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Wow, Rice is the nominee

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She's a good woman. I can't wait to see her sitting down with the Sheiks and telling them how it is.
My gut feel on the next Presidential candidate for the Republican Party is that it will be someone who replaces Cheney as Vice-President. Look for Cheney to resign for "health reasons" halfway or so through his term of office. If Rice is a contender, I would expect Bush to nominate her as VP. With a couple of years of VP experience, plus a couple of years as Secretary of State, plus four years as National Security Adviser, I don't think anyone could accuse her of lacking the necessary experience of government... and yes, I'd vote for her! Brilliant mind, incisive decision-making, 2A/RKBA believer - what's not to like? :D
Rice, she would have my vote. I think she is one of the few bright spots in the Bush administration.
Tee... heard someone on the radio today complaining that she'd always be shopping while in foriegn countries. The chick he as complaining to said....

"well... knowing Ms. Rice, she'll be shopping for weapons."


This just keeps getting better. :)
Powell's problem is that he apparently thought he was the boss, and decided to say what he wanted, rather what he was instructed to say. Some of the worst diplomatic fiascos of the early part of Bush's first term were caused by Powell telling foreign leaders something quite different than he was instructed to. That changed with time as he learned his job, but his recent statement about Taiwan (which contravened existing and long-term US policy) was more of the same.

As for Rice, I think she's being groomed for far greater things, and with good reason.
Her only drawback as sec of state is that she's supposedly not a very good people manager. If her second in command is real hands-on she should do very well for the presidents policy aims. She is a true believer(?) in the Bush agenda.

Colin Powell, whom I deeply repect, was too willing to get along with the policy wonks entrenched in the state dept. (who deeply disagree with the Presidents agenda). I think we'll see a very nice purge there.
It would be worth it just to watch the left go into apoplectic fits releasing their hate onto a black woman Pres or VP candidate.

That would be priceless.

- Gabe
Colin Powell is much better gone. He is a RINO and not worthy of trust of such high positions as he's been fortunate to occupy. For those of you who respect him, I think I'm as staunch a conservative as anybody and I would vote for Hillary before him. Count me out of his fan club.
I think the people who actually think a black female would have a chance are not being honest with themselves. I agree there is much less racism than there once was, in the South, and elsewhere.

However, remember margins of victory these days are extremely thin. I think race would play a big enough role that she would not win some critical votes. I don't believe that people would necessarily go vote for the Democrat candidate instead of her, but I would be concerned that some Republicans might just not participate in the election at all.
Lobotomy Boy said:
So the worst thing Powell did was keep us out of a shooting war with China. The nerve of him.

Yes, how did we ever get along without him from the end of the Korean War until 2001? I mean, no shooting war in all that time despite his absence? Wow. Talk about miracles.
Let's play fantasy politics for a while :D

Colin Powell switches parties and gets to be on the Democratic ticket as either President or VP with a credible Dem.

Cheney's replacement is a predictable middle-of-the-road Republican who gets the nomination for Pres. with Condi as VP.

Who do you vote for? :neener:

TFL Survivor
buzz_knox said:
Yes, how did we ever get along without him from the end of the Korean War until 2001? I mean, no shooting war in all that time despite his absence? Wow. Talk about miracles.

How did we get along without him? Easy--Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz weren't dictating foriegn policy during those years. We didn't have a policy of "pre-emptive war" during those years. We didn't have an administration hell-bent on a global Pax Americana, enforced by an Iraqi-sized war every couple of years. In other words, we got along all those years because we didn't have the inmates running the asylum.
I don't think the party of Al Sharpton wants to get into a contest with Republicans to see whose base is more bigoted. :barf:

Let's run Rice in 2008, and forget this VP stuff, too. 2-3 years as VP should be enough seasoning to run for the top spot. Then we can settle once and for all whether Democratic dogma about Republican racism is true, or just a way of holding onto the black vote.
Condie Rice For Secretary of State

Condoleezza Rice nominated for secretary of state, on the news right now.

|edit| I guess I was too slow, feel free to delete this post.
From what i've read she is one of the most pro gun person in DC. Good choice!!!! The way it looks now think she will be the best choice in 08!
She's smart.

She's good looking.

And best of all...


(yeah she's twice my age but for her I'll make an exception!!!)
I agree with Preacherman. I strongly believe that Cheney will resign with a view to posturing the party for 2008. I like Condi a lot as well, and would vote for her for President. However, I am afraid that she may burn out prior to 2008. There already was talk of her going back to Stanford. Staying to help the President for another 4 years is not the same as making an 8-12 year commitment, and I do not know if she is going to be willing to do that.
I was born and raised in the South. My kin are still there is AR and TX. To think that the South is still in the racial discrimination mode of the past is a mistake. I do not personally know a single individual who would reject Dr Rice because of her race.
If she were the Republican candidate, and if she had the correct stance on the moral issues, I would vote for her.

JerryM, its not just the south I would worry about... there are a lot of other places where her race may play a role. I am not saying it would be the only issue, just an issue in a close race.

How many black US senators does our country have?

I like most everything I know about Condoleeza Rice, but she is a bureaucrat and not a politician. I think she would do fine as Sec of State. She might even do fine as the VP candidate in 2008, but I dont think there is a chance the Republicans will run her as president.
Lone_Gunman said:
The Republicans won't nominate a black female as president. The Republicans have to continue to take the South, and a black female will have a hard time doing that.

She might end up as VP though.

The South has changed considerably over time. In 4 more years, I suspect it will have changed even more.

Depending on who the Dems nominate, it's possible that they may have to choose between two women for president.

That may result in lower voter turnout in some areas where chauvinism runs strong, but I don't think it would cost her as much as she stands to gain with women voters.
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