Woman malled to death by 5 feral dogs, gov'ment pays $2M

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
Woman mauled to death by 5 feral dogs, gov'ment pays $2M

It use to be that the "locals" that lived up in the mountains here in Taiwan could keep a few rifles. They had to register them and annually, there was an inspection and bullet count, and all shell casings had to be accounted for; but they had rifles and did keep the feral dogs to a minimal.

Well, with the "new" tougher gun laws here.. (Yeah, like mountain men was really the source of trouble) the population of wild dogs up in the mountains exploded. So much so that the number of hikers have been greatly reduced, and now down to only hiking groups...

A woman went hiking with a group, got left a little behind, and was confronted by 5 feral dogs... They mauled her to death.

The government complained that they didn't have enough resources to "control the animal population" of all the mountains.. It seemed like the mountain men were doing a good job until the government took away their guns.

Lawsuits were filed and the government ended up paying $2M NT (only $58K US Dollars folks) for the woman's death..

There has been a "mini" uprising by the mountain men who said this could have easily been prevented.. Most of the old trail guides carried a 30-06, and some of the others carried a bow and arrow setup; both of which are now illegal.

So the question of how do you protect yourself when you are hiking came up..

The gov'ment's answer?

"Don't go hiking.."

:cuss: :banghead: :fire: :barf:

I just love how much "additional free and safety" removal of guns have caused here in Taiwan...:barf:
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I have a friend who grew up in Taiwan. She told me that in high school, every student in her school had to learn how to fire a rifle (22LR I think). I believe she went to a private school, so I'm not sure if it's true for other students (public schools). However, she said it was a lot of fun (although one girl in her class cried when she had to shoot the rifle).

I wonder if they still do this today. This friend is in her thirties.

Here in California, the tree-huggers passed a proposition banning mountain lion hunting. So now we're overrunned by these critters we can't kill.

In Lassen County, the county fathers proposed building a hiking trail along and through the lava beds. Everybody was very happy about it and so the suggestion went out during a public meeting as to what to name this to be built trail. Cougar Alley was suggested by some wit and you know, the entire concept was shelved. :) Goes to show, if you go some places, bring a dog (early warning system) a buddy and your guns.
The San Diego paper yesterday had an article saying that the state now has to destroy more lions because of the damage they do then ever were killed by hunters. As I recall, hunters paid the state and now the state pays hunters. Good thing California has lots of money. :scrutiny:

I believe a second, unintended consequence, is that there is serious lion pressure on at least one population of desert big horn sheep that they are at a loss to control because the lions get a free pass.

This is what happens when policy is written/voted by people who don't live with the consequences, learn about wildlife from Disney, and ascribe human characteristics to wild critters. (The surviving cubs of one lion that was put down had more money donated than the surviving children of the lion's victem, a few years ago.):banghead:
The women are taught to fire a rifle...

use to be 6 rounds of 308 (M14), now 6 rounds of (.223). No .22LR's..

Bows and arrows aren't "technically" illegal.. Just the use of them to actually kill something :banghead:

There are bow & arrow classes... Why bother I don't know since it's illegal to defend yourself against something with it..

Oh given the creative minds of the PRK, they will think of something to top that...

My friend's dad actually still has a 30-06 rifle, but he's given up firing it because the annual "bullet inspection" he says is a pain in the :cuss: and he's now got it registered as a relic collection item instead..

4v50, I have gone hiking in "cougar alley".. You want to talk about scarying sheeple.. how about the fact that the gas station attendents all slung rifles to pump the gas... even though I don't think that's legal..

When asked, they said "See that 'coon there? See why a few of them only have 3 legs? Cougars..."

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