Your favorite bits of gunboard macho posturing?

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HA! You people are so busy talking about the mall ninja, that you DON"T REALIZE that the S did HTF.


I TOOK OVER. HA! You all didn't know.

I assaulted the whitehouse with some mac n' cheez and mikes hard lemonade bottles, and I took office. Socks swore me in. (Clinton left office, and socks was kept around as guard cat, didn't you hear?)

Meet your new president. AKs for all.

"Hail to the chief, cuz the chief, he needs some hailin."

James (I need to sleep.)
I always enjoy the "boycott folks"

ie: I never buy Levis because they are anti gun, or I won't buy anything made in Chinese sweatshops, etc.

If I were to boycott everything anti-gun, anti-american, anti-whatever, I would have no guns or ammo, be homeless, naked, and hungry, and have no car or fuel.

I beleive in buying american and supporting gun friendly companys where possible. But I am a Capitalist first.

Smoke - the sellout.
"There I was, 40 thousand feet, no parachute, a naked blonde under each arm and no rounds left for my trusty combat masterpiece. I whipped out my mc-1a issue switchblade and managed to stab myself to death before I hit the ground and was killed."

Geez, talk about poor situational awareness!

2 blonds equals 4 silicon shock absorbers that you can use to break your fall!
I told him as much of the story as I could remember and he died laughing and even brings it up now and then; having never been on an internet gun forum in his life.
Were you charged with anything? How did he miraculously come back to life?:confused: :D :D

Most of mine is the "If 'X' is banned, I will bury or dig up my rifle and start shooting..." or something like that. If one guy does it, he is a psycho. If 10,000 do it, it starts to become a revolution. Or a cause for martial law. Either way, the S will or has HTF, and will roll down hill.
Please tell me the Mall Ninja is satire.......otherwise I'm afraid...very afraid.....(putting on my tin foil hat now):uhoh:
I'm not sure who impresses me more....the ninja/spec-operators.. or the everything experts who spend hours on-line each day seeking intellectual validation from anonymous 16 year olds (who are spending their valuable youth surfing the web, while dressed in tactical jammies and stressing about freedom...or playing kill-em video games). As much as I enjoy being on-line, there comes a time when the ridiculous content reminds me turn off the puter and enjoy real life. Maybe that's why Bill Gates makes us click on "Start" and not "Esc" to shut er down.

BTW - Great piece Nightcrawler - I am glad I saw that one.:D
The picture of that Blackhawk catalogue

PLOOIE! BOOM! WHOOSH! Who'd have thought that there'd be so many plumes of flame in the typical day of your average Elite Most Tactical Operator? (This pic is especially funny since it looks like the guy ate too much chili...)

Good thing I had already finished lunch by the time I read your remark on the chili thing. I about died laughing!
I stumbled across a message board once where Gunkid had been given a whole forum all his own. Seems they couldn't keep him banned and caved in to keep him from ruining the rest of the forums. Don't have a link but it's probably still out there somewhere.

Stupid people don't make me mad but I can see the logic in banning him since some of what he advocates is dangerous to other idiots.
I have for years been intrigued as to what makes GK ''tick''. He is obviously an accomplished typist judging by the volumes of spam he churns out - mostly very repetitive over time, and yeah - sometimes ''advice'' is hardly safe and even borderline legal!

''u should use the assault wheelbarrow stup. just carry CAR and can and .22 conversion kit. bolt guns are just - clunkers''.!

Oh near forgot - don't forget the Jerry Mikulic split times or faster!! :D
Gunkid fans

He posts on this site:

He used to post as "andy" and ".223 fan" until people shamed him by pointing out he was talking to himself for the most part. He posts as "andy" now.

Enjoy the hilarity.
13A ... sorry, had to grab a quote from the ''maestro'' over there ... seems like the style hasn't changed too much - and he is not making his audience too happy - so what's new! LOL.
.45-70, 400 gr pos is a pathetic .230 BC

STARTED at an even MORE pathetic 1500 fps, it's got less of a chance of hitting anything at 600 yds than does the 10" 223. At least, the 10" 223 can start a .300 BC bullet at 2450 fps. the .45-70 drifts in the wind like a balloon. :) Anyhitting it does on a man torso beyond 300m requires IDEAL conditions, and LUCK.
Does word ''dogmatic'' come to mind!? :D Or is it ''opinionated'' ... both I guess.
I really love the posts where people advocate killing all liberals / Democrats / drug dealers / whatever religious group of the week then whine when some liberal says some equally stupid, while failing to see the irony.

People that have never been to Europe going on and on about how horrible Europe is.

The people that think the blue helmets will be kicking in their door any day now. Ditto the people that describe in great detail what they will do if the US tries to confiscate their guns.
I'm personally amused at the SHTF or TEOTWAWKI posts, and the guys that are planning to carry 4 long guns, 3 handguns, a shotgun, and a "bug out" bag that, judging from the description, has to weigh in close to 500 lbs.

Funny thing is, I used to know a couple of guys like that in real life, and God knows how many weapons and caches they have buried.
There's no shortage of people who:

can hit a flea in the left eye at 600 yards...
What? You're just jealous of those of us who can! With pepper-spray in one eye, and an angry pitbull chewing at my ankle! Yep! And that was just my first day of training for Tactical Urban Response Deployment (T.U.R.D.)

I'll tell ya, working as a Mall Santa can be hell. Of course, the whole time, I was just a lookout for Gecko_45, who as we all know, is the REAL DEAL. You may not take him seriously, but I've worked with him. The man is Da Bomb (is that right?)! He showed me the inner secrets of Shopping-Quadrant Ninjitsu, and I even got some of those neat spikes for my Santa boots. Of course, since I'm only 160 lbs, I was able to conceal a Mosin, a 10-gauge, several flash-grenades and quite a few spare mags under those red duds. You never know, one of those little tykes could be carrying a bomb. Good thing I had Gecko's body-armor, even if that duct-tape hurt coming off...

One time, there were some kids hanging out in front of the L.L. Bean. They were obviously plotting something, and Gecko sprang into "pre-emptive action," killing four of them with his bare hands before moving up to the REAL ordinance. I laid down covering-fire with my "crappy German" MP5, taking out some Chechen rebels disguised as elderly mall-walkers in the process.

Stupid jury says I'm not competent to stand trial. Still, it's nice to know that our suburban shopping-centers are protected by folks who live this creed:

"If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guiard over their lives like a God."

Just kidding, by the way. Thing is, I'm Very Not Bad on the food-chain of shooters. I'm proud of what I can do, but there's usually somebody around who's better. I'm certainly not competition material at this point, and I'm lucky if I can see a TRUCK at 100 yards, much less bullseye something with a HANDGUN at that range :uhoh:
Gunkid Classics

Gunkid Classics from the last forum he was banned from that I know of:

there are plenty of us out there that can pull the trigger faster than the gun can cycle. it's not that hard to do really. just enter an IPSC competition and get stressed out and pull the trigger too fast and then get all mentally jammed up.

I once put 24,000 rds of .45 thru a MkIV, Series 70, in 6 weeks. Same 3000 rds of brass (already 3x fired) Never cleaned the brass. Used a Star progressive, cast swc's (Tamarack 50-50 Alox and beeswax lube) and Bullseye powder. Used nothing but WD40 as a lube. Cleaned the gun 8x, and 2 of those times, would not have done so, but students wanted to be shown how to do same. Zero malfunctions blamable on the gun.

ANYONE can shoot some housecats, and see that I am correct about the 9mm. It's a joke, just like the .45 is, on animals no bigger or tougher than a housecat is. Bill Jordan, Skeeter Skelton, Charles Askins, and Elmer Keith are all on record as saying .45 ball ammo sucks as a manstoper.

I've had many a housecat, coon, chuck and jackrabbit run off with .45 ball thru their chests, much less coyote-sized feral dogs. THEY mostly run off with factory jhp .45 loads thru their chests. That's why I began my search for far more effective ammo, and why I had to fabricate my own bullets,work up my own MachII plus loads, etc. The factories just dont CARE if you get killed, because their offerings are not-effective. You can't sue them over such lack of effectiveness.

I'm a mortician that shoots dead HUMAN bodies before I embalm them. I KNOW what a said bullet can do. I've shot them all and the .22 is the most lethal round out there. ALL the people I shot were DEAD DEAD DEAD.

Very early on, I noted how inefficient the shotgun is, and I haven't OWNED one for 25years now. Ditto the revolvers, or any non auto, really. The BAR, in alloy frame and 308 (cheap practice ammo) is my idea of a big game rifle. Small stuff is for the pistol (unless survival-shooting. ) Then it's for the .22 unit in a 223 AR 15. The latter is by far the most versatile longarm that you can own. It will group 1 MOA,even in the lw versions, and that's plenty of accuracy for varmint hunting.

nothing about what I said is anything but PROVABLE fact. let's SEE you post some FACTS contradicting a THING that I've said. You can't, no one ever has, and I 've been at this religiously, for many years now, thousands of hours per year, on the gun-forums.
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Thanks for posting the "Mall Ninja" I too thought it was just a generic description of folks we all know and love

My only question is, Was he telling the stories tongue in cheek, or just a fugitive from the rubber room at the local funny farm. I had to clean tbe Coke spray off my screen more than once and I fear the keyboard is toast.

Just great, atrue classic.

Since was mentioned I have to say that it really bugs me when the "seasoned" members tell someone that their rifle will get them killed or won't be any good in a fight because you don't have the RIGHT (at that exact moment) BUIS, Optic, forearm etc. it seems that actually putting bullets in the place where you want them is WAY down the list after equipment to a lot of these guys.

Its amusing to sit there and watch as the newest fads emerge over one piece of high-speed gear after another. Invariably the catalyst for this change is a dubious picture of some miscelanious had looking "operator" appearing in a desert environment (or maybe Arizona) with the piece of equipment mounted to their rifle. Personally I have the utmost respect for soldiers but, I have known enough of them personally to know that wearing the uniform DOES NOT necessarily make that person an authority on weapons. (too many "tumbling .223" and "knocked off their feet .45ACP" stories).
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