Young Mom killed,your help needed(car versus gun death stats)

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
A young Mom of 2 beautifull children (sister in law)
was killed by a teen driver who couldn't
"control" his car and went over the doulble yellow
head on into this young mom of two instantly killing
her and causing grief for so many nice people.
The teen probably will not be prosecuted,even though he had been cited for reckless driving earlier that day.
We need current stats proving cars are more dangerous then guns,we want to mount a campaign to at least put this brat on probation and take away his drivers license untill he grows up.
We feel that if this kid had been shooting recklessly he would be in jail now,but killing with a car is somehow acceptable (it's CA for ya) .
Your help appreciated,if the rest of the family approves I may ask you to send letters to the prosecuters and local paper...thanks!
I'd like to see statics on the number of deaths and injuries caused by trees. Crashing in to them, them falling on people, people falling out of them. It'd be interesting to see if trees cause more death and injury than guns. If we apply the darwin theory to thug gunning down thug and remove this segment from the statistics I wouldn't be surprised if trees wreak more carnage.
Even if he is not charged, a wrongfull death suit is practically mandatory. Especially if he has good insurance or rich parents. Kinda sucks to be them, but if they gave him the car, thats the way it bounces.
Accidental gun deaths hover around 1400 per year lately, and that is the lowests they have been since they were recorded starting in 1904.

So, we have about 280 million people in this country (that we know of), and anywhere from 220 to 300 million firearms.

Accidental auto deaths are what, around 40,000 or more annually?
Why is it when something like this happens, it seems like the "innocent mother of two" is killed and not the "agressive driving teenage punk" :rolleyes: Makes me want to :barf: I'd probably be arrested for battery if I were hit by such an individual, if I lived................
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