Would you stay or move, if gun laws changed in your state?

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I’m not one to enlist in worrisome speculation. Unfortunately, the majority of the ”news” media engages in pure speculation so it is understandable that many begin planning for a future event before the panic sets in. But no one knows the future. And when it does arrive, the reality of your position in life will most likely put your preplanned itinerary in obsolescence.

I live in Arizona, my last frontier.
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Born in Northern CA, stationed in Montana 80-84, went back to CA in 87. Packed up and moved back to MT for good in 1992.

After living in MT it was tough adjusting to the CA mindset, and I lived in somewhat more conservative part of the state (Humboldt County).

Not sure I would move again, deep roots here now. Besides, if MT goes down I'm not sure where else I could go..........
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I live in New York state. It can't get much worse than here. I'll be retiring in a few months and will be looking to relocate to a southern state for several reasons; NYS taxes, politics, weather, as well as the states draconian gun laws. Upstate NY is a great place 3 seasons of the year to hunt and fish, but the winters are becoming unbearable. This "Yankee" isn't looking to liberalize any views or laws in my next home state. Like many on this forum, I just wanna be left alone to live my life.
I'm already behind the Iron Curtain. Where can I go? Md is commie country, NJ is Moscow west, and PA is swinging toward the commies so fast i can't believe it.. The problem is, DE is a super cheap place to live. I'm not sure I could afford to life elsewhere and maintain my current lifestyle..

The only thing you can do is to stay politically active, and volunteer your time and energy for the opposition party, and hope for the best..
if we do not change this current mindset of the youth and schools and stop the liberal train I am not sure it will matter in 10 years where you move it will be just a matter of time until they invade your town ,
this liberal anti american movement is picking up steam and affecting just about everywhere it seems , I hope I am wrong but looks like they will continue to fight for restrictive laws or go down in flames trying ,
Not a chance. Gun laws didn't factor at all in my last 4 moves.
When I was out of work I didn't even consider any of the slave states.

States in thrall to the anti-gun cult are invariably loathsome in a variety of additional ways.

Why on Earth would I give up a single right to live some place where I despise the people and their way of life? I would no more live in California or New Jersey than I'd live in North Korea or Iran.
As others have said, if "it" goes federal, there will be no where to go! Most of you evidently aren't old enough to know or understand what we've already lost. For those of us in our 60's, 70's and 80's, the trajectory is clear and it's not good for gun ownership. For many of us in this older age cohort, the only real question is wheather "it" will happen in our lifetime or simply a few years after we've died. If you're not old enough to know what the world of firearms was like before 1968, find someone who is and ask them about it. Maybe even spend a little money and buy a copy of Amerian Rifleman or another gun publication and actually see what it was like then and what has been lost. Better yet, buy a gun magazine from the late 1940s, another from the 1950s, another from the 1960s (before 1968) and then compare them to a recent publication. The differences and similarites will be interesting but they should also be alarming. For me, at least, one of the most interesting but less obvious differences is geographical. Yea, the advertisements are interesting, but even more interesting are the addresses of the advertisers. From the 1940s to the late 1960s, there are major firearms businesses in cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York as well as states such New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Anyone think you'd be successful getting the permits not to mention the financial support to start a gun related business in any of those places today? I can remember going with my father to purchase firearms in places like Alexandria, Virginia, and watching as Roy Weatherby spoke with him about a building a custom .270 Weatherby Magnum. As a company, Weatherby's recently saw the light left the Republik of Comiefornia. With the responses that I've seen in this thread, there is no reason to believe the trend of the last 60 years will abate. The only question is how long will companies like Weatherby's be able to hold out in places like Wyoming.
Why on Earth would I give up a single right to live some place where I despise the people and their way of life? I would no more live in California or New Jersey than I'd live in North Korea or Iran

I see youve fallen into the Dems mindset of divide and conquer.

Can I presume that when I move back to AZ (or some other state you approve of) that won't despise me and youll be my fairweather friend again?
If Texas got to the point of being like New York there wouldn't be much point of moving.

I passed up promotions at my last job because I didn't want to move to liberal states.When I was laid off I never considered liberal states to work in even though I was unemployed five months.

The group of companies I work for now are solid Texas companies so no fear of moving.
As a refugee defector from the Peoples Republic of NJ now in Florida I have no desire to move, neither do I have a desire to give up my possessions, or hobby.
I hate this collective guilt BS.
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Most people have anchors to the place they live. Family, friends , maybe a good job and other ties to the community they live in.
If Wisconsin suddenly became like NJ or NY for gun laws I am afraid I am pretty much stuck here. Everything I know is here .
It would be a very hard move.
We talk about Florida and doing the snowbird thing but I recently read where 1/3 of all convicted felons in the US reside in Florida, no CCW there would make even partial residency risky IMHO
What do you mean no CCW here? FL issues non-resident CCWs all the time to most states
The idea of moving strictly for a gun law change, personally it just wouldn't fly.

Assuming you have an enjoyable, well paying job, close family and friends in the area, and like the area otherwise, leaving everything for a better gun environment does not work for me.

While I enjoy guns and shooting, it is not the most important factor in my life.

I'm more or less in this camp.

I've lived in CA and AZ. Guns were not a determining factor in moving (setting up residency) any of the times I have.

The primary reason I defend the 2A and fight against stripping away that Right is because I'm Pro Constitution and see it as the path to marginalize the Bill of Rights as a whole.
When I was out of work I didn't even consider any of the slave states.

States in thrall to the anti-gun cult are invariably loathsome in a variety of additional ways.

Why on Earth would I give up a single right to live some place where I despise the people and their way of life? I would no more live in California or New Jersey than I'd live in North Korea or Iran.
I have to disagree with you on this one.
I despise the politics of many states and countries but there are good people everywhere.
My neighboring state of Illinois is a good example of bad politics and good people.
This is a really good thread. On the surface it seems like a simple enough question, but the responses show the wide range of opinions, circumstances and conditions that we all face and do so with reasonable discussion. As a Texan (migrated, not born) I too feel that "if Texas goes, there will be nowhere left", but am aware of the changing demographics of the State which will likely ultimately turn us purple if not blue in the long term, despite high Republican/Conservative/New Right turnout.

Very few of us can make decisions in a vacuum. There's family, friends, employment, history, all which bear on our decisions. Another reason I responded here is that my wife is retiring this year and I'll be looking at hanging it up in about 5 years. We're now looking in NE FL and SW GA for two reasons. One is family... hers is heavily around Brunswick, GA. Second is that (believe it or not) the Property Taxes where I live have become intolerable. And, their not going to go down as far as I can see... Now, for me, FL is more attractive at the moment than GA as I'm retired military and the installations in JAX are substantial. If FL were to pass an AWB and curtail the relatively recently won Concealed Carry and Self Defense laws, I'd rule it out. Same goes for GA. I'm not moving to a less free condition than I currently have. On the work side, I face the possibility of internal job opportunities that could involve MD. Simply put, I won't live in MD and unless I could live in a State with tolerable laws, would not take the role change.

I think that our intermediate to long term situation regarding many laws (not only firearms related) and our relationship to government is very up in the air. The mindsets of the two predominant political philosophies are too far apart to see one roll over for the other peacefully.

Jeff B.
When I was out of work I didn't even consider any of the slave states.

States in thrall to the anti-gun cult are invariably loathsome in a variety of additional ways.

Why on Earth would I give up a single right to live some place where I despise the people and their way of life? I would no more live in California or New Jersey than I'd live in North Korea or Iran.

Yup these "Move" threads bring out the best.:thumbdown:
Are there people suggesting to family and friends that don`t like guns to move to states like CA, NJ,NY or any other states that have very restrictive gun laws? Maybe a silly question?
If all gun owners simply moved everytime a state came up with an anti-gun law, there'd be a handful of states with awesome gun rights and the other 30-40 would be like England (or worse).

I'd wait at least one or two election cycles before trying to move. I doubt I'd ever find the perfect state (for me) anyways. I'm very left-wing on some issues, very right-wing on others, and right in the middle on the rest of them.
I'm with Deanimator on this one. Ask any anybody that has fled a communist state if they ever regretted it and would they move back to the communist state.
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I would move to a free state as quickly as I could find a new job in my field.

The problem with that is that for every state we lose we also lose the corresponding electoral votes. Which means we we eventually lose the Federal Government and they'll just pass national legislation to strip you of your rights.
I see youve fallen into the Dems mindset of divide and conquer.

Can I presume that when I move back to AZ (or some other state you approve of) that won't despise me and youll be my fairweather friend again?
If you want to live in a group home with its own taxes and police force, that's your business.

I have no duty to praise you for it.
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