a 2nd look at their product.

No guy actually buys item Z because he thinks it will help him get in with the girl at the booth (or no sane guy) but in a hall filled with 1000 booths, the booth babe is just one more thing to make your booth stand out, and get someone to pause for a few seconds. This is no different than a sign that says 'free frizbee' or 'raffle' used to pull people in too. No one who is NOT interested in the product is going to let a free frizbee change their minds. But a lot of people who never gave it much thought are going to come buy to sign up for the raffle, take the free frizbee, or glance at the attractive woman.

Hell, most booths have the boothbabe either handing out the free frizbees or helping with the raffle slips.

So be outraged at being used and being tricked, but be outraged at everyone equally, be they using attractive women, big flashy banners, free plastic junk or whatever.
It's also interesting that the single biggest complaint and/insult I hear about Hillary Clinton is that she's ugly!
Well.... she is.

But hers is the kind of ugly that emanates from within. It has nothing to do with what she looks like on the outside.

Just my opinion.....
Oleg, I'm glad that you chimed in on this thread.

What I never made clear--but should have from the outset--is that I'm modelling this banquet based upon other pro-gun banquets that have done well in the past.

At every one of these, there were ladies--from age 21 to age 60--at the gun tables to record the auction bids.

Attire ranged from jeans to business skirt/jacket to the ubiquitous "little black dress."

Doesn't matter.

I wasn't asking for women to behave like Paris Hilton while holding a particular gun. All I was asking for was for women who were pro-gun to help, and particularly women who can draw a man's attention. That's a very wide spectrum.

And I worded my request very badly. Very, very badly.

Now that this thread has reached five pages--which means that most THR members won't read it--I guess I'll have to start another volunteer request thread, with your permission.

My simple goal is to get as many people as possible to help defeat WI Governor Jim Doyle--one of the most anti-gun governors in the country, and without question the most anti-gun governor in the history of this state.

I'll leave it to others to discuss the merits or lack thereof of using "sex" to sell guns/cars/clothing or whatever.

Send me a PM or email with location/date/time...etc. If I've missed this information it's because I did not want to read every post, as some almost made me ill.

She's 38yrs old, beautiful even to unbiased eyes, and so amiable she could sell ice to an Eskimo. Can't promise anything at this point -- so please explore all avenues -- but if I know more of the particulars I can explore the potential of our attendance.

Of course I would have to work 'long side her to thwart all the marriage proposals. ;)


With regard to the above mess: I believe written word was the enemy with this thread. If Dick had put forth this inquiry with spoken word it would have been easy to discern that he intended no insolence. None.

My opinion is that Dick is virtually incapable of this sort of blunder.

Whatever our cause, women's rights, gun rights, or gay rights -- let us not get so passionate that we look for confrontation around every corner, lest we find ourselves battling a competent ally.
I wasn't asking for women to behave like Paris Hilton while holding a particular gun. All I was asking for was for women who were pro-gun to help, and particularly women who can draw a man's attention. That's a very wide spectrum.
Ah, now there's a request that I can support whole heartedly.

{'Specially since you made a specific effort to distance yourself from the Paris Hiltons of the world. Good decision.}

And I worded my request very badly. Very, very badly.
Yeah, it could have been worded better.

Ah, but we all have our bad moments, eh? If I had a dime for every poorly-worded faux pau I've made in the last 20, I'd be a rich man.

Don't beat yourself up for more than 2 nsec. We live, we learn. ;)

Now that this thread has reached five pages--which means that most THR members won't read it--I guess I'll have to start another volunteer request thread, with your permission.
I think that's a great idea.

IMO, this is a worthwhile thread for THR. (Thanks again to Pax for the patience and wisdom to let it live, to let this important discussion happen.)

If you start a new thread, I promise to offer positive suggestions for your efforts.

My simple goal is to get as many people as possible to help defeat WI Governor Jim Doyle--one of the most anti-gun governors in the country, and without question the most anti-gun governor in the history of this state.
Sounds like a worthy goal, Dick. Thanks again for your efforts.

Best of luck with it.

OK, back to work with me. I haven't had a day off in over 4 months. So much to be done...


PS: to those who complain that our concerns were about PC, speaking for myself, I hate PC. Those who know me understand that I'm anything but PC.

No, it's not about PC. It's about honoring and respecting our fellow gun owners of any orientation - male, female, gay, lesbian, bi, young, older, attractive, not so attractive - and not driving them away with moments of indiscretion that we later may regret.

We're all in this together. United we stand, divided we ...
I've read each and every post.. I even read the one I posted to be fair to me.

I've come to the conclusion that:


Even Stephen thinks so, and he and I tend to disagree on many things.

(Like whether watching "Brokeback Mountain" would be preferable to watching the original "Stagecoach", for the 34th time.)

Happy Trails!


*none of that "skin deep" crap
Hidden messages?

Larry Ashcraft stated
We feel much better giving our money to a attractive young woman than to a beer bellied guy wearing a VFW cap.

There it is. There is no hidden agenda, no deep dark secret meanings.

Barbara & 870 you really need to get over yourselfs....

This thread kinda reminds me of the computer shows that used to roll though 2-3 times a year. But that was back in the days when a 300mghz chip was 300 bucks etc. You walk in and 90% of the people working the ticket desks were - pritty girls. Some of the vendors with muliple tables selling, just lots of junk had pritty girls in tight skirts as well. So, the ratio of pritty girls to geeks was about 3 to 100. Toss in the occasional - person of low hygene with bad breath from eating fritos - what a show it was.
I felt bad for those girls. You could tell by the looks on their faces they were tired of being ogled at and wanted to be somewhere else. Did I look? Discreetly but heck yeah, some of these girls were smokin`.
How do we live with ourselves?
From Barbara
It's also interesting that the single biggest complaint and/insult I hear about Hillary Clinton is that she's ugly! Not that she's a leftist liar whose been involved in more crooked deals that the typical New York mafia don. That she's ugly.
Well, except for reading it here, this is the first time I've heard that as the major complaint. Seems to me that when someone can't counter the message, they attack the messenger, perhaps unfairly, perhaps because of appearance. This was certainly true when it was Janet Reno. Given Hilary's politics, morals, and ethic, why would anyone attack her appearance?

I always thought the leftists were throwing out a red herring when they complained that the conservative objection to Hilary was that she was "uppity". Never heard leftists describe Condi as "uppity". Too loaded a term in this context, I guess. "Uppity" or "Ugly" had nothing to do with it. Thatcher was no beauty queen. Neither was Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Reagan's first UN ambassador. Both were most assuredly outspoken and controversial. Both were highly regarded by conservatives.
This comes from an attractive young female.:neener:
There has got to be a better way to word the title of this thread. It sounds like a pick up line for a house of ill repute.:eek:
Here's the problem: If you have to go to a computer gun forum looking for "Young, attractive females" then maybe you need to work on different types of marketing skills or sell better products.:)
Chances are, if it doesn't sell on it's own merits, there is something wrong, either the price is more than what most people are willing to pay, or there are some quality issues with the products.
Just a thought. :)

I think it's highly probable that you didn't start at the beginning. The product Monkeyleg is trying to sell is opposition to the governer of Wisconsin & his anti-CCW stance. The price? Donations to further the political opposition to said governer.

It's also highly probable that Monkeyleg is not, nor ever has been, a marketing professional. But, you & some few others are willing to judge him by the current state-of-the-art marketing standard. What does that say about people who didn't read for content, but merely knee-jerked because a button got pushed?

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