As a kid; one of our springtime rituals was to carry squirt guns when it got warm enough and we all had spring fever. My favorite squirt guns were all copies of German Lugers, which I admired so much on TV and movies. Even as a squirt gun they point well and became my favorite style of squirt gun. Haven't found any pictures of myself with any squirt gun and when I grew up the real Lugers that I always admired became too expensive and I sort of gave up on owning one. Then in 2001 I inherited a Luger that an uncle had brought home from Germany in 1945. Made me wish I still had one of those Luger squirt guns so I could photograph one of my childhood toys with the real thing. A few years ago I came across a Luger squirt gun on E-Bay; bought it and got some pictures of some of my toys from then and now..... My Luger "collection" is now complete, LOL.....